whats this?
nice one
ye, nice avvy m8

Crap, time for new shoes.
Mine are like that on both feet Camdongs, too much playing football in them/general use.
I don't wanna spend more money on trainers lol
I don't wanna spend more money on trainers lol
I have 4 pairs of trainers
Yeah I've worn them pretty much every day for 8 monthsSurgeons wrote:
Mine are like that on both feet Camdongs, too much playing football in them/general use.
I don't wanna spend more money on trainers lol
yeah I've got a pair of Adidas Goodyears for running, and a pair of cheap plimsoles for knocking aboutliquidat0r wrote:
I have 4 pairs of trainers
I bought mine from America when I went last summer, wore they every single time I left the house apart from when going to clubs/functions that trainers wouldn't be appropriate.
I've got 2 pairs of astros, a pair of boots but only one pair of trainers
I've got 2 pairs of astros, a pair of boots but only one pair of trainers
Yeah I need new ones for college.
get converse's i hear they're cool with 15-16 year olds nowadays
you'll be able to chum it up with your classmates better then, camm
you'll be able to chum it up with your classmates better then, camm
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

No grip on the soles
jesus christ you pikey it doesn't look like they cost more than 50 bucks in the first place
get some new footwear once every 6 months. for your own feet's health and wellbeing, if anything. hygiene. basics. jesus.
get some new footwear once every 6 months. for your own feet's health and wellbeing, if anything. hygiene. basics. jesus.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Trainers were the least of my worries, you know how it is, save your money for the pub/food.
I'm gonna buy some soon though.
I'm gonna buy some soon though.
i dont know how it is, no. when my shoes are falling apart i get some new ones, pronto. a few pints down the pub and a night-out, or some new shoes you'll wear every day for 3 months: adding to your fashion/image, making your every-day walking comfier... and generally giving you something for your money instead of a black-shit and a bit of vomit the next morning. no contest.
Last edited by Uzique (2010-08-13 08:56:13)
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Yeah I'd go for the black shit and vomit too.
Which is why I'm going to spend money on trainers, and not bother drinking.Uzique wrote:
i dont know how it is, no. when my shoes are falling apart i get some new ones, pronto. a few pints down the pub and a night-out, or some new shoes you'll wear every day for 3 months: adding to your fashion/image, making your every-day walking comfier... and generally giving you something for your money instead of a black-shit and a bit of vomit the next morning. no contest.
Also got a holiday to pay for.
I'd sell a kidney for beer.
I'd sell a kidney for beer.
After the hangover I had on Wednesday I highly doubt I'll be drinking much again this year.Surgeons wrote:
I'd sell a kidney for beer.
Go to the US and you can fap for a beer. Sperm bank pays.Surgeons wrote:
I'd sell a kidney for beer.
all im saying is i coulda been dressed to impress like patrick bateman if i hadnt pissed away a few thou on partying
which is fun, but a massive waste of money. i could have something to show for all that money, but no
which is fun, but a massive waste of money. i could have something to show for all that money, but no
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Yeah I pissed £7,000 away in 9 months, gutted to think I could have had a license, awsm computer, and probably be driving a nice BMW nowUzique wrote:
all im saying is i coulda been dressed to impress like patrick bateman if i hadnt pissed away a few thou on partying
which is fun, but a massive waste of money. i could have something to show for all that money, but no
I think you might need a bit more than £7000 to do that ...