as already said - protesting is a democratic right, an exercise of freedom of speech... no problem with that, no threat either.
articles aren't hard to find probably because there is a charged group of people that feel a lot of fear/hatred/animosity towards muslims following a terrorist attack here several years ago. look for something and it won't be hard to find - especially on the internet. are there any published books from credible sources/authors that document the same phenomenon in a 'real' sense? probably less, and they're probably just as controversial. however the point is that it is unsurprising that there are anti-islam websites with content about London, considering there was a terrorist attack here. lots of ignorant and afraid people in the world that choose 'islam' as their target as opposed to the specific offshoot of islam that perpetrated the attacks against our people.
and why would i trust an article written by a spite-fuelled, ideologue-american who subscribes to neo-con worldviews over MY OWN PERSONAL experiences with muslims in the EVERY-DAY life of london? sorry lowing, but we don't all shit in the face of common-sense and logic like you do; you have interacted with muslims yourself and found them to be agreeable people, yet prefer to trust propagandist websites, i interact with muslims every day and prefer to build my opinions out of something a little closer to home.
lowing don't say im "opening my playbook" because i can actually READ an article and you cannot. jesus h. christ.
Last edited by Uzique (2010-07-02 12:19:15)