Seeing 65daysofstatic in 3 hours
65dos are amazing... have fun!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Thanks, first opportunity for me to see them live in Belgium. It's a free gig, so hopefully it won't be too crowded... I'll see
armyLADyesterday evening I had just grabbed my bergen (armyLAD) from baggage reclaim in Manchester airport and I am absolutely legging it through the terminal tunnel to the train station because it departs in 10 minutes and its a 15 minute walk to the station from the terminal. I am running across one of those floor escalator things that triples your speed, when I spot a group of about 15 chavs, obviously just returned from a LADs holiday or something. As Im pounding it across the tunnel at about 50 mph carrying a 20kg bergen on my back, one of the chavs decides that it would be funny to jump out in front of me and scream. Since I am in a rush and already running at a tremendous speed carrying alot of weight, I literally just run straight through him and absolutely floor the bastard. He actually flew a good 4 or 5 metres across the tunnel and didnt get up. The security guard manning the end of the tunnel holds out a hand for me to high five as i belt past him, and I exit the tunnel to the sound of lots of laughing and cheering. I still dont know if the chav survived the impact, but from the sounds of his mates he was getting ripped. UsainBoltLAD
I've just gave my 5 year old brother 'the talk'.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
He now completely understands the offside rule.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
He now completely understands the offside rule.
you can't do that i broke the combo
It's a combo I'm having with myself tyvm
but he broke the broke
i wish i was cool enough for a combo
actually i wish i didn't break it now, it would look pretty
And that's the 10
Why not do 11 eh?
Very mature guise.
I need another shit, third time today. Man I'm not drinking water anymore.
Eat cheese 'n peanut butter. Together.jord wrote:
I need another shit, third time today. Man I'm not drinking water anymore.