erm complaining about unlocks affecting the 'balance and gameplay' of a game, when i myself dont use the unlocks (i.e. no hypocrisy)
completely dissing a game and writing it off from the launch-trailer through to the current day; constantly calling out the publishing team, game-developers, company CEO, PR departments etc. as wholly incompetent; attributing the game franchise and game company part of the blame and identifying them as the cause of the 'decline of pc gaming'; trolling and complaining about the game, or otherwise generally putting the game down and continually emphasizing how shit it is in the forums; teasing other forum members and other gamers in general that do play it; having a widespread and well-known contempt for the whole game, everything it stands for, and all those who play it.... and then continuing to play it for 3 hours a night, anyway, with about 3-4 other fucking similar egregious massive hypocrites from these forums.
me complaining about tf2 is borne ultimately from a love for the game in its early phases, and a massive hardcore following of the original. you bitching about MW1/MW2 is something that is deeply set, principled and diametrically opposed to the games as a WHOLE- or in general terms, at least. i complain about things in tf2 that i dislike, but i never ever slate the game or put it in the terms that you guys so often do with MW2.
the fact that THAT is your counter is so so funny. no wonder i didn't see what you were getting at. you don't even have a fucking point.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.