for all of the people out there who are bad like myself, and actually dont complain about the game as well...

why do people say we suck becuz we have an actual life... lmao i actually like the fact that i brought this up, i have a life, if you dedicate it to a game to make yourself look good over the internet, lol who really cares? dont say i suck due to me having a life and you not lmao
You're complaining about your stats?
+34|6651|Orange County, California
he's sad cause he sux0rs? AAHHA pwnt.

I only have 400 hours into bf2

Last edited by Homie22 (2006-05-03 21:35:43)

Got His War On
+37|6813|Golden, CO
People who mock your stats take the game too seriously.  Honestly, you can just ignore them.
well, his stats arnt that bad for a gunnery sergent, hell i know alot of people that have like 6 ribbons and dont have all the badges. It not like the badges help you but it shows that you can be good with any class (unless you idle) i personaly would view a person better if they had good stats, opposed to a person with bad ones.
Moderator Emeritus
+236|6845|Portland, OR, USA

[BS]_Bone_ wrote:

why do people say we suck becuz we have an actual life... lmao i actually like the fact that i brought this up, i have a life, if you dedicate it to a game to make yourself look good over the internet, lol who really cares? dont say i suck due to me having a life and you not lmao
What does having a life have to do with sucking when you play?

When I look at someone's stats, I don't look at their global score or their playtime, I look at their KDR (your's is less than 1:1) and their SPM (that is low for you as well).
Nade Spammers Must Die
okay faggot having a life and s having skill at the same time is quite possible even if you can't fucking do it. I have played 540 hours but also have a great life in yr 11 picking up chicks going out getting drunk playing soccer and doing reasonably well in school. So just because someone is good don't judge them you low life jealous prick. I just wanna punch your kind of poeple but lucky for you you hiding behind a computer.

FriiginChomper wrote:

well, his stats arnt that bad for a gunnery sergent, hell i know alot of people that have like 6 ribbons and dont have all the badges. It not like the badges help you but it shows that you can be good with any class (unless you idle) i personaly would view a person better if they had good stats, opposed to a person with bad ones.
i dont think that getting badges means your good with that class. it just means people like how shiny the badges look. like for me, i could care less if i dont get all veterans or expert. i just wanted to get all basics and thats it for me. if i get veteran or expert so be it but its not something i shoot for when im playing. i would rather enjoy the game and have fun instead of trying to stress out to get some expert badge where you have to get like 400 hours or something and your bored as hell trying to get it. like for me i dont like to command cause its not my style. i would rather be in the middle of the fire fight right on the front line. and i love assault so ill probably be playing that more than any other kit. i play with a clan so we always have someone who likes medic and someone else who likes support and so on. so to me i rather play for the fun of it instead of trying to worry about gettings certain kills or hours to get a certain type of badge. but thats just me

ps. if and i mean IF i ever do get to colonel, ill probably be the only one who will still have at least 8 basic badges

Last edited by Souljah (2006-05-04 00:56:14)

i dont agree at all, im not a serious person, i play an hour here and there, i work from 8am till about 7pm, i spend most of my time with my wife and every now and then i play, but playing little dont do anything, if ur good ur good, if ur crap ur crap, simple as that, ppl say ur crap cause ur crap not cause u play less, i play an hour here and there and i regulary appear at the top 3, my goal is to get all the ribbons and badges and i am almost there, im a good player and i know that cause i always kill more than die, which is the main importance in this game not points so not playing much has nothing to do with it, i have a mad life, job, wife, kids, family, wedding plans for my sister, andschool, its crazy but i still do very good on the game.

Support fanatic :-)

[BS]_Bone_ wrote:

for all of the people out there who are bad like myself, and actually dont complain about the game as well...

why do people say we suck becuz we have an actual life... lmao i actually like the fact that i brought this up, i have a life, if you dedicate it to a game to make yourself look good over the internet, lol who really cares? dont say i suck due to me having a life and you not lmao
Hm ... how come you have to post it on the net that you actually have a life ? Dont you have any friends u can tell it to ?

Just made me wonder a tad ;-)

Last edited by Varegg (2006-05-04 01:12:11)

Wait behind the line ..............................................................

(*Cusa*)craig wrote:

i dont agree at all, im not a serious person, i play an hour here and there, i work from 8am till about 7pm, i spend most of my time with my wife and every now and then i play, but playing little dont do anything, if ur good ur good, if ur crap ur crap, simple as that, ppl say ur crap cause ur crap not cause u play less, i play an hour here and there and i regulary appear at the top 3, my goal is to get all the ribbons and badges and i am almost there, im a good player and i know that cause i always kill more than die, which is the main importance in this game not points so not playing much has nothing to do with it, i have a mad life, job, wife, kids, family, wedding plans for my sister, andschool, its crazy but i still do very good on the game.
i respect people who have lives like yourself... i dont respect people who assume your supposed to be good

if your good at the game fine, (this isn't directed to any1 particular) but if i am not good dont wreck my time having fun... people complain a lot, just play the game i dont care if you suck or i suck, it is a game, if you C4 buggy or spawn camp, you good people should be able to kill us

and 1.6-1.7 SPM, i am actually quite happy with that, the average for most players that i have looked at is 1.8-2.2 so i am below the average player, dont see me bitching, it is just that i got -12 karma becuz a guy said that i had a shitty KD ratio (i do dont get me wrong, but .97 ain't all bad) and that i shouldn't be able to post a topic

edit - kd ratio thingy made a happy face

Last edited by [BS]_Bone_ (2006-05-04 06:29:22)

+13|6610|Austin , TX
Hey at least you dont have a .85 kd ratio like me    too much time trying to learn to fly in servers and not enough time practicing. Oh well. Im sure if the thousand or so spawn dealt deaths i have received where not on my score id be a "GOOD" player.......
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Varegg wrote:

Hm ... how come you have to post it on the net that you actually have a life ? Dont you have any friends u can tell it to ?

Just made me wonder a tad ;-)
+191|6666|The Netherlands
my stats are quite good i need only 77 wins and then i can get war college ribbon and then i will have all bf2 vanilla ribbons(except the north america ribbon) and i need the team ribbons of the sf (only insu rebel us and mec sf) and then i can focus on the medals
+917|6657|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

deject wrote:

People who mock your stats take the game too seriously.  Honestly, you can just ignore them.
Exactly dude. +1 to you.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
You think you have it bad, I suck and still don't have a life Although I would improve my stats if I didn't keep getting disconnected every 10 min. But like someone said before, anyone who makes fun of you for being bad must have their own issues in real life. Even though I've played this game since its release, players sometimes call me "noob" or "newb" or whatever. I just tell them that I think anyone who uses terms like that is a complete NERD. (which I really do think so)
Raiders of the Lost Bear

niekjejeje wrote:

my stats are quite good i need only 77 wins and then i can get war college ribbon and then i will have all bf2 vanilla ribbons(except the north america ribbon) and i need the team ribbons of the sf (only insu rebel us and mec sf) and then i can focus on the medals
*sigh* i wish i went award crazy earlier. Try going for the WCR when you're already 500 hours into the game and 600/600.

370 more wins

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