
Don't think its on normal uk tv.ig wrote:
watch this game u homojord wrote:
Might watch seven pounds.
huh? lol11 Bravo wrote:
how are we owned? this account email addy isnt even monitored. i just used it to sign up.
oh i thought finray did that subscribe thing in that link...guess it was something differentig wrote:
the fuck are u talking about
huh? lolliquidat0r wrote:
huh? lol11 Bravo wrote:
how are we owned? this account email addy isnt even monitored. i just used it to sign up.
oh ok.....liquidat0r wrote:
Just look at the url before you click it, you fool.
scuze me but finrays link looks legit to me.liquidat0r wrote:
common sense
nah just wont click on anything. simple.liquidat0r wrote:
When you hover over a link the place it's taking you to appears in the bottom left hand corner. Or elsewhere, depending on your browser. So if you were fooled by Finray's and then weren't sure about mine, you could have seen where it was taking you to before you clicked it. It's not hard.
SamTheMan wrote:
what the fuck? open my thread
Last edited by SamTheMan (2010-08-15 09:58:30)