Were you on the EA gulf of oman 24/7? Cause I play there alot. And they do base rape when one of the teams has all the flags. Both sides do it when they get the chance. And jets bombing the carrier isnt base raping. Anyways a guy told my commander that arty isnt allowed on the carrier but jets bombing the carrier is allowed. That makes no sence what so ever.
+102|7020|New York

bobroonie.bda wrote:

Yea i dont play on servers with the "dont attack non capable's".. basicly it says "Hi were a nub server join us". They need special rules so fuck um they dont get the good competition. like it or not its true. Saying that someone cant attack you because your in a "safe zone" is a joke.
Then EA shouldnt have made the rule part of there ROE on there Ranked server signup. They also shouldnt have placed a circle around it with a line through it if they didnt intend it to be a SAFE zone as you call it.

Winning isnt everything.
Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow
IMO no attacking un-cappable spawn points is a valid optional rule,  but AA nests and ground defense placements ( TOW/mounted guns ) are assests that you can attack just like the commanders toys.  It is rediculus to have a safe zone that you can shoot out of but no one is allowed to shoot at you.  If you are getting in one you are in fair play.   I view the vehicals the same way.  The concept gets sticky when you look at how close to the assets the spawn points are.  If you remove the ability to atack from the uncapble base then you can justify the complete no main base rape rule, otherewise there are just too many gray areas for it to be fairly implimented.

I think by the time you get the a vehical you should be aware of the suroundings and if you want to stand on the runway and wait for a plane does not mean you are off limits.  You can not expect there to be no colateral damage when someone attacks an asset, If you stand next to it you could die.

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

bobroonie.bda wrote:

Yea i dont play on servers with the "dont attack non capable's".. basicly it says "Hi were a nub server join us". They need special rules so fuck um they dont get the good competition. like it or not its true. Saying that someone cant attack you because your in a "safe zone" is a joke.
Then EA shouldnt have made the rule part of there ROE on there Ranked server signup. They also shouldnt have placed a circle around it with a line through it if they didnt intend it to be a SAFE zone as you call it.

Winning isnt everything.
circle with line through it means you cant take that flag..
EA has many rules you can enforce it is up to the admins to do so...
If winning isnt everything what is? stats? fun? none of those mean anything if you cant win the battle..
there is no safe zone. Why are there defensive structures in non caps?
ie.. tows, aa guns mounted machine guns. air defense, armor defense and infantry defense.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7124|Orlando, FL - Age 43

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Then EA shouldnt have made the rule part of there ROE on there Ranked server signup. They also shouldnt have placed a circle around it with a line through it if they didnt intend it to be a SAFE zone as you call it.

Winning isnt everything.
The Circle with the line through it only means that it cannot be capped, it does NOT mean "FREE ZONE". 

Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing.
I hate the no combat comanders rule on small map servers.

I can fight and command ok. On small maps its best if everyone does fight
Here's how I see it.

If you are getting raped at your uncappable, you have two options:

1) Spawn at another flag.
2) Spawn AT/Spec-Ops and kick out the rapers.

Every spawn point has 2-3 spawn locations, meaning that when you choose that point, you don't get the exact same location every time. Every uncappable base has 2 spawn points, meaning every uncappable base has 4-6 different spawn locations. If all 6 of those locations are covered to the point that you die instantly upon spawning, you know what that means? You already lost the map.

Considering spawn raping like that a reward for totalling out-matching another team. If my team can not only take all your cappable flags from you, prevent you from taking any of ours, and get into your base, kill everyone off and cover 4-6 spawn locations constantly, then we deserve the "free" kills. It means we totally rocked your team, and this is simply a way to speed the game towards it's inevitable conclusion.

However, if you're playing on a 64 person server, and 32 people are all spawning in the same general vicinity, it's not too hard to take out some camping snipers, apcs, tanks and aircraft. 32 people is a LOT of people defending all in one place. Yes, most of them will be at a disadvantage when they spawn, but those that don't can kick out the rapers. You only need a few well placed AT rockets and suddenly you aren't being raped anymore. But, if you can't muster the team-work to kick out some base-rapers when all 32 people are spawning inside the uncappable, then you get what you deserve.

If you team is so totally out-classed, out-skilled, out-played and dominated to that extent, you deserve to have the crap kicked out of you like that. Unfortunately, teams will be occasionally unbalanced, and if you don't like it, join another server.

Sometimes, there is nothing that can be done, but if you're going to complain about something, complain about team balance, not spawn raping. Spawn rape is not the problem, team balance is.
RPK-74 Whore
Just tell the admin that he cant prevent you from attacking the uncaps via the ROE. If the team hes on sucks enough to lose all the flags then he trys to statpad using that rule then hes a dumbfuck admin who needs his server shut down. I imagine if you had lost all the flags hed be leading the carrier rape ignoring the rule.

killer21 wrote:

There is nothing wrong with killing people in their spawn.  It serves them right for not being able to hold a flag.  I laugh at the servers that have the non-cap killing because that is saying that your server is set up for the newbie players.  If you are getting raped, it's probably your fault.  Adapt and overcome. 
I play on Internode servers where attacking an uncap in a vehicle is bannable. I have 42000 pts, and i know lots of players that play with that rule and have no problem with it,  all with a much high ranking than your gunnery sargeant.


You prolly shouldnt have flown over the airbase, you wouldnt have been shot down. Pretty common sense, and if the only time you can shoot down a plane is if they are flying  strait to resupply etc then you prolly need to work on your flying skills.

I think its a great rule and allows games to be even. Its not war, its a game. Games are meant to be fun, and i know im not having fun when going 0:20 k/d, being raped by by some gutless cunt in a jet.

Last edited by BF2Craglyeye (2006-05-01 10:40:42)

The New Johnnie Cochran
One of the huge problems with the whole no un-cap raping rules is what is really defined as the uncapturable base anyway? When you think about it, how far do you have to get before your out of an un-cap. If you have some cocksucking admin, it definition lines are really up to him, and for all you know, he might consider all the water between the ESSEX and the land on wake island part of the un-cap. Now, thats in no way, shape, or form fair.

Personally, if your in the air ANYWHERE, your fair game. If you don't think so, go play on your pussy server and have your little fun. I'm not a great pilot, but at least I'm not a pansy.
I admin on a server that has a "No camping uncap bases" rule.  My definition of being raped / attacked / camped in my uncap base on Oman for example would be:  If I spawn in my uncap and find myself dead with small arms fire, BH fire, bombs or guns from planes.  I allow arty in uncaps, and spec-ops in uncaps to take out assets.  If I spawn on the carrier and am killed from arty, I know to spawn below deck now.  If an enemy plane comes close enough to get taken out by Essex defense, so be it.  I would expect the plane to try to take out the Essex defense too, thats ok with me.  Why I believe that this rule works for me is because it takes no skill to rape / camp and uncap base.  At that point, your just upping your stats, you're not really fighting at all, go play duckhunt if you like to do that.  If the camping team is so good that they drove the other team back to their uncap, let the other team out, you should have no problem killing them outside their uncap if you're that good.  Its called Battlefield, not target practice.  Go fight a battle somewhere.  Thats what so fun about it.  I can kill my "friend" on the field of battle somewhere knowing full well that he'll come back and kill me too.  For those of you that think this rule is just chicken shit, so be it.  I pay the server dues.  If you don't like it, don't play it.  I like to promote fun above all else on our server, what fun is spawning and dying?  Just my $.02


Last edited by Gen (2006-05-01 11:59:09)

i hear alot of it takes no skill to "spawn camp, base rape".. guess what it took skill to back up your entire team to get into that position. If you not good enough to cap any flags you deserve what you get. "special" rules are for "special" people. If you cant go all out guess what you suck.. If you didnt have so many wanna be pilots maybe you would have more flags. You guys keep playing on your soft servers dont join a full combat server or you will get rocked. You have these special rules to make your game play "fun" guess what its fun for me to kill you as you spawn. you guys just keep spawing sniper while you have tanks in your base and wonder why your not winning. what ever you do dont come up with new strats to help your team out, or new strats to help you win.. just use "rules" to give you some kind of advantage because you really suck at the game, and have no idea why you keep dying..


Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2006-05-01 12:13:28)


bobroonie.bda wrote:

i hear alot of it takes no skill to "spawn camp, base rape".. guess what it took skill to back up your entire team to get into that position.
In my opinion, killing a person as they are spawning doesn't take much skill other than hitting what you're aiming at.  You're right, it would've taken skill to isolate the other team to their uncap.  So let them out to fight and use your "Skill" to kill them then. 

bobroonie.bda wrote:

If you not good enough to cap any flags you deserve what you get.
Absolutely correct, if the team can't cap the flags, they get sent back to their uncap or the game is over.  They got what they deserved.  But I don't think they deserve to be killed without an opportunity to retalitate, I.E. baseraping / camping.

bobroonie.bda wrote:

You guys keep playing on your soft servers dont join a full combat server or you will get rocked.
Possible, we might get rocked, or we might hold our own.  Both have happened for me.  Whatever server I'm playing on, I'll adhere to their rules.

bobroonie.bda wrote:

what ever you do dont come up with new strats to help your team out, or new strats to help you win.. just use "rules" to give you some kind of advantage because you really suck at the game, and have no idea why you keep dying..
I don't use this to help "my" team out or help "me" win or give "me" an advantage.  I use this rule on our server to promote fun.  If a person on my team is breaking this rule, I'll penalize them just a quick as if they were on the other team.  I consider myself an equal opportunity asshole. 

Above all else, its still a game.

Our server allows attacking uncaps.  Why?  We're in the crowd that believes that you should be able to defend yourself and/or learn some tatics.  If the team has any team work whatsoever it's pretty easy to get out of spawn campers.  This is certainly true on Gulf of Oman where there are at least three AA's available and a host of armor at the MEC base to deal with someone trying to attack the base.  War is hell, people  attack bases.  They truck bomb barracks while people are sleeping and snipe bases.  A little tact and teamwork is all it takes to overcome it.  Some people may see them as easy kills, but if there is no tact or teamwork they are probably easy kills anyway.  It just unncessarily props up a bad team IMHO.

Last edited by tallpez (2006-05-02 06:14:31)

+32|6985|Edinburgh, Scotland

ReDmAn_ThE_uNiQuE wrote:

I think that rule stinks. Always on every map. It's war and we're not going to wait for you to come out. bounch of wankers. Its weak but its war. no mercy.
I love it when people say that.

This isn't war.  It's a c o m p u t e r  g a m e!   Try saying that out loud a few times.  It's a GAME.  That's why you can parachute from a plane into a helicopter and take thirty bullets in the face then run over a medipack and come to life.

If this were real war you'd be hiding in a corner crying.
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier

ReDmAn_ThE_uNiQuE wrote:

I think that rule stinks. Always on every map. It's war and we're not going to wait for you to come out. bounch of wankers. Its weak but its war. no mercy.
QFE, QFT, and +1 to you man.

A favorite quote of mine that is the response to every accusation that I see fly in a game I'm in (regardless if it's directed at the enemy or at a friendly or at me): "All's fair in love and war."
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6908|Reisterstown, MD

bobroonie.bda wrote:

i hear alot of it takes no skill to "spawn camp, base rape".. guess what it took skill to back up your entire team to get into that position. If you not good enough to cap any flags you deserve what you get. "special" rules are for "special" people. If you cant go all out guess what you suck.. If you didnt have so many wanna be pilots maybe you would have more flags. You guys keep playing on your soft servers dont join a full combat server or you will get rocked. You have these special rules to make your game play "fun" guess what its fun for me to kill you as you spawn. you guys just keep spawing sniper while you have tanks in your base and wonder why your not winning. what ever you do dont come up with new strats to help your team out, or new strats to help you win.. just use "rules" to give you some kind of advantage because you really suck at the game, and have no idea why you keep dying..

Amen. Nothing like people relying on handicaps to help them win.  If you don't like getting raped, don't lose all the flags...

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

I play on Internode servers where attacking an uncap in a vehicle is bannable. I have 42000 pts, and i know lots of players that play with that rule and have no problem with it,  all with a much high ranking than your gunnery sargeant.
Are you serious?  You actually think rank means anything? lol.   If you can't handle getting raped, why play the game?
The Soup Nazi
+18|7105|North Lauderdale, FL

I admin on the MoonGamers Mostly Oman server and I can say, without a doubt, that this rule is tremendously difficult to enforce.  It's bad enough that people stand in front of others' jets, kill off copilots in attack choppers, and smack-talk each other.  But throw in the "no uncappable baseraping with vehicle weapons rule" and it's a hard job.  I apologize for you getting kicked for defending yourself over the MEC Airfield, but each one of the administrators undergoes rigorous training to discern what's permissable and what is not.

The reasoning behind having this rule is not so much to protect the soldiers within the confines of the uncapturable bases, rather to give them a chance to play.  Think about your experiences on other servers.  Have you ever been waiting for a jet to spawn, jump in when it does, and then get strafed by an enemy jet before you can even take off?  If so, you probably felt the same way I did in other servers- "If I could only get up off the ground, I could take that baseraper out."  It also rewards players with a better overall experience in-game.  It's not a lot of fun to keep getting strafed while waiting for a jet, chopper, tank, whatever in the main bases. 

If you (or anyone else) have troubles understanding or adhering to the rule, then simply don't play there.  Calling it a "n00b server" for enforcing no uncappable base-raping is simply short-sighted.

And just to clarify:
Infantry, Artillery, and Vehicles ARE allowed in uncappables- just not firing vehicle weapons.  You can snipe to your heart's content, run people over with DPV's (even APC's), Jihad Jeep, etc.

They used to allow jets to take out enemy AA inside uncapturable bases, but decided against it because it made the admins' job even harder.  Imagine all the pilots out there who claim that they are "protecting themselves" from AA -- yet they release their bombs and kill 5 other people at the same time.

Last edited by The Soup Nazi (2006-05-02 10:19:53)

Re-Incarnation. You mean re-spawn right?
+44|6963|Cardiff - Wales - UK
My clan server allows baserape for the following reasons:

1) Its war.  There are no safe places. 
A commander would not say "Don't attack that town there because the enemy wouldn't like, and theres no objectives worth taking". 
He'd say "Theres the enemy - attack them"

2) In any kind of conflict, air superiority is a must.  taking out aircraft before they take off is SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) during any war.

3) You can spawn somewhere else.  If you can't spawn somewhere else then you deserve to be baseraped for letting the opposing team take all the flags.

The loading screen for every map on our server says baserape is allowed, yet there are always players who complain when it happens to them.

Isn't it funny how people never complain when its them doing the baseraping.

Last edited by Stomper_40k (2006-05-03 04:34:54)

I cnat slpel!!!

Stomper_40k wrote:

My clan server allows baserape for the following reasons:

1) Its war.  There are no safe places. 
A commander would not say "Don't attack that town there because the enemy wouldn't like, and theres no objectives worth taking". 
He'd say "Theres the enemy - attack them"

2) In any kind of conflict, air superiority is a must.  taking out aircraft before they take off is SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) during any war.

3) You can spawn somewhere else.  If you can't spawn somewhere else then you deserve to be baseraped for letting the opposing team take all the flags.

The loading screen for every map on our server says baserape is allowed, yet there are always players who complain when it happens to them.

Isn't it funny how people never complain when its them doing the baseraping.
Please do not confuse RL with a video-game!
And a commander wouldn't say: "there's a bunch of people who can't move because DICE says so - kill them!"

And what makes you assume everyone baserapes? I don't like it happening to me, and I don't do it to others..

Bottom-line: it's a cheap, boring way to get points. Nothing more, nothing less...
Bottom-line: it's a legit strategy to deny the enemy valuable resources.

Yes, it's a game, but it's a war game. For a game based on modern combat, you would think that you could apply some real-life war strategy, like the aforementioned SOP to take out aircraft before they take off. On maps like Wake Island, do you know how the USMC wins against a PLA team with good pilots? They don't let the J-10s off the ground. If they do, the USMC loses. It's a valid strategy to deny them resources. Yes, it's nowhere near as difficult as say, trying to dogfight them, but then again, that is totally unfair for the USMC side.
I cnat slpel!!!
So, by using planes as an example - and a map that shouldn't have been in the game you justify baseraping all those who don't have any choice but to die?

Strange logic...
Wake shouldn't have been in the game?

Hell, there are 6 spawn locations on Wake, and none of them are on the runway next to the plane spawn. You don't want to die to an F-35B camping the AA emplacement and jet spawn? Don't stand there. It's not like you spawn there with no choice.
+0|6920|Austin, Texas
You guys have to remember, though, we are talking about pubs. People here are usually more casual and are more interesting then having a fun and fair fight, not winning. If you want to play hardcore, where the only thing that matters is winning, then go join a clan server. This isn't a "get the hell outta dodge” kinda statement, I'm just saying you would probably have a lot more fun playing with people of your own skill level and attitude. If you are in a pub though, it's usually common courtesy to stick to the laws of the land and use your best judgment.
+102|7020|New York

LordDragonclaw wrote:

Just tell the admin that he cant prevent you from attacking the uncaps via the ROE. If the team hes on sucks enough to lose all the flags then he trys to statpad using that rule then hes a dumbfuck admin who needs his server shut down. I imagine if you had lost all the flags hed be leading the carrier rape ignoring the rule.
Hey get a grip and stop Quoting the ROE if you dont know WTF your talking about. Here it is Numbnutz.


These are rules that are not enforced upon in EA’s public ranked servers but may be modified in privately rented ranked servers. These rules are decided by clan administrators for those servers and as long as they do not contradict any global rules enforced by EA are considered valid for those servers.

This would include but not limited to:

    * § Artillery fire or bombing runs on main (uncapturable) bases may be prohibited.
    * § Prolonged or sustained attacks on main (uncapturable) bases (i.e. spawncamping).
    * § Using the Transport Helicopters to take flags (Blackhawk whoring or flag hopping).
    * § Impersonating clan members.
    * § Using C4 on jeeps, or other fast moving vehicles to take out other vehicles.
    * § Clans may change or customise rules, provided they don’t violate the above ROE rules.

See you on the battlefield


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