Turquoise wrote:
JohnG@lt wrote:
Immigration laws should simply act as a filter to keep out criminals. Quotas are retarded.
Well, you can forget about having any filters in place soon enough.
JohnG@lt wrote:
Citizenship is required simply because it eliminates the chance of people unaffected by elections voting. Without citizenship, what's to stop a special interest from importing people to vote in favor of their platform in an election? Other than that, it has no value.
I'd argue that's already been compromised via lobbyism. You don't need to import votes, you just buy whoever runs for office. Then, it doesn't matter who gets elected, as long as you have a lot of influence among both of the major candidates.
JohnG@lt wrote:
National borders are entirely arbitrary, yes. Localized borders, as in town lines etc, are not.
Why's that? I don't see why the logic for one shouldn't hold true for the other.
Replied before I finished my edit.
I added "Used in any other way, it is simply a tool to bind people to the land in the manner of serfs." to the citizenship paragraph.
As for people being bought in public office, good luck trying to do that at the local level.
And you're right, town lines are arbitrary. People should be able to 'shop around' locally for the best deal and attach themself to whatever town offers them the best deal. That's a pain in the ass though and would make infrastructure a nightmare. Much easier to just have them move within the border of the town.
Look, the only roles a government has historically played, and why governments were formed in the first place, has been for common defense against enemies. The secondary, and just as important, offshoot was in the creation of a justice system to keep people from killing, stealing, defrauding etc each other. Add to this the need for consistent coinage to ease commerce and you fulfill the only three functions that government was created to do. Everything else has been plopped down in its realm over the past century and a half and it's all needless junk. Generation after generation, people keep trying to dump more and more of their own personal responsibilities onto the shoulders of others. "Oh no, I didn't read the fine print and my credit card company ripped me off" 'Oh, I know! Let's create a Consumer Affairs bureau to make sure that no more morons are taken advantage of!' I mean really. All this trash needs to be cleaned out and we need to get back to basics. Allowing people to dump their burdens has made them lazy, helpless and dumb.