thats what i thought also.SonderKommando wrote:
If this is such an issue you shouldnt even be married FFS.Pug wrote:
Looks like we are going to get a babysitter wednesday, so we can go to dinner.
So need some input:
1) Choice of restaurant to have a vibrator or not conversation? SHould I throw in a movie? Which one?
2) Should I push for/against?
3) Should I let her drive the boat in the conversation? Or should I do the talking so I have make it really uncomfortable?
4) Should I negotiate a cherry into the deal? Like what?
5) How much input should I have on vibrator choice? Number/type, etc?
(Also, I'm going to tell her I want a have a "green" vibrator. When she says "why green? why not black/flesh/pink" or "wtf"? I'm going to say I think they make solar powered ones.)
Just a few thoughts. I'm totally looking forward to how akward this is going to be for her. lol
drop the zero and get with the hero, baby