+5,233|6662|Global Command
" Investigators said the layout of the site, with large amounts of blood found along an earthen ramp and traces of petrol found at the bottom, suggested the victims were led half-way along the pit, where they were tortured and killed.

Their bodies were then thrown into the 20m-deep pit, where they were set alight. "

Lets see, cars bombings, beheadings, mass graves, oil...

Where is George Bush when you need him?

55 fresh bodies dumper in a silver mine. … co-mexico/

Same shit, Different Arsehole
A lot of stuff going on in Mexico recently, Most sophisticated IED's ever seen in Mexico, shootings now this, i think there's an hidden agenda here.
What if Mexico became a Sharia State...
+605|6682|San Diego, CA, USA
Its hard to blame the illegals when they come here.  You really do feel for them because their country really sucks.  I just hope instead fleeing (the easy thing to do), they try to right their country instead.
O' HAL naw!
+470|6711|Columbus, OH
Originally, the illegals that do flee into the U.S. are the poor and uneducated. The Mexican govt. and their middle/upper social class, viewed this ongoing exodus as a good riddance.  A strong U.S. Dollar is what keeps their poor coming, which helps them provide to their family back in Mexico.

With a de-stabilization of the Peace and incapability of bring Order, perhaps we shall see an influx of middle/upper-class mexicans of trying to leave for a safer country.

The thought has crossed my mind, if there is a foreign country's "special forces" trying to de-stabilize Mexico with the volatile catalyst of power, greed, and different factions (in cartel and govt.). This is a brew of disaster that can be easily ignited by any factions or group foreign or domestic.

The U.S. fed govt. have proven they are slow to react to disasters, it will be the same case when the violence spills over the border (IMO).

Harmor wrote:

Its hard to blame the illegals when they come here.  You really do feel for them because their country really sucks.  I just hope instead fleeing (the easy thing to do), they try to right their country instead.
They're essentially refugees risking everything. Now that's a fucking true American imo.
+5,233|6662|Global Command

Cybargs wrote:

Harmor wrote:

Its hard to blame the illegals when they come here.  You really do feel for them because their country really sucks.  I just hope instead fleeing (the easy thing to do), they try to right their country instead.
They're essentially refugees risking everything. Now that's a fucking true American imo.
Perhaps. All we ask is an Ellis Island.
O' HAL naw!
+470|6711|Columbus, OH
...and no mass graves on this side of the border
+3,611|6754|London, England
Yeah... they should learn to spread the killing and bodies out into small incidents all over the place like good americans
+605|6682|San Diego, CA, USA
Am I too cynical to have to really question if say dozens of Americans were dying on our soil that the Obama regime wouldn't act with military force?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6808|Canberra, AUS

Harmor wrote:

Am I too cynical to have to really question if say dozens of Americans were dying on our soil that the Obama regime wouldn't act with military force?
No you're just too much of a cut-from-the-cloth Republican to believe that anyone else could possibly do anything positive (as it would go against your precious agenda)
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
O Canada
+1,596|6538|North Carolina

Mekstizzle wrote:

Yeah... they should learn to spread the killing and bodies out into small incidents all over the place like good americans
I think Lost hacked Mek's account.
O' HAL naw!
+470|6711|Columbus, OH

Turquoise wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

Yeah... they should learn to spread the killing and bodies out into small incidents all over the place like good americans
I think Lost hacked Mek's account.
lol funny but not the case, mek is probably pointing out the domestic homicides and murders in the U.S.

Pep up Mek!
O Canada
+1,596|6538|North Carolina

loubot wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

Yeah... they should learn to spread the killing and bodies out into small incidents all over the place like good americans
I think Lost hacked Mek's account.
lol funny but not the case, mek is probably pointing out the domestic homicides and murders in the U.S.

Pep up Mek!
Fair enough...  we do have an absurd amount of homicide for a highly prosperous nation.
11 Bravo
+965|5370|Cleveland, Ohio
i agree with invasion ONLY if all countries who get illegal drugs from Mexico are involved and only if they institute a draft.
Zee Ruskie
+295|6909|Moscow, Russia
'twas prolly stalin and bloody kgb, just ask any polish - they know.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
11 Bravo
+965|5370|Cleveland, Ohio

Shahter wrote:

'twas prolly stalin and bloody kgb, just ask any polish - they know.
k thanks for the insight
Zee Ruskie
+295|6909|Moscow, Russia

11 Bravo wrote:

Shahter wrote:

'twas prolly stalin and bloody kgb, just ask any polish - they know.
k thanks for the insight
oh, any time. next time there are dead bodies - always assume stalin is to blame. you can never go wrong with good ol' josef vissarionovich.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.

Shahter wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

Shahter wrote:

'twas prolly stalin and bloody kgb, just ask any polish - they know.
k thanks for the insight
oh, any time. next time there are dead bodies - always assume stalin is to blame. you can never go wrong with good ol' josef vissarionovich.
Oh god what are you smoking no seriously, whats with the Poland reference, are they still blaming Russia for the plane crash?
Zee Ruskie
+295|6909|Moscow, Russia

BALTINS wrote:

Shahter wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

k thanks for the insight
oh, any time. next time there are dead bodies - always assume stalin is to blame. you can never go wrong with good ol' josef vissarionovich.
Oh god what are you smoking no seriously, whats with the Poland reference, are they still blaming Russia for the plane crash?
they are still blaming russia for everything that's ever gone wrong for them.

anyway, we are waaay off topic here. srsly, back to dead bodies in mexico:
jesus, mary, joseph and their fucking camel - DEAD BODIES!1!11one!1eleven1!!
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
11 Bravo
+965|5370|Cleveland, Ohio
how this post above me has not been deleted........
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5491|London, England

Pubic wrote:

What if Mexico became a Sharia State...
Just as bad, the lot of them are Papists
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,737|6870|Oxferd Ohire

Cybargs wrote:

Harmor wrote:

Its hard to blame the illegals when they come here.  You really do feel for them because their country really sucks.  I just hope instead fleeing (the easy thing to do), they try to right their country instead.
They're essentially refugees risking everything. Now that's a fucking true American imo.
but they didnt have much to risk in the first place tbh

RTHKI wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

Harmor wrote:

Its hard to blame the illegals when they come here.  You really do feel for them because their country really sucks.  I just hope instead fleeing (the easy thing to do), they try to right their country instead.
They're essentially refugees risking everything. Now that's a fucking true American imo.
but they didnt have much to risk in the first place tbh
Not sure if serious... um their lives maybe?
O Canada
+1,596|6538|North Carolina

Cybargs wrote:

Harmor wrote:

Its hard to blame the illegals when they come here.  You really do feel for them because their country really sucks.  I just hope instead fleeing (the easy thing to do), they try to right their country instead.
They're essentially refugees risking everything. Now that's a fucking true American imo.
Citizenship is what makes someone American -- nothing more, nothing less.  "American" is merely a nationality -- not an implied sense of risk taking.

Granted, I realize a lot of people interpret it as such.

There are plenty of refugees that move to countries other than America for similar reasons, but that doesn't make them anymore American than it makes Hamid Karzai American.

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