it would be nice if the squad leaders could talk to each other. this way if you need help and see a squad close to you, you could ask for assistance.
good god i hate not being able to communicate with other squads! +1 for you
commanders should be able to pick certain people out of the crowd and talk to em as well...
+1 good idea
+1 good idea
well, i always found it annoying that people around you couldn't hear you. i mean at least have a button that you can have open chat and just yell at everyone around you. just think of it, like yell at the people around you to give you back-up as opposed to using the Q commo-rose and keep spamming follow me, or i need back up.
agreed but this would also be a potential channel for ppl to abuse. i have seen and heard jackasses abuse things like this, but not recently.