+605|6857|San Diego, CA, USA

lowing wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:


it's the world against lowing.
nope it is liberals against the self sufficient.
I liken them to this:


Source: http://www.sanctepater.com/2010/06/are- … crats.html
+721|6890|the dank(super) side of Oregon

lowing wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:


it's the world against lowing.
nope it is liberals against the self sufficient.
all self sufficient people are conservative and everyone else is liberal?

you're a fucking idiot.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Educated people with wide education, knowledge and understanding do tend to be 'liberal'/leftwing/social democrat.

Lowing wrote:

nope it is liberals against the self sufficient.
Taken together, those two statements are a damn good illustration how the two dominant political camps in the US think of each other.
Not surprising there's little common ground to find between them.

Lost in the middle of those two endpoints is, I would guess, the majority of the population of the USA.
  • Social Liberals (Stay out of my private life, and I'll stay out of yours.  Don't ask me to pay for your lifestyle. Don't have to like someones lifestyle, but at least show the decency, respect, politeness, and courtesy to stay out of each others faces about it)
  • Governmental Conservatives (Stick to essential government services, regulate & legislate only so far as needed to insure a reasonable business & political landscape, and provide for the protection of the nation)
  • Fiscal Moderates (provide aid to the willing but unable, provide a swift kick in the ass to the able but unwilling)

Oh, as an aside, most of the exceptionally well educated and smart people I know do not identify themselves as Liberals, Leftwing, or US Democrats.  They're also not holders of useless 'fluff' degrees either, they're degreed Engineering Professionals or IT/IS professionals.

And probably the singularly most useless, non-productive, oxygen thief, waste-of-space, useless chunk of flesh I've ever known - is an ultra-conservative.  Hypocritical hyperconservative that would be able to lecture someone on 'family values', morality, and religion .. while snorting a line of cocaine off a prostitute's snatch.  Never ever worked an honest day in his life, but will be all over his stock manager's ass about 'not doing his job properly' if something is underperforming.
+605|6857|San Diego, CA, USA
Nice summary rdx-fx.  But I think there's a new term we need to define called the "Ruling Class".  This is a hodgepodge of Republicans AND Democrats that that have formed cliques in Washington.  RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) like Olimpia Snowe, John McCain, and Lindsey Grahame are examples of Republicans in the Ruling Class.  Our leaders like Nancy Palosi, Harry Reid, and of course Barack Obama on the Democrat side.

The counter in the Government are Blue Dog Democrats and Conservative Republicans - their numbers should grow this November.

Its this Ruling Class, I believe, that plays the Country Class (that's the rest of us), to do their biding.  Like when Democrats use liberal organizations like the NAACP, NOW, or many Unions (Teachers, Government workers, etc...), as tools.  Or when Republicans use the guise of "bipartisanship", which is just another way of going along with what Decmorats say.

You might find this article interesting:

http://spectator.org/archives/2010/07/1 … ss-and-the

via http://www.rushlimbaugh.com (transcript from July, 19, 2010)
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5667|London, England

Dilbert_X wrote:

Educated people with wide education, knowledge and understanding do tend to be 'liberal'/leftwing/social democrat.
Sure, if they have no interest in mathematics, and thus reality. It's all well and good for them to wish away poverty but every single attempt the left has ever made has failed disastrously. A God complex coupled with a lack of real understanding is what defines these people.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Reciprocity wrote:

lowing wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:


it's the world against lowing.
nope it is liberals against the self sufficient.
all self sufficient people are conservative and everyone else is liberal?

you're a fucking idiot.
Well first, you did not address what I actually posted. Second, sorry to break it to you but modern American liberal ideology does not lend a great deal of credence toward :

personal responsibility, there is always misfortune, luck, your parents, your environment, or "the man" to blame for your fucked up life and your fucked up decisions in that fucked up life.

reward or consequence toward individual choice. Liberals expect to be bailed out of whatever "misfortune" they have found themselves or brought upon themselves.

determination, ambition, motivation, drive achievement. Instead liberal key words include, luck (good or bad) fortune (good or bad), hope. It is these words that determines what one should have out of life. Of course if your luck is bad and you are unfortunate, you may even the playing field by simply removing wealth from someone else who was lucky or fortunate. I mean it is only fair right?

Now, "not all conservatives are self sufficient and everyone else is a liberal". But is painfully true that liberal ideology does not lean toward or favor the self sufficient side of the spectrum. It does in fact lean toward promoting govt. dependency. and yes Virginia, that goes against being self sufficient.

Last edited by lowing (14 years, 7 months ago)

11 Bravo
+965|5546|Cleveland, Ohio

Reciprocity wrote:

lowing wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:


it's the world against lowing.
nope it is liberals against the self sufficient.
all self sufficient people are conservative and everyone else is liberal?

you're a fucking idiot.
hey newbie...this is a personal attack thus requiring an AWM
lol eerily quite. Notice none of the liberals want to come out and defend their govt. dependency, their mooching and their thievery from the producing class?
O Canada
+1,596|6714|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

lol eerily quite. Notice none of the liberals want to come out and defend their govt. dependency, their mooching and their thievery from the producing class?
Speaking of mooching from society, Wall Street and the auto industry already did that a while back, and both parties supported Wall Street's mooching -- which costs us a lot more than poor people do.

Granted, the auto industry's mooching is more directly tied to corruption involving unions.

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

lol eerily quite. Notice none of the liberals want to come out and defend their govt. dependency, their mooching and their thievery from the producing class?
Speaking of mooching from society, Wall Street and the auto industry already did that a while back, and both parties supported Wall Street's mooching -- which costs us a lot more than poor people do.

Granted, the auto industry's mooching is more directly tied to corruption involving unions.
you speaking of bail-outs? nothing but another avenue for govt. control
O Canada
+1,596|6714|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

lol eerily quite. Notice none of the liberals want to come out and defend their govt. dependency, their mooching and their thievery from the producing class?
Speaking of mooching from society, Wall Street and the auto industry already did that a while back, and both parties supported Wall Street's mooching -- which costs us a lot more than poor people do.

Granted, the auto industry's mooching is more directly tied to corruption involving unions.
you speaking of bail-outs? nothing but another avenue for govt. control
To a degree, yes, but it also shows that conservatives aren't as anti-mooching as you're suggesting.  Libertarians are the only ones consistently against mooching.

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Speaking of mooching from society, Wall Street and the auto industry already did that a while back, and both parties supported Wall Street's mooching -- which costs us a lot more than poor people do.

Granted, the auto industry's mooching is more directly tied to corruption involving unions.
you speaking of bail-outs? nothing but another avenue for govt. control
To a degree, yes, but it also shows that conservatives aren't as anti-mooching as you're suggesting.  Libertarians are the only ones consistently against mooching.
govt bail outs is not a conservative trait. Conservatives ( who are not in power) by and large protested bail outs. Liberals by and large welcome govt. dependency and in fact adjust their votes to accommodate that end.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5667|London, England

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

you speaking of bail-outs? nothing but another avenue for govt. control
To a degree, yes, but it also shows that conservatives aren't as anti-mooching as you're suggesting.  Libertarians are the only ones consistently against mooching.
govt bail outs is not a conservative trait. Conservatives ( who are not in power) by and large protested bail outs. Liberals by and large welcome govt. dependency and in fact adjust their votes to accommodate that end.
Bush isn't a conservative? It was his administration that pushed for TARP and the bailout of AIG.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

JohnG@lt wrote:

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

To a degree, yes, but it also shows that conservatives aren't as anti-mooching as you're suggesting.  Libertarians are the only ones consistently against mooching.
govt bail outs is not a conservative trait. Conservatives ( who are not in power) by and large protested bail outs. Liberals by and large welcome govt. dependency and in fact adjust their votes to accommodate that end.
Bush isn't a conservative? It was his administration that pushed for TARP and the bailout of AIG.
I clearly said "who are not in power"...Meaning private ( conservative ) citizens were completely against the bail outs.

Bush and company betrayed conservative values.

Last edited by lowing (14 years, 7 months ago)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5667|London, England

lowing wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

lowing wrote:

govt bail outs is not a conservative trait. Conservatives ( who are not in power) by and large protested bail outs. Liberals by and large welcome govt. dependency and in fact adjust their votes to accommodate that end.
Bush isn't a conservative? It was his administration that pushed for TARP and the bailout of AIG.
I clearly said "who are not in power"...Meaning private ( conservative ) citizens were completely against the bail outs.

Bush and company betrayed conservative values.
Well, that's because he was a neo-con. The conservatives in this country championed him without even knowing what a neo-con is. A neo-con is essentially a liberal (meaning expansion of entitlements, interventionist economic practices, deficit spending etc) that is in love with the military and wants to use it to 'spread democracy'. They use social conservatives to get elected. Why? I dunno, could be the general lack of education among them and the ease with which they are blinded as long as a person remembers to thank god for whatever it is he accomplished, oh and wave his flag. Bush did both of those quite well and mixed in an aww shucks personality for bonus points. Neo-cons were radicals from the 60s, the difference being they believed in the Vietnam War.

It's amazing how small the percentage of the American population actually knew what it was electing. They saw 'conservative' in the title and that was enough for them.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
O Canada
+1,596|6714|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

lowing wrote:

govt bail outs is not a conservative trait. Conservatives ( who are not in power) by and large protested bail outs. Liberals by and large welcome govt. dependency and in fact adjust their votes to accommodate that end.
Bush isn't a conservative? It was his administration that pushed for TARP and the bailout of AIG.
I clearly said "who are not in power"...Meaning private ( conservative ) citizens were completely against the bail outs.

Bush and company betrayed conservative values.
Well, so did a lot of his constituency.  Neocons aren't anymore small government minded than liberals are.

To put things in perspective, if you want to suggest that liberals and the poor are moochers, neocons and big business are as well.

That doesn't leave us with many people or institutions that can't be classified as moochers in some way or another.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5667|London, England

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

Bush isn't a conservative? It was his administration that pushed for TARP and the bailout of AIG.
I clearly said "who are not in power"...Meaning private ( conservative ) citizens were completely against the bail outs.

Bush and company betrayed conservative values.
Well, so did a lot of his constituency.  Neocons aren't anymore small government minded than liberals are.

To put things in perspective, if you want to suggest that liberals and the poor are moochers, neocons and big business are as well.

That doesn't leave us with many people or institutions that can't be classified as moochers in some way or another.
neo-cons are all about social entitlements as well. Hence, Medicare Part D.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

JohnG@lt wrote:

lowing wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

Bush isn't a conservative? It was his administration that pushed for TARP and the bailout of AIG.
I clearly said "who are not in power"...Meaning private ( conservative ) citizens were completely against the bail outs.

Bush and company betrayed conservative values.
Well, that's because he was a neo-con. The conservatives in this country championed him without even knowing what a neo-con is. A neo-con is essentially a liberal (meaning expansion of entitlements, interventionist economic practices, deficit spending etc) that is in love with the military and wants to use it to 'spread democracy'. They use social conservatives to get elected. Why? I dunno, could be the general lack of education among them and the ease with which they are blinded as long as a person remembers to thank god for whatever it is he accomplished, oh and wave his flag. Bush did both of those quite well and mixed in an aww shucks personality for bonus points. Neo-cons were radicals from the 60s, the difference being they believed in the Vietnam War.

It's amazing how small the percentage of the American population actually knew what it was electing. They saw 'conservative' in the title and that was enough for them.
to be fair I do not think it was merely "enough for them" more than they typical issue of being forced to vote for the lesser of 2 evils.

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