Jaekus wrote:
But who determines whom is uninformed?
What measure do you go by here?
If a party really shouldn't be voted in, should they even be allowed to be a political party in the first place?
The level of someone's comprehension of the issues can usually be determined by how much they know about the person they are choosing to vote for and what ideas they have for solving a current problem.
Basically, if you can't logically explain the reasoning behind your vote, then you probably shouldn't vote until you educate yourself more. That's the sort of criteria I'm talking about.
Jaekus wrote:
People on the whole get it right IMO. Most people own televisions and watch a lot of it, or read the papers, or look up stuff online. It's pretty hard to avoid. There's enough information out there for people to have at least a passing knowldege of what the bigger parties are about, and from there they make a decison. It's the political party's responsibility to get their message out there, and they do it pretty well tbh.
I guess I just have a lot less faith in people in general than you do. Granted, I am very cynical.