Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6138|London, England

I come on these forums again, after months and months of absence, and there is no Official Warcraft thread? tsk tsk. It doesn't get any better than WoW. Spam all you'd like, people that play wow are too fat to retort at your nerd comments anyway. Say what you want about the game, I'm going to post about my favorite hobby of all time.

I began playing when monitors were fat and I was young. The days of vanilla WoW upwards of 5 years ago were hit and miss. I first saw the game at my neighbors house and damn it was cool, just so much to do and so much to see. Soon I myself was killing wolves with a damn axe, I was king of the world. But I could only get so much out of playing at my neighbor's. I didn't fully get my fix and it just didn't feel like it was my own. I needed my own account and own character, I needed to play my way. Unfortunately, I just didn't have the computer to play it. I was playing consoles and couldn't afford a computer to play. The game showed up everywhere, friends were playing it and I just loved to hear them talk about it, it was so exciting and mysterious, but it just wasn't meant to be.

Years past and friends stopped playing, that's how the world works I guess. Until slowly it started to come up more and more . I saw The Burning Crusade launch and it has always been at the back of the mind but I still didn't have a computer to play it or the money to get an account. I would find cool ways to play, private servers which were free to play and level 70 instantly! Whats not to like? I'd play on my dad's laptop, fighting lag and connection problems but it was still great.

It would fade in and out. The game was just so cool and kept coming up until I came to the, what I think to be a very important part of my life.

Continue on and buy a shiny new Xbox 360, or make the leap and build a computer from the ground up and leave console games to gather dust. Haffey being possibly the only catalyst I took the dive and started bookmarking cpus and cases. Aligning nicely with my first self-built computer, I finally was able to pick up my own copy of the game.

And I played a ton, but it just didn't feel right. I was alone in the game, none of my friends played anymore and in a World as big as that, it felt lonely. The game faded out again.

Soon I'd hear from someone that they heard so and so was playing the game again. It was cool, and I'd hear about a couple more and it just felt right again. I started up and with wrath of the lich king being out, it was a long way to 80, but I was determined and had a goal of playing with a bunch of friends. When the big 80 hit I felt comfortable. I met new people and did new things. The group of friends that I originally wanted to play with slowly quit but my love for the game just grew. I was meeting more people, learning more things and having much more fun. Soon it was something I adored playing. There are so many things about it that playing for almost 2 years I am still learning new things. Other people soon followed me into playing it and I got to be the one helping people with a new world. I felt like an ambassador and I am still getting more and more people to join me in the world.

Its such a dynamic game that it will never be stale. Coupled with the social aspect of meeting new people every day, its a winning combination. That is the thing that keeps people coming back, and me specifically and I love sharing the world with other people. … utantpally

As of recent, I have focused alot of attention into my achievements. The beauty of trying to get as many points as possible is it opens up the rest of the world to things that I haven't seen even today.

In this thread talk about what World of Warcraft means to you and how you spend your time in the game. I'd love to discuss any part of the game and learn as much as possible.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5962|Catherine Black
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6138|London, England

Finray wrote:

Needs more life and direction. I know you play Findlay, tell me about WoW
finray is terrible at WoW and never got anywhere tbh.

i stopped playing when it became a casual-friendly affair. good thread +1 even though you'll be ripped apart for considering 'fantasy shite' as 'good games' on bf2s. unless it can have a weapons real-world fact thread written about it and unless a bunch of 30 year old ex-marines can play it to still feel manly, it just isn't a game .
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6138|London, England

I thought I saw you playing recently, and it became a casual-friendly affair a long while ago.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5962|Catherine Black

Mutantbear wrote:

Finray wrote: … oo-old.jpg

Needs more life and direction. I know you play Findlay, tell me about WoW
That's Finlay to you.

Meh, I hit level 80, got heroic geared, a few frost items, almost full starting pvp gear, got kinda bored. Don't have the patience for ICC, I'm not good enough at PvP to get anywhere.. I'm bored of it now. Nothing realistically achievable. Will probably resub for Cata, but as for now, I'm not playing.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6138|London, England

Finray wrote:

Mutantbear wrote:

Finray wrote: … oo-old.jpg

Needs more life and direction. I know you play Findlay, tell me about WoW
That's Finlay to you.

Meh, I hit level 80, got heroic geared, a few frost items, almost full starting pvp gear, got kinda bored. Don't have the patience for ICC, I'm not good enough at PvP to get anywhere.. I'm bored of it now. Nothing realistically achievable. Will probably resub for Cata, but as for now, I'm not playing.
It does require alot of patience, but I do enjoy the satisfaction of accomplishing something you tried hard for. Getting low levels to admire you feels pretty good imo

so uh in the first pic it says 0 friends.  does that mean you have 0 friends IRL or just 0 online?

and your dps is terrible, seriously, 3.6?

jk i love you <3.  mutant is probably 2nd or 3rd best retadin on our server.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
2nd or 3rd best retadin with a dps lower than a blue-geared rogue? what.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6138|London, England

I think that parse is of me tanking heroic ToC5 … amp;e=2167

That's more accurate though I don't raid as ret very much, Main spec is prot.

Last edited by Mutantbear (2010-07-27 07:36:33)

all the dps is still pretty damn low... but nevermind.

wotlk is the easiest the game has ever been and it feels insulting to still play my characters on it now. heroics are a 10-minute blitzfest, epics are thrown at you like virgins on a dead-muslim and all content is accessible to everyone within a month of it being released. if it's still a tiny bit of a challenge to the ultra-noob player, then blizz introduces nerfs or zone-buffs to nudge everyone over the gear mark. there's no fun in an MMO when it's uniform and everybody has the same gear, the same item-level and the same sense of accomplishment. achievement points are a poor distraction from what has essentially been a gutting of the hardcore-MMO aspect of the game - being 'hardcore' now and having lots of achievement points is more a statement of 'i have way too much fucking time to do banal, senseless grinds/tasks', rather than 'i play hardcore, raid hardcore and get hardcore gear'.

i know people tend to get nostalgic and equip rose-tinted goggles (+15 faded memory) but i seriously think vanilla WoW was an entirely different game in an entirely different era. pvp rank-grinding was an heroic effort, both time-wise and effort-wise, and only the most skilled and dedicated players would rise to the top. pve was also an exclusive, elite affair with only people with real pure gristle managing to get through naxxramas. even neffy in blackwing lair was considered a decent achievement then. in those days seeing someone with even half of the tier-one sets inspired some awe and appreciation; nowadays you routinely inspect anyone/everyone and they all have ICC-level gear either from grinding faceroll-heroics or pugging what is supposed to be the 'hardest, final instance' of the expansion pack. a huge disappointment.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6138|London, England

Getting into old raids were banal, senseless grinds/tasks.

Yes today people have easy epics, but that doesn't matter. Its only inflation. Better players have better epics and the hardest content is still very difficult. Heroic LK 25 is not very faceroll.
no, getting into old-raids and achieving the downing of a boss, which you had to work on for weeks/months, sometimes... with 40 other people, a huge effort of teamwork, communication and actual dedication, was the best sense of 'achievement' the game has ever offered. are you seriously saying that walking into ICC with 9 complete strangers, with no voice-comms, and then having 4 epics drop from every single no-strat boss, downed normally first-time... is 'achievement'? just because you get a shiny achievement badge and your dps increases incrementally? rofl, no.

in comparison to the effort and concentration required in neffy-BWL and aq40 fights like c'thun, heroic LK 25 IS pretty faceroll. the statistics and community-feedback speaks for itself: the game philosophy went from being 'have hardcore content for hardcore players' to 'we don't want to make content any longer that will only be accessed by the extreme-elite highest 0.5% of players'. that's a fair decision by blizzard, but to ignore the consequences on the gameplay that is had is just to make excuses for yourself so you can carry on feeling 'elite' now with your welfare-gear.

Last edited by Uzique (2010-07-27 07:51:26)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6138|London, England

In no way am I saying the content now holds a candle to the difficulty of the content in Vanilla, but tossing out the game on the terms that it isn't like Vanilla anymore is unfortunate. ICC Is easily pug-able, but the aspect of teamwork and communication is still very prevalent in heroic modes.
sorry mate, don't want to rain on your parade because you missed WoW at its peak and hardcore-zenith... im sure you've put in lots of hours and 'effort' to get your character to where it is, but it just does not compare. the hardcore atmosphere in vanilla forced players, guilds and servers closer together as communities also-- pre battle-group / group-finder helped a lot, too. everybody knew one another. the whole server really noticed when a guild made the smallest bit of progress, or if a well-known community member received some new phat epic/legendary loot. everyone gossiped and spoke about it; everyone shared the highs and the lows, the dramas and the celebrations. it was just a better game then in EVERY single way. nowadays the community is fragmented, most people grind-away as if it's a single-player RPG... nobody wants to put in the effort to network, make contacts, or particularly work-hard to make a guild 'work'. the epics are so easy to get that people will just hop from one pug to the next or use one guild after the other. the only 'exclusivity' in in-game items exists mainly in gimmick-driven in-game mounts that give nothing but aesthetic geek-points.

the game is a shadow of its former self.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6138|London, England

Uzique wrote:

everybody knew one another. the whole server really noticed when a guild made the smallest bit of progress, or if a well-known community member received some new phat epic/legendary loot. everyone gossiped and spoke about it; everyone shared the highs and the lows, the dramas and the celebrations.
That sounds very familiar, I'm not sure which game you're playing.
sounds like you're playing the one where noob-casuals make a big deal out of something that takes no effort or ability whatsoever.

i was playing the one where people gossiped about AQ opening events and the completion of sulfuras/thunderfury after 3 months of combined, guild-wide and wider server-wide efforts. at the time when a person with full tier1 or full tier2 could idle in ironforge and simply amuse oneself by chatting all day to the noobs that came along, all wide-eyed and amazed. chatting and getting excited over loot in wotlk is retarded; in pve and pvp it's just a matter of time, patiently grinding away at the easy no-challenge crap. full wrathful is just a matter of facerolling 10 arena matches a week until you gradually get to where you need to be. full pve is just part-token grind, part raid-clearing-in-one-night-with-massive-zone-buff. yawn.

Last edited by Uzique (2010-07-27 08:10:40)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6138|London, England

Mmm Breakfast is good

You know you can turn the buff off right? Its as if you beat a game with cheats and beat one without. The challenge is there and if you want it take it. The game is how you make it. Yes retards can get easy epics, also brainless rich boys get born into wealth and rise to the top of Business giants just by living. I also guarantee there have been dumbasses with sulfuras. If noob casuals get excited about downing a stupid easy boss, let them. Its better than them wiping in stratholme for 5 hours and accomplishing nothing.
i dont want to take the modicum of 'challenge' that wotlk presents now... ive already achieved what i set-out to achieve in WoW during vanilla and, to a lesser degree, tbc. i agree whole-heartedly with you on it being a truly fantastic game - one of the best games that pc gaming has ever seen - and i will buy cataclysm too, to experience the content. but the days of actually caring about gear, progression and 'achievements' is long gone for me... it's a casual game now, made and designed with players in mind that only want to play for 2-3hours a day, a couple days a week. and that's the way it'll be for me, when i go back to it, from now on... sadly relegated .
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6138|London, England

Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are "It might have been."
eloquent... but... "it already was".
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6138|London, England

I wonder how World of Warcraft would have fared if it didn't change at all from vanilla
i think additional content would have kept it alive... it didn't need such drastic accessibility/gameplay changes, imo at least.

it may have been the difference between 9 million and 15 million users but it would still be the top-MMORPG by far
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6138|London, England

Funny how that is. I wonder how far Blizzard can fuck up their game before people stop playing
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
i doubt people will stop, too many anyway. i have a friend who plays this, her only pc game. she doesnt even look at other pc games and only plays this with her friends

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