that's a demographic problem facing the entire western world, though, and is just as much to do with malthusian thought and general leaps-forward in global (or, at least, occidental) health-standards, disease cure and prevention, and hygiene. we as a race have overcome many natural darwinian population 'balancers', e.g. pandemics, common victorian killers, workplace fatigue etc. and so generally, as a western world, we are living more. it's not so much a product of a socialist ideological system as it is a product of our place in the 21st century historical human progression. the difference, though, that i believe you are getting at, is that it is mainly the socialist ideologues who have tried to directly and pragmatically 'deal' with this perceived time-bomb of a problem, e.g. population policies, interference of state with family, eugenics etc.Dilbert_X wrote:
Few people are prepared to talk about what goes with it - population control.Uzique wrote:
as i keep saying individual and extreme-standout examples are great for what they are-- stellar examples.
i think the social concern here is with raising the general standard of living for everybody, so that nobody should suffer and have to endure poverty or a lack of opportunity in an advanced, western economically developed country. your stories and examples would be great if everybody could make the 'choice' to pick up a tennis racquet and then if everybody could become a tennis pro, or if everybody could make the 'choice' to become a business leader and then every black child from queens ends up as a VP or CEO. but of course that's just as unrealistic as the idealism that throws out these token-examples as a 'defense'. the objective should be to make sure that everybody is receiving a better standard of education, a better life-expectancy and health-state, a better set of all-round realistic and reasonable opportunities.
that's the hallmark of a superpower and an advanced civilization: how is the standard of life for your poorest? that is not so much socialist as humanist; not so much relying upon left-wing political and economic ideologies so much as harking back to the basics of renaissance and enlightenment western thinking.
Raise the standard of living -> People feel more comfortable with having extra children -> Average standard of living falls again.
Applies to certain ethnic groups more so, they're already confident having kids when their standard of living is low.
(Puts on white asbestos suit and pointy hat)
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.