+605|6866|San Diego, CA, USA
Its not surprising to see China recently overtook Japan as the second largest economy in the world; at this rate China will ellipse the United States in 2025.

From China's investments you'll see that they are becoming an Economic powerhouse and are already using their talons to manipulate other countries:


Source: http://www.heritage.org/research/report … ker%202010

And then what?
eleven bravo
+1,399|5577|foggy bottom
Thankyou Richard Nixon!
Tu Stultus Es
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS

(but not really)
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5676|London, England
Stick to your social conservatism Harmor, economics isn't your thing.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
itt white people scared of asians being in charge

Thread needs a theme song, valid or not.

+605|6866|San Diego, CA, USA
Ooo... I feel like playing a couple rounds of Wake Island all of a sudden!
Little BaBy JESUS
Some figures about China are somewhat misleading though. For example; take a $300 iPod. Apple is based in the US, the iPod is designed in the US and parts are taken from many countries (US, Japan, Taiwan etc) and then assembled in China. Therefore, China gets credited with a $300 export, when really it only contributed around $3 in construction and only $3 is effectively contributing to the Chinese economy. Also, China has many massive internal problems that if not addressed will cripple the country.

(btw I make no claim of being all that knowledgeable in the area of economics. This is based on an interesting article I read)

...as NETWORK understands it.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

Harmor wrote:

From China's investments you'll see that they are becoming an Economic powerhouse and are already using their talons to manipulate other countries.
Yeah, only white Americans should be allowed to do that.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2010-08-09 23:26:00)

Fuck Israel
China still has a billion people to feed and a shitload of problems to fix (especially in regards to the environment and corruption...)
+721|6898|the dank(super) side of Oregon

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

...as NETWORK understands it.
Immane and desultorily are not often used words.  It would be funnier if it weren't all so true.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

Reciprocity wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

...as NETWORK understands it.
Immane and desultorily are not often used words.  It would be funnier if it weren't all so true.
Those are words?
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

...as NETWORK understands it.
Immane and desultorily are not often used words.  It would be funnier if it weren't all so true.
Those are words?
~~~Never heard them used colloquially, at least not by my generation. As I recall, public school stopped focusing on vocabulary after gradeschool. Network came out in the mid-70's, so perhaps the middle-aged/old guys then were showing off their towering vocabularies...or the movie was just being cute.
+721|6898|the dank(super) side of Oregon
I'm not trying to shit on China but as long as their education system utterly rejects creativity and imagination, in favor of rote learning, they will never be innovators, they will never be leaders of industries, they'll just make stuff.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Don't worry, innovation is Part 2.
Innovation can be taught http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRIZ

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2010-08-09 23:57:03)

Fuck Israel

Reciprocity wrote:

I'm not trying to shit on China but as long as their education system utterly rejects creativity and imagination, in favor of rote learning, they will never be innovators, they will never be leaders of industries, they'll just make stuff.
I nearly choked on a pretzel. US education just wants kids to pass state tests to make the districts look good. The only creativity we get taught is with Elmer's Glue and sparkles, unless you count all the mandatory group-think projects where all the load gets foisted off onto one individual per cluster.
+721|6898|the dank(super) side of Oregon
I'm talking about things like art classes, metal and wood fabrication classes, creative writing classes.  The US system may not be the best, but we don't utterly focus on rote learning as they do.

[Agreed, but] things like drama, art, shop and music have been getting axed pretty heavily. Sports is about the only extra-curricular activity the districts really care about.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

I'm not trying to shit on China but as long as their education system utterly rejects creativity and imagination, in favor of rote learning, they will never be innovators, they will never be leaders of industries, they'll just make stuff.
I nearly choked on a pretzel. US education just wants kids to pass state tests to make the districts look good. The only creativity we get taught is with Elmer's Glue and sparkles, unless you count all the mandatory group-think projects where all the load gets foisted off onto one individual per cluster.
US right now is just copy pastaing the chinese system. But at least in US schools you got research essays and shit and you got classes you can choose from. Chinese school is just... GET 100% ON TEST OR YOU WILL FAIL IN LIFE AND LIVE ON STREET.

Reciprocity wrote:

I'm not trying to shit on China but as long as their education system utterly rejects creativity and imagination, in favor of rote learning, they will never be innovators, they will never be leaders of industries, they'll just make stuff.
Nevermind that many of the classical musicians and composers are coming from Asia these days...

Have you ever been to any of the tech bazaars in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, etc.?  They have done to tech that will never see the light of day in the US.  All the "innovations" that we are now seeing in the US have been common place for some time now in most of Asia.
Since day One.
I like the PLA loading theme

Ilocano wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

I'm not trying to shit on China but as long as their education system utterly rejects creativity and imagination, in favor of rote learning, they will never be innovators, they will never be leaders of industries, they'll just make stuff.
Nevermind that many of the classical musicians and composers are coming from Asia these days...
Not that hard when every single asian paretn makes their kid learn the piano/violin at the age of 2 and expect them to start being professional at 13.
Support fanatic :-)

China's economy is rising yes and for those that didn't sleep in class you will recognize the same signals as what caused the recent crash in the US economy ...

China's economy expands at a furious rate and the only thing that keeps it going is continued expansion (should ring a bell), the longer it does this the harder it will fall ... one quite simple alarm that should have sounded already is that they construct buildings and homes at a higher rate than what's needed, when that bubble burst it will get ugly ... globally ...

If it survives to the end of the year I will be surprised ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................

Varegg wrote:

China's economy is rising yes and for those that didn't sleep in class you will recognize the same signals as what caused the recent crash in the US economy ...

China's economy expands at a furious rate and the only thing that keeps it going is continued expansion (should ring a bell), the longer it does this the harder it will fall ... one quite simple alarm that should have sounded already is that they construct buildings and homes at a higher rate than what's needed, when that bubble burst it will get ugly ... globally ...

If it survives to the end of the year I will be surprised ...
China can expand so well because they have a LOT OF SHIT to build up. A lot of people are still living in utter shit. China will definitely have to deal with an economic recession in the future as well... like most other advanced economies.

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