The Karma Collector!
+233|7004|The Netherlands
Hi. I have a very anoying problem. It is like this: whatever I do, play BF2, play an older game, even watching a movie, causes a strange thing. Every 5 seconds there's a "bumb" of like 1/4 second. You can imagine this is very anoying: in Battlefield 2 I can't play for 100% because if I see an enemy and want to shoot, than whoop, there comes the bumb. Even when watching movies this is the problem, I don't know what to do about it anymore.

I have tried lot's of things; defragmentation, virus-, ad-scans, switching of number of programs as firewall, virusscanner, MSN and stuff. I even cleaned my computer inside, removed the dust from the cooling fans, noting seems to have any effect .

I myself see just one solution: re-install Windows. But this costs much time and I have done this like 2 months ago already.

Has anyone of you got an idea for what I can do about it? Or has anyone got similar problems?

Sidenote, my system is the following:

ATi Radeon 9700Pro
160 GB Hardisk (Maxtor, WD, whatever), SATA
2x 512 MB DDR (PC3200?)
Motherboard: ASUS A7N8X De-Luxe.

Thanks if you can help me out!
Support fanatic :-)

Does it concern internet connected programs or all programs ?

If it only relates to netbased games and such call your provider.
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
The Karma Collector!
+233|7004|The Netherlands
Well, as far as I can think of it has got nothing to do with the internet connection as well. I may try to turn off the router once, see if it still has the problem. But since I also have this problem when playing a movie (from my HDD) I doubt it's that...
Corrosion Inhibitor
check this out. BTW this goes in tech...
The Karma Collector!
+233|7004|The Netherlands
Yeah might as well have a look at those tips...

BTW about that tech, I didn't find "For the best players, the best components." suited my complain...

So can a moderator move this to "Tech" please?

Last edited by =TH=[Eleanor]-NL- (2006-05-02 03:56:39)

+17|6980|newcastle , N.S.W , Australia
yeah i'd by a new computer with a fish tank installed in it so im never bored
The Karma Collector!
+233|7004|The Netherlands
LOL, quite nice though, nice moon-fishes swimming around the GPU ;-)

Nah, I don't need a new PC yet, maybe when those new DirectX 10 cards come out, end of the year perhaps? I guess when you spend 320$ on a GFX7900GT you get a huge performance boost, but for that I also need a new motherboard and CPU and everything else. So I guess I can just as well wait a bit longer till the new technology comes out. BUT than I do need my pc to work like it has to...

=TH=[Eleanor]-NL- wrote:

Hi. I have a very anoying problem. It is like this: whatever I do, play BF2, play an older game, even watching a movie, causes a strange thing. Every 5 seconds there's a "bumb" of like 1/4 second. You can imagine this is very anoying: in Battlefield 2 I can't play for 100% because if I see an enemy and want to shoot, than whoop, there comes the bumb. Even when watching movies this is the problem, I don't know what to do about it anymore.

Thanks if you can help me out!
Get 1 more gig of ram or even 512mb and it'll run smoother, trust me i was in the same position
The Karma Collector!
+233|7004|The Netherlands
OK Skinnister, but the weird thing is I used to have 512 MB, than it also ran all smooth, it's just that my computer lately has this annoying bug every 5 seconds, whatever I do. I mean, should 1 gig extra help, I'd find it quite awkward, since it seems to me that playing a movie doesn't cost a computer that much of memory...
Support fanatic :-)

Doesn`t sound like a ram problem, could be a backround program that should be turned off - for ever !
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
The Karma Collector!
+233|7004|The Netherlands
Yeah, that is one thing I thought of too. Is there some easy way to see what every running program actually is? I can see there are 50 processes running right now, if I want to play BF2 I will shut down a few of them anyway. But is there some way to easily see what task does what and is from what program? This way I might find something... hopefully!
Cool member
i do appolagies, but what do you mean by a "bumb" ?
+447|7161|Seattle, Washington, USA

If you think it may be a program running in the background, I suggest using Hijack This to find it, and then DESTROY it.
The Karma Collector!
+233|7004|The Netherlands
Homeschtar, thanks, I will try that first thing in the morning, hope it saves me from re-installing windows.

theDude5B, with "bumb" I mean, that, well, I don't really know how to call it in English. It's just that every 5 seconds the screen, ehm, "freezes" for like 1/4th of a second. And than it goes back to normal for 5 seconds, after which it will freeze again. Very anoying when playing a game, can't hit a thing; and even watching a movie becomes hard (and that is hard for a 24 addict ;-))
+305|6912|Cheshire. UK
Ive heard of this before and it had something to do with the sound card...you got onboard sound right??

Couple things to try: Reinstall video card, disconnect CD ROM inside computer and try playing videos, watch performance monitor while it's happening to see if your CPU is being maxed out....just a couple ideas.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
I've had a similar problem to this a long time ago, but it wasn't as serious.  Do you have any Anti-Virus such as Norton or any Active On-gaurd Ad/Spyware scanners running in the background?  When I had the Webroot Spy Sweeper installed it had a very annoying active scanner which lagged my pc between intervals.
...from the internet

=TH=[Eleanor]-NL- wrote:

Hi. I have a very anoying problem. It is like this: whatever I do, play BF2, play an older game, even watching a movie, causes a strange thing. Every 5 seconds there's a "bumb" of like 1/4 second. You can imagine this is very anoying: in Battlefield 2 I can't play for 100% because if I see an enemy and want to shoot, than whoop, there comes the bumb. Even when watching movies this is the problem, I don't know what to do about it anymore.

I have tried lot's of things; defragmentation, virus-, ad-scans, switching of number of programs as firewall, virusscanner, MSN and stuff. I even cleaned my computer inside, removed the dust from the cooling fans, noting seems to have any effect .

I myself see just one solution: re-install Windows. But this costs much time and I have done this like 2 months ago already.

Has anyone of you got an idea for what I can do about it? Or has anyone got similar problems?

Sidenote, my system is the following:

ATi Radeon 9700Pro
160 GB Hardisk (Maxtor, WD, whatever), SATA
2x 512 MB DDR (PC3200?)
Motherboard: ASUS A7N8X De-Luxe.

Thanks if you can help me out!
no way dude that is exactly the same set up as i used to have to play bf2. i know sorry thats not much help let me start again.

what i have got into a habit of doing is restarting my pc everytime i want to play bf2. plus if you shut down anything that you do not want running it should help. but like i said, try restarting every time you want to play, annoying i know but it does help.

best of luck

|DL| DavidianCox
+447|7161|Seattle, Washington, USA

=TH=[Eleanor]-NL- wrote:

Homeschtar, thanks, I will try that first thing in the morning, hope it saves me from re-installing windows.
It should give you a list of all the things that are running in the background, so if you find something shifty delete it. If you can't find anything shifty, try posting the list and see if anyone on here can spot anything. Or maybe it's a whole 'nother problem, in which case I'm just wasting your time. If that is the case, then sorry.
The Karma Collector!
+233|7004|The Netherlands
Thanks again to all for your input over here. You guys mentioned some things I definatelly will try out. I have just installed those XG WarCat 6.3 drivers, instead of the official Catalyst 6.4. Maybe this makes a diffence, will know after system restart.

DavidianCox, I would be glad if a simple restart would work, but unfortutatelly it does not. If I start up my computer, and the FIRST thing I do with it as it has started up, is watching a movie, it's again bumpy every 5 seconds. I just found out this bumb is also here when I see a moving .gif file AND EVEN WHEN TYPING THIS MESSAGE I CAN NOTICE IT . When I than switch off the whole bunch of fire-wall, virusscanner, MSN and all that, it makes no difference at all, it still has the same problem.

Therefor I will try out that Hijack This, if that doesn't work, will try follow King_County_Downy's advise.

joker3327 yeah I use on-board sound. It's called nVidia Soundstorm if I'm right. Haven't changed anything with this lately... How do you think this can affect the problem though?

As for now, will restart and than run Hijack This, hope this'll work!!!

BTW as soon as my karma points are released again I will +1 every each of you ;-).
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7057|Malaga, España
*Warning* Dutch language involved

hey eleanor

Dus je bedoelt met je ''Bump'' dat het lijkt of je scherm effe stilstaat en dan een paar frames achteruit gaat?
in dat geval zou het aan je internet ligge, ik had dit probleem 3 maanden geleden effe, super iritant. in BF2 ging het totaal kut , en bij MOH:AA bijv : ik liep een trap op en dan was ik boven en dan TAK schoot ie terug zodat ik weer in het midde van de trap stond.

je kunt de providor belle en vragen of ze met de lijnen bezig zijn.

Zit je aan DSL of kabel?
ik heb zelf DSL en het probleem was dat mijn Kabel die van mijn modem naar de telefoonlijn liep een beschadiging had en dies veranderd en toen was alles weer normaal

als je kabel hebt dan sorry kan ik je niet bij helpen

Veel succes

The Karma Collector!
+233|7004|The Netherlands
Torro dankje, maar helaas is het niet helemaal zo. Het is niet dat ie weer achteruit springt, als met lag. Het i meer iets als een lage framerate. Daarmee bedoel ik dat het spel 5 seconden soepel draait, en dan een kwart seconde hapert, en daarna weer vooruit spoelt met 1/4 seconde. Dat beeld wat dus mist in die kwart seconde krijg ik niet te zien. Bijvoorbeeld, ik draai heel snel naar links, op dat moment hapert ie, en daarna schiet ie opeens weer een kwart slag naar links, waardoor ik dus een deel heb gemist... Damn moeilijk uit te leggen... Maar goed het is dus niet alleen met BF2, ook met films, zelfs met .gif bestanden...

I'll translate this in a minute...

So, for those of you who want to understand what was that all about: *ToRRo*cT| told me it may have been my internet connection. He suffered with a kind of lag once, in which he played a game, for example running up a staircase, being halfway, and than suddenly stand at the bottom of the stairs again. Unfortunatelly, that's not the same problem as I have.

I think you can compare mine with a problem in the framerate. For 5 seconds it is all perfect, but after 5 seconds I get a bumb in the framerate for like a quarter of a second, after which I get no problems for 5 seconds, than it repeats itself.

So far I haven't found anything with Hijack This .

I now see in the task manager, that in every block is one pike. Not too big, let's say it's one block from the 5 high. But it's there, no matter what I do. My guess is that is the problem. Now all I need to do is find out what's causing it...

And I see that also every 5-6 seconds the CPU-usage rises to 19-20% for a moment. Unfortunatelly there is not a program that says it's using 19-20% of the CPU that moment...       Wait, there IS a program that uses 19-20% of the CPU those times, but, it's called "System.exe". Now what can this mean? Looks to me that that's a task which is running on all computers am I right? What will happen if I end that task? Is is needed to keep Windows running? BTW this task has "SYSTEM" as username, and has a constant memory usage of 224 KB.

Last edited by =TH=[Eleanor]-NL- (2006-05-03 03:50:52)

Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7057|Malaga, España
Again my apologies for the dutch Language but i can explain things better this way.

LoL dus wat jij bedoelt Eleanor is het omgekeerde wat ik had,

Je zou een memorytest kunne draaien, je kunt er eentje downloaden van Microsoft.

maar als je er echt niet meer uitkomt dan zou ik het toch overwegen om je PC weer te formateren, blijkt het na die verse installatie van je pc de probleem zich weer voor te doen dan denk ik er iets in je PC gesneuvelt is. Dan zou ik je PC weg laten brengen. of als je iemand kent die veel verstand van PC's heeft hem laten langskome of aan hem het probleem voorleggen.

wat ik zou doen:

1) Nog even alles nagaan qua Drivers software , ik zou niet langer dan een dag ermee blijven rotzooien want anders word je helemaal knettergek.
2) alles back uppen wat je wilt bewaren en formarteren

Is alles weer in orde OK Game On

NIET in orde
3) in geval dat je iemand kent die in die markt zit van PC's en er veel verstand van heeft je probleem voorleggen.
4) Wegbrengen naar de winkel en aan het het probleem voorleggen en messchien iets achterlaten van een Video of Spel waar het probleem duidelijk in voor komt  (of je gebruikt CD images, dat doe ik namelijk omdat ik me orginele CD/DVDs niet graag aan iemand geef die ik nie ken , of dat ze de boel kopieeren) tis namelijk best wel handig voor de winkel zodat zij kunne zien Wat er met de PC aan de hand is , beter met eigen ogen zien dan het horen van een andere, en als ze iets veranderd hebbe dat ze het kunne testen of het probleem opgelost is.

dat zou ik doen.

Nogmaal Succes maat en hopen dat alles weer goed komt.

Last edited by *ToRRo*cT| (2006-05-03 04:28:16)

The Karma Collector!
+233|7004|The Netherlands
Weer bedankt. Ik zal zometeen dat System.exe eens uitzetten, en ff googlen, heb ik ook nog niet gedaan. Als dat allemaal niet uitmaakt dan moet ik inderdaad maar een image terug zetten of zelfs Windows helemaal opnieuw installeren.

Hier heb je in ieder geval helemaal gelijk in:
1) Nog even alles nagaan qua Drivers software , ik zou niet langer dan een dag ermee blijven rotzooien want anders word je helemaal knettergek. tongue


Ben je trouwens Nederlands of Spaans?
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7057|Malaga, España
Ik ben Nederlander maar woon sinds 4 jaar in Spanje.
(kom uit Brabant - Tilburg)
Maar goed ik heb ook wel eens probs gehad met me PC en echt als je langer dan een dag aan het kutte bent dan word de stress alleen maar erger terwijl het voor een PC niet waard is. lukt het niet laat een ander het maar oplosse das toch een klante service van de winkels alleen als het niet garantie is kan het wat koste maar jah. als er iets kapot is mot het toch vervangen worden.

Hopen dat het allemaal weer goed komt
ken het geval van een klein iritant probleem en je hebt geen flauw idee wat het oorzaak is van het probleem.

(sigh) Yet again my apoligies for the Bloody dutch language.

Last edited by *ToRRo*cT| (2006-05-03 04:45:46)

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