What the hell! This is an outrage! Chuy's stiffing you by just giving you a sauna. Tell him it's your right to a hot tub, pool, and various body lotions as well on monday. Hmph. Abuse.Varegg wrote:
The more we "interact" the more we are united around a shared philosophy of moderating, at least that's what Chuy instructed me to do when I entered his prison team ... so we have different things we do on different days of the week ...pace51 wrote:
Aren't mods not supposed to have strong feelings for each other, to ensure that they hand out justice fairly? My scandal sense is tingling...DonFck wrote:
I was thinking the exact same thing, you know.
Monday: Moderator Sauna
Tuesday: Sexorgy
Wednesday: Playing strip poker
Thursday: Full body shaving
Friday: Bodypainting eachother
Saturday: Sexorgy
Sunday: Chuy recites from the works of Marqi De Sade and then we have a big orgy that includes different vegetables, sugar cubes and various other gadgets.
At least I feel I moderate better on Thursday evenings
This will be probably hang around for a while until we get enough. I realise it's not something that can be started fast, so take your time with your entries
I just turned mine into fflink...Come on punks!!! Think you can beat me???
So we have 2 entries in 3 days.
Coming along quite nicely.
Coming along quite nicely.
Get to it then...
I'll post my entry tomorrow.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
How many ppl have entered the comp so far? might post my entry tomorrow.. if i dare
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
Only two so far
It's not gonna start for a while, I'm guessing.
It's not gonna start for a while, I'm guessing.
so submit your pics, fags not going to send mine untill there's enough ppl in this.
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
Why don't you just send it to fflink to get it submitted? That's what I did. Nobody can see them unless the competition is a go. Come on guys!!
I think they are scared to get beat by girls...
I think they are scared to get beat by girls...
well lets just say that if the comp doesn't get started i might be a bit embarrassed because of the fact that fflink has seen the pictuckergustav wrote:
Why don't you just send it to fflink to get it submitted? That's what I did. Nobody can see them unless the competition is a go. Come on guys!!
I think they are scared to get beat by girls...
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
LOL....well, if that isn't motivation for others to join I don't know what is... LOL
FFLink needs to mail me about matters of great importance, urgently.

Or you mail me so I know what you're on about.
god i hope eifa has took some dirty pictures of herself
Enter and find out.
tru dat
Come on you wankers!!
Come on you wankers!!
Last edited by tuckergustav (2010-08-10 07:40:47)
tuckergustav wrote:
Come on you wankers!!
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
It means take the logo somewhere cool...or do something fun with the logo...not so hard...Have fun with it!
no sup, do it irl
hmm...dunno. I guess I could allow fflink to post mine so y'all know what direction to go. So, I guess when he gets on he has my permission to post my entry. You don't need PS...whhat were you thinkin'?
you most definately do NOT need PS. at alltuckergustav wrote:
hmm...dunno. I guess I could allow fflink to post mine so y'all know what direction to go. So, I guess when he gets on he has my permission to post my entry. You don't need PS...whhat were you thinkin'?
oh and a question for FFLink, how many entries? 3? 4?
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.