

Make it more accurate20%20% - 58
Make it more powerful25%25% - 74
(above) both38%38% - 111
Leave it6%6% - 20
Making it more powerful will unbalance the game...6%6% - 20
N3rF IT!!1!!1%1% - 4
Total: 287
Just bring it back man. i have seen a mini gun hit a company of 12+ troops..... in 3 seconds..... they became ground sirlion, come one guys.... make it real? and maybe jus tlearn how to shoot down a black hawk... no fofence intended
before the patch BH was a point machine, every noob got 50+ points with it. and now you need some skill to hit, same as with the MEC chopper.

so plz do not complain, try to aim...
+163|6681|Odessa, Ukraine

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

Othermaps, the BHawk isn't as noticeable barring mashtuur, which is probably why everyone wanted it nerfed - not many could use it properly on Wake. The better solution would be to give USMC a no-gun BHawk on mashtuur instead of gimping something everyone loved to use, I don't know anyone who will deny it was fun getting in those days, but on the recieving end, so many whiners who refuse to take AT and down it...so they complain and EA nerfs it.
+ for this . But I want to add , that the reason why on public server noone took AT kit  to destroy BH on Mashtuur City was : you take AT and you are killed by enemy sniper > you take sniper kit and you are killed by BH . It was locked sicle . Thats why it was so annoying .

Last edited by Longbow (2006-04-30 08:19:33)

The first true Sniper.
+95|6678|Cumberland, MD, USA
I say power up all transport choppers. Beef up the miniguns, beef up the machine guns.
Pope Picard II

xaven wrote:

before the patch BH was a point machine, every noob got 50+ points with it. and now you need some skill to hit, same as with the MEC chopper.

so plz do not complain, try to aim...
Yes! It is clearly only a problem of skill. Everyone here is a skilless 50+ noob that can't aim anymore. It is clearly all our fault and we just need to spend more time practicing our aim. Thanks for pointing this out. Will you forgive us for being so ignorant of the facts??? Please...
Often skipped mashtuur back then when it was a killing machine. taking aim with AT was hard because the gunner saw when an AT person cam and started to gun at it, chance of survival was low. But then people always think the other people will take care of it and still keep going medic or another kit. Remember that engineer could repair it a lot faster before than now. Seen it takes 4 hits from AT kits and still able to fly and after a short while its full.

Now it takes some skill to kill with it. It still kill just that you need to aim a bit better.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,736|6772|Oxferd Ohire
they need to make it more powerful and accurate.  you used to be able to pwn all, now it is a peice of s***
+8|6683|Grand ol' Ohio
IMHO, the Blackhawk of old was part of the balance.  For everyone out there screaming it was WHEY 2 UBERLEET!!!11!. think about this:

Best Attack Helo : MEC (Havoc)
Best Jet : China (J-10)
Best Transport : None, they all suck (Used to be Blackhawk)

Air vehicles are a strange creature in BF2, since they are the only vehicles that have major differing stats from each other (i.e. tanks are identical except for skins).

Now of course, it totally dominated maps like Mashtuur because the only real instant threat to a Blackhawk was a tank.  But on the other hand, on maps like Wake, a J-10 can totally dominate if used correctly.  Same with the Havok on Sharqi.  I believe that they should restore the miniguns to their old status, HOWEVER, leave the Blackhawks lowered HP (and slower repair from inside?).  That way each team has a vehicle that exceeds the others.  This is as close to different strengths and weaknesses of certain armies as we have.

Last edited by bakeshow (2006-04-30 14:26:14)


bakeshow wrote:

IMHO, the Blackhawk of old was part of the balance.  For everyone out there screaming it was WHEY 2 UBERLEET!!!11!. think about this:

Best Attack Helo : MEC (Havoc)
Best Jet : China (J-10)
Best Transport : None, they all suck (Used to be Blackhawk)

Air vehicles are a strange creature in BF2, since they are the only vehicles that have major differing stats from each other (i.e. tanks are identical except for skins).

Now of course, it totally dominated maps like Mashtuur because the only real instant threat to a Blackhawk was a tank.  But on the other hand, on maps like Wake, a J-10 can totally dominate if used correctly.  Same with the Havok on Sharqi.  I believe that they should restore the miniguns to their old status, HOWEVER, leave the Blackhawks lowered HP (and slower repair from inside?).  That way each team has a vehicle that exceeds the others.  This is as close to different strengths and weaknesses of certain armies as we have.
Well I actually consider the Type 98 better than the M1A2 and the T-90 better than the Type 98. The smaller the tank, the harder the weak spots are to hit, and the more manueverable. When I'm in the T-90 it takes a REALLY GOOD M1A2 pilot to beat me. But this is besides the point.

Just reset the miniguns to 1.12 and buff the other transport choppers guns to do more damage and a little more splash, that should make it about even on Mashtuur, which is what everyone is so worried about.
Username II
lol@mosquito comment.

The blackhawk used to be fun. Now it is as fun as a transport. Wooo, transport...why am I playing this again?
I agree that the other helicopters should be equal to the blackhawk. That way there's fun no matter which team you are on. And if you just want to play infantry? Stick near AA...in fact, might as well put AA vehicles in maps with the helicopters.

I have to say that playing with vehicles is one of the main reasons this game is unique.

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

xaven wrote:

before the patch BH was a point machine, every noob got 50+ points with it. and now you need some skill to hit, same as with the MEC chopper.

so plz do not complain, try to aim...
Yes! It is clearly only a problem of skill. Everyone here is a skilless 50+ noob that can't aim anymore. It is clearly all our fault and we just need to spend more time practicing our aim. Thanks for pointing this out. Will you forgive us for being so ignorant of the facts??? Please...
I noticed your irony. but all you have to do is: lower your sensitivity and you will hit again with the BH. No problem at all, isnt it?

bakeshow wrote:

IMHO, the Blackhawk of old was part of the balance.  For everyone out there screaming it was WHEY 2 UBERLEET!!!11!. think about this:

Best Attack Helo : MEC (Havoc)
Best Jet : China (J-10)
Best Transport : None, they all suck (Used to be Blackhawk)
indeed, but you have to point it out map specific. which map is inbalanced without a powerful BH?

xaven wrote:

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

xaven wrote:

before the patch BH was a point machine, every noob got 50+ points with it. and now you need some skill to hit, same as with the MEC chopper.

so plz do not complain, try to aim...
Yes! It is clearly only a problem of skill. Everyone here is a skilless 50+ noob that can't aim anymore. It is clearly all our fault and we just need to spend more time practicing our aim. Thanks for pointing this out. Will you forgive us for being so ignorant of the facts??? Please...
I noticed your irony. but all you have to do is: lower your sensitivity and you will hit again with the BH. No problem at all, isnt it?
It really isn't quite that simple. Tell me, when was the last time you used a Blackhawk and got more than 10 kills in a round? When was the last time you used a Blackhawk and got more than 2 kills before the gun overheated? And honestly, how many times have you used the Blackhawk since the 1.2 patch and overheated the gun without killing anything at all?

It isn't an issue of skill. It isn't an issue of mouse sensitivity. The simple fact is that the guns in the pre-1.2 blackhawk were good because of the splash damage, because you could hit infantry while on the move, because you didn't have to sit in one place and hover to give the AVERAGE player a chance to hit someone. Even people with really good aim will honestly say that hitting and killing something in a moving Blackhawk has become very hard, sometimes impossible unless you have a very good pilot.

And regardless, even if you had someone with perfect aim, who knew how to lead the mini-guns perfectly, and could actually hit people often, the Blackhawk wouldn't be NEARLY as powerful or fun to use as it used to be.

I honestly don't know why the guns were nerfed in lieu of the change to hitpoints on aircraft. A vodnik can take down a Blackhawk in no time, especially after the 1.2 patch... you don't need to switch to an AT kit, just get in anything with a .50 mounted MG, and the Blackhawk is as good as dead. The old Blackhawk might have a chance to defend itself against a Vodnik if the gunner was given a shot in time, the new Blackhawk is as good as dead if you can't quickly get out of the Vodnik's LOS.

As far as I'm concerned, once they changed the hitpoints on the Blackhawk, the balance became a non-issue. Nerfing the guns was simply overkill.

Torin wrote:

Tell me, when was the last time you used a Blackhawk and got more than 10 kills in a round? When was the last time you used a Blackhawk and got more than 2 kills before the gun overheated? And honestly, how many times have you used the Blackhawk since the 1.2 patch and overheated the gun without killing anything at all?
Yesterday. And overheating the guns means: You pull the mouse button down and let it down. Instead you should use short bursts. (OMG, I'm explaining how to use a BH )

Torin wrote:

And regardless, even if you had someone with perfect aim, who knew how to lead the mini-guns perfectly, and could actually hit people often, the Blackhawk wouldn't be NEARLY as powerful or fun to use as it used to be.
but where is the counterpart to a powerful blackhawk? I can understand your pain that it isnt that easy to get endless kills anymore as USMC, but where was the fun for the other side? Did you ever take a Mi to have fun?

Torin wrote:

I honestly don't know why the guns were nerfed in lieu of the change to hitpoints on aircraft. A vodnik can take down a Blackhawk in no time, especially after the 1.2 patch... you don't need to switch to an AT kit, just get in anything with a .50 mounted MG, and the Blackhawk is as good as dead. The old Blackhawk might have a chance to defend itself against a Vodnik if the gunner was given a shot in time, the new Blackhawk is as good as dead if you can't quickly get out of the Vodnik's LOS.
remember, it's still a transport chopper. Imagine a HMMV with double fire frequency/accuracy against a normal vodnik.

Torin wrote:

As far as I'm concerned, once they changed the hitpoints on the Blackhawk, the balance became a non-issue. Nerfing the guns was simply overkill.
they changed the hitpoints on every chopper...
...from the internet
remember how much fun mashtuur used to be with the blackhawk...ah man the memories.lol
+3|6758|Aalborg, Denmark

Longbow wrote:

engineer wrote:

its overpowered in real life so why not in BF2?
Ever heared about balance ?
Speaking about "real-life" , why , for exapmple , SVD doesn't have 95 damage while fireing same caliber (7.62)  ammo with M24 and L96A1 ? BALANCE .
i dont care with balance... i said realismn... and who was speaking of the SVD? i wihs it to have 95 to
roger smith
what a noob thread with a bunch of noob votes.  the blackhawk is a transport helicopter, its not supposed to defeat a whole team and frankly, with a good pilot and gunner, it still slaughters.
2142 Soldier: Behenaut
Wow this thread got put in the Wiki, thanks to that. Either way i think we should bring power back to miniguns, its not a transport helly if it cant defend itself; most of the time it goes out it never comes back to base only if it spawns there. It needs an offensive defence if raising hitpoints is to much.
I think they should bring the old mini guns back and then replace the ones on the MEC transport w/ the exact same guns that are on the Blackhawk.  Basically evening up the helicoptors (except for speed & performance)..

My $.02 

2142 Soldier: Behenaut
maybe just make it equal firepower whilst keeping the same mec/china models?

Sad but true. The minigun is THE MOST WORTHLESS GUN IN THE WHOLE GAME now. All it does is make noise and draw attention to you.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
+6|6795|San Jose,CA
In reality a minigun is a lead throwing machine, but the BF2 blackhawk minigun is an opposition targeting device. Its like trying to thread the button hole on a fatigue jacket now, while the jacket contents are taking their time to zero in.
Yes it is a transport, but a transport without the ability to deliver defensive and suppressive fire is a flying coffin. APC's are transports as well, should every cannon round have a deviation point as well?
As to the MEC choppers, at least you have a chance of survival with the heavier armour and their gun should be enhanced as well. It is a heavier caliber and should have the damage accorded the caliber.
A little more power and a little less accuracy would be an effective balance.
for me its a little accurate for me all we need is some power

Tyferra wrote:

I say put it back to how it was.
Bullshit,the way it was was way too powerful.

On Dragon Valley I could shoot across the whole map and killed enemies I couldn't even see.
On Mashtuur a whole team just kept circling and if the gunner would hit the ground 3 meters next to you it would kill you.

Way too much splash damage!

But it definitely needs some fixing,nowadays it's hard to get hit with it at all,but that's probably because no one really tries to adapt to the gun.Just like in a FAV it actually takes skill to hit something with the .50cal.

They should make it so it kills somebody in 1-2 hits,but no friggin' 5meter splash damage radius,it's a miniGUN,not a miniGRENADELAUNCHER!!

fotrsaken wrote:

for me its a little accurate for me all we need is some power

Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2006-08-05 08:52:24)

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