+13|6611|Austin , TX
OK guys everyone thinks they are the best...this we all understand....has anyone out there had really good nights with nice people who work like a team? most of us have to deal with 5 guys on the pad or deck of carrier hoping to get your chance to show em all.....has anyone ever thought to try an take turns? you know being nice....maybe teamwork a lil bit...Last night I had a guy talking shit, well next round i decide screw it let him fly and we ended up doing really well, he even joined my squad an we talked and used our communications to ..ya know.. kill stuff!!   iono  seems like all the lone wolfing peeps do often hurts your team.. maybe if we all start trying to play with the TEAM in mind the game would ya know be fun.......
Welcome to BF2.

Nobody* uses teamwork. Nobody communicates. When you try to communicate, you are ignored.

The point of BF2, for most that did not recieve the "limited edition" BF2 (it has more maps - not just Karkand, Oman, and Sharqi), is to rack up the highest score and get the highest rank. Possibly the most medals too.

The fact that there is even a game where two sides compete to win? Pointless. Who cares about winning a game, or using teamwork, when there are points to get?
+13|6611|Austin , TX
its a sad world we live in
+306|6707|Austin, TX

BF2s Saturday Night BF2 is prob where you are going to find the most teamwork in a server.
Im Ron Burgundy?
if you want teamwork, join a clan, thats when real bf2 playing gets done, also, find a public vent of a server, join it, and play thorugh that, VOIP is so unreliable... another thing, if u join a server, either make or join a squad called "Mic's ONLY" that usualy gets people who want to work together.
+13|6611|Austin , TX
Well then sir, I shall surely join y'all for a bit of fun!  Oh wait its duk0r DAMN YOU DUK0R!!! Muahaha
I like to fly, but if I see someone on the pad before me I let them have the plane/chopper. Sometimes it pays of and they do the same when they see me ther first. If not I get a lot of TK's.
+13|6611|Austin , TX
Yeah,  I got angry with a guy who repeatedly shot me down last night. In return first time i was gunner he got turned into swiss cheese       Normally i wouldn't but hey tk'n is rude! Revenge is SWEET!
conversation is combat
I always experience good teamwork. Keep switching until you find a squad who does so (or at elast has voip).

Be nice to people, be patient and save their life a few times, they'll eventually look after you.

[RSN]FSK.nor wrote:

I like to fly, but if I see someone on the pad before me I let them have the plane/chopper. Sometimes it pays of and they do the same when they see me ther first. If not I get a lot of TK's.
I do this.  I usually fly with the same person as we always always use VoIP but if we get shot down and re-spawn to find someone waiting on the pad, one of us gives up a seat depending on whether or not the guy prefers to fly or gun.

The reality is that becasue they dont use VoIP (god forbid anyone should talk !!) and therefore can't communicate with the pilot/gunner effectively, they get shot down within 30 seconds most times.  Trouble is, they respawn and expect to just get straight back in...Just love that.

If you do want to play on a server where teamwork is actively encouraged, swing by BaggedandTagged sometime.  Details on my signature...
i hate when you have thoose n00b pilot corporals and what not with very little if any flying experience waiting on the pad, im not worried i always get in, but most of the time my gunner i wanted to fly didn't and we're both using vent. getting in the chopper doesn't equal big score and kills, being a good crewmember does, comm is critical. I usualy can go play a round get at least 60 points 45 of which are team points with my buddy gunning and constantly communicating, if you suck then your gonna die alot get no points and hurt your team.

I've had many many games where we trade off turns in a choppa. Some people will even wait for me to fly for them. I love to have a gunner and be a gunner. Sometimes I'll go land next to someone and yell "get in". Seems to make people want to fly with you if you're considerate and offer to let them pilot next time.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
+190|6665|Home of the Escalade Herds
I dont really do the turn thing unless the other guy is better then me (never happened, not being egotistical, honest). If someone else gets the chopper i just go do something else for the team (or steal the enemy chopper).
Raiders of the Lost Bear

I HAVE given up my seat before, but only to proven PROVEN people.
+13|6611|Austin , TX
I like to share as well and take turns but it sucks when you take turns an they dont let you try again Happened last night to me. My gunner killed about 20 people in our first go then complained when we got shot down and told me to let the other pilot in our squad to take a turn but never asked if i would like another turn. Consequently they got shot down a lot. Meanwhile i went around capped all the flags right after they had been taken, and scored 50 team points finally getting my Legion of Merit Ribbon. w00t!
No 1 Gooner
coopj Dependant
When chopper whoring with a stranger,i always have a go then stand back and type"you go" and peeps nearly always respond well! guess its good to take turns! on the comms side of things,its funny,when i first got the game,i was really shy but now i like a chat but i spose you have respect that some dont but i do wonder why bother joining my squad then ignoring me! the other day i was in a squad with my uncle and this guy joins and was being all silent bob on me and i said to my uncle that i thought that the new james bond looked like a middle aged man with a drink problem and he laughed and then we couldnt shut him up lol! he turned out be really funny and i will certainly squad up with him again! you do meet good people sometimes! and thats all i have to say! fuck me thats a looooong  post!! my fingers are hurting and all sorts!!lol

Last edited by No 1 Gooner (2006-05-08 14:39:00)

"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !

sursparxalot wrote:

I'm the best. I don't share. I tend to teamkill. I'll put you out of bounds. I don't use teamwork with anyone that isn't in my locked squad. Maybe if I know you I'll steal the other team's chopper for you. Leave me and the gunner I choose alone.

^ A Pilot's Creed.

When I'm not crashing or being shot down, I'm probably one of the best pilots in the game. Maybe even in my whole squad.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
You see, flying a chopper is the best way I can help my team.  It's even better if people spot armor, cause when blinking red armor shows up on my mini-map, it promptly disappears

Now, letting an inexperienced pilot fly when the chips are down... that's not good for the team.

Not saying I don't like to gun once in a while.  And if I notice that other ppl wanna fly, I'll pursue other things after a couple go's.  Especially if it's obvious that they're friends, and want to fly/gun together.  Cause I know what that's like.
Only time you are ever gunna get teamwork and "Turns" in a helicopter is when you are playing in a clanmatch.

But hey, don't suck at flying and don't die, then this will never happen. This pick was back in the day, when i learned how to stay up in the air, notice my deaths and my copilots deaths.
+13|6611|Austin , TX
Nice i think one of my best rounds my gunner scored about 200 something points and killed over a 100 people, we probly got shot down once. He got his nice kill streak that day! Im getting better everyday and getting shot down less once again i had a great time SHARING last night!! woot!! i <3 choppers!

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