Who am I? Who... Am I? Who Am... I?JohnG@lt wrote:
Too much out of the economy? They make too much money? Who the fuck are you to decide something as arbitrary as that? What would you like the jobs to be replaced by? Factory union jobs? Jesus Fucking Christ, stop watching MSNBC, it's turned you into a moron.Diesel_dyk wrote:
IMO they're a parasite. Their services may be necessary to a certain extent, but they are taking too much out of the economy.JohnG@lt wrote:
They provide a service, which is just as real in terms of wealth creation as building a car or writing a play.
Anyway, there is something seriously wrong with that industry, any other service would suffer in an ailing economy. If the economy is bad, then people cut back, and people in the service industry get hurt, but by all indication these guys are rebounding like a rubber super ball. its ridiculous.
The problem is that these guys are talked about as if they were "the economy" and policy is being set as if that were true. IMO if the economy does not recover (and its not going to for another 4 years) and the gravy train of tax money going to these guys dries up, or the fed rate is forced up, then we will see this financial bubble pop and then they can all join us in the real world.
long story short, the talk of double dip is all spin about them. The rest of us are still in the decline.
Why I'm the scab picker of course
Sounds like someone wants on to the parsite gravy train bad.
first of all you should know that some jobs just shouldn't exist in the first place, like telemarketers or doctors working as health insurance claims adjusters, and for sure some 20 something pukes shouldn't be able to step into a middle man position pushing paper for a million dollars plus a year. Something is seriously wrong when a useless twat takes that much money out of the economy doing nothing. They aren't creative artists anymore than an annoying mosquitoe. The growth in that industry takes money from some where else in the economy, shuffles it around and calls it a profit. And a sure sign of that zero sum game is that with the economy failing, they are still able to pull money out of the economy to maintain their profits. That means that they have become divorced from the real economy.
I'm sure that you know that the organism in nature that flourishes at the expense of the host is a parasite and if you're a cog in a parasite then that makes you a parasite too. If the financial industry were a operating as a necessary organ of the economy, then when the body is sick, they would be suffering too. Yes, IMO they are taking too much out of the economy.
BTW I don't watch MSNBC, I look at reality and make my own conclusions. I'm sure if I worked down on wall street or lived within stones throw of there that I would have a completely different world view because I am more of merc than an idealist. I can spin both ways and I recognize spin when I see it and right now I see the double dip talk as pro financial industry spin.