I don't think this is a debate, but it is sort of a serious issue.

As the topic says, I'm starting to wonder if my school is focusing more on sports than education itself.  It seems that more money is being spent on new equipment, busing to events, uniforms, etc. than what I think is important: new textbooks, more computers, and other equipment.  The whole point of school is to learn right?  This is the future of our country that we are talking about.  A new rule was passed a couple years ago that made me think.  THe old rule regarding sport eligibility was that if you failed ANY class you were not eligible to play.  So if you failed a class in the fall, you couldn't play in winter sports, and so on.  But they made it that if you failed no more than 2 classes and had your signature and a parents signature on a sheet, you could play as long as you attended after school help classes.  This seemed to me as lowering the standards for students.  It was like the school was going soft on kids, just to have them be able to compete in sports.  I think that schools should focus more on education, and provide more means of help for kids that are struggling, not spending more money  on sport equipment for the school.  I know that people can get scholorships, but honestly, how many actually get them?  What will the students do after high school if they don't get the best help possible while they are in high school?  Did any of this happen/is happening at your schools?  I would like to know what you guys and girls think about this topic.
hmm this was the same problem taiwan had b4... a famous baseball player who retired now sells boxed lunches... i agree w/ all of ur opinions +1 karma for that.  In my school here in taiwan (im in an american based education system) if we get a D in one class... were out of the team... i think that should be the requirement in the USA
Metal Godz
Its good to hear from someone who is thinking positive and forward, with that attitude you should do fine in life.


sadly the rest of the world is hellbent on themselves, and gluttony, envy, greed, sloth, apathy......

Education is the "KEY" to our future and mankind.

Hah! ! Education.....I think I here a toilet flushing.
+302|6909|Salt Lake City

It's sad, but part of the problem with education is parents.  They think that their kid is going to be the next big athletic superstar.  The schools have laxed requirements for sports because the parents get upset, and even go so far as to file lawsuits against the school so that their kid(s) can play sports.  It doesn't matter that the kids and their parents signed the form agreeing to specific academic requirements, and if it goes to court the kids/parents would lose, the fact is that the school has to spend the time and money to defend themselves.
I agree sports being more important than education is ridiculous and needs to stop. We really have our priorities out of whack. Remember work before play?

I feel teachers aren't paid enough for what they do. A teacher, police officer, fire fighter, and military personel should make $100,000 a year.
Not really a Brit
Actually I don't really feel that's happening over here, the main problem was lack of funding for anything full stop.
I agree with you Mason, but the problem is the money to pay those people such a high salary just isn't available. It could be relocated from somewhere else, but that's a whole other debate.
+27|6945|Atlanta, GA USA

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

It's sad, but part of the problem with education is parents.  They think that their kid is going to be the next big athletic superstar.  The schools have laxed requirements for sports because the parents get upset, and even go so far as to file lawsuits against the school so that their kid(s) can play sports.  It doesn't matter that the kids and their parents signed the form agreeing to specific academic requirements, and if it goes to court the kids/parents would lose, the fact is that the school has to spend the time and money to defend themselves.
Yeah, everybody sees the big bucks that professional athletes make in this country and think "that could be my son!"  So instead of worrying about how their kids are doing in school, all they care about is whether they can play ball.  What they don't understand is that the percentage of athletes who make it to the professional level is very small, and they should be more worried about getting their children a better education.

atlvolunteer wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

It's sad, but part of the problem with education is parents.  They think that their kid is going to be the next big athletic superstar.  The schools have laxed requirements for sports because the parents get upset, and even go so far as to file lawsuits against the school so that their kid(s) can play sports.  It doesn't matter that the kids and their parents signed the form agreeing to specific academic requirements, and if it goes to court the kids/parents would lose, the fact is that the school has to spend the time and money to defend themselves.
Yeah, everybody sees the big bucks that professional athletes make in this country and think "that could be my son!"  So instead of worrying about how their kids are doing in school, all they care about is whether they can play ball.  What they don't understand is that the percentage of athletes who make it to the professional level is very small, and they should be more worried about getting their children a better education.
Candidates for political positions should also seek more education, I'm not telling that they pursue doctorate degrees but master degrees don't hurt and give you a plus in normal situations. That's IMO.
Waste Kid

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

hmm this was the same problem taiwan had b4... a famous baseball player who retired now sells boxed lunches... i agree w/ all of ur opinions +1 karma for that.  In my school here in taiwan (im in an american based education system) if we get a D in one class... were out of the team... i think that should be the requirement in the USA
Itd put pressure on people to do well, but in the long run that a good thing.
+22|6837|England, UK
My school needs to concentrate more on SPORT rather than education.. The UK have the fattest teenagers in the world, and 'nowadays' we do way less more school sport than what our parents did.

Last edited by raz (2006-04-30 03:40:40)

It's not the "schools" fault, it's those lazy teens with no life thinking that its "uncool" and "geeky" to study. It's their own fault
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6796|Little Bentcock
I agree, but sport is important too. Here in Australia it is balanced pretty well. It is compulsory to do sport (in my town anyway, not sure about others) and it is very important to get high grades, because you are respected if you are in the higher classes, and even more if you can play sport ASWELL. If you can only play sport you are at the bottom, those 'slower' people get in the fights and live in government housing (or cardboard houses, as I so affectionately call them). Because they thought that they were so good and they were 'certain' to get in to that multi million dollar football team that they didnt have to pay attention or get good marks because they were made for life. 95% dont make it into that team and have to bludge for the rest of the money because they never had any thing to fall back on, and probably 4% of those left get injured and their carreer gets cut short, then they winge why society didnt give them a better educaion as they spend their weekly government payout on alcohol and smokes,

Well thats my spit on society.
Not really a Brit

raz wrote:

My school needs to concentrate more on SPORT rather than education.. The UK have the fattest teenagers in the world, and 'nowadays' we do way less more school sport than what our parents did.
Yep, although our school system sucks in general, and we need to concentrate of teaching ANYTHING. Only a quarter of what I learnt was actually in a classroom IMO, a lot was self taught as I didn't want to fail the exams.
You with the face!
In the US, many of the problems are caused by budget restrictions.  My school has a beautiful fieldhouse, but 10-20 year old books.  Why?...because the building fund had extra money, but the textbook fund was empty.  The school cannot cross-fund with excess cash.
+27|6945|Atlanta, GA USA

RAIMIUS wrote:

In the US, many of the problems are caused by budget restrictions.  My school has a beautiful fieldhouse, but 10-20 year old books.  Why?...because the building fund had extra money, but the textbook fund was empty.  The school cannot cross-fund with excess cash.
Yeah, there is definitely a cash flow problem.  Public schools just don't get enough money to pay teachers well, buy books, etc.
Shiny! Let's be bad guys.
+102|6866|NAS Jacksonville, Florida
+1 for you IonAlpha.

My school is just like that. Every singe year I've been at my high school (my third year right now), every single sports team has gotten a new uniform and new equipment, while we have text books that are 10-20 years old. Hell, my history book still has Germany split as West Germany and East Germany. We also have computers that are about.....10 years old at the least.

acEofspadEs6313 wrote:

+1 for you IonAlpha.

My school is just like that. Every singe year I've been at my high school (my third year right now), every single sports team has gotten a new uniform and new equipment, while we have text books that are 10-20 years old. Hell, my history book still has Germany split as West Germany and East Germany. We also have computers that are about.....10 years old at the least.
hmm probly america (not an insult) should spend probly 10 billion dollars less on the military funding (total is 400 bil... just wow) wouldnt hurt much and it would bring a lot of money into the education system. When i had my trip to LA, cali, the school system was so competetive in sport and hardly cared for education... kinda fucked up. I think the best education system ive been through is the australian, has a balance of sports and classes.

taiwan = not enough sports (40 min a week... WTF!?!!)
USA = too much
Aus = balanced

If uve been in taiwan... every kid u see will pretty much have no life since all they do (i mean 98% of students) is study all day and parents expect them to get number 1 in the exams... waaaaaaay too competitive
+102|6875|New York
Thats why me and my wife have chosen to Home School. I feel as does she, that the Public school system here is nothing more than an assembly line. Pump them out as fast as they can so they can get even more kids in and collect that federal money. Now, if they would only make it easier on the Home schooling folks to get there kids into collage. I mean what would you rather have? An assembly line with underpaid uncareing teachers? Or One on one teaching that is productive to the child and the parent?

Ive had enough of the dictatership thats called public education. I think its time others have also. BTW my wife takes care of english and spelling LOL.
+37|6828|Montréal, Canada

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Thats why me and my wife have chosen to Home School. I feel as does she, that the Public school system here is nothing more than an assembly line. Pump them out as fast as they can so they can get even more kids in and collect that federal money. Now, if they would only make it easier on the Home schooling folks to get there kids into collage. I mean what would you rather have? An assembly line with underpaid uncareing teachers? Or One on one teaching that is productive to the child and the parent?

Ive had enough of the dictatership thats called public education. I think its time others have also. BTW my wife takes care of english and spelling LOL.
thats what im doing to, i stopped going to the public school and im finishing school at hime, i just have to go to the school to do my exams and if i want an apointment with a certain teacher to explain me some stuff i dont understand with the books.

I prefer this to going to school first, because i go to my pseed so i dont have to rush or wait because of the other students and idk the home environment is more calm to me then the school where u have 40 students around you. I got higher grades since im at home
+302|6909|Salt Lake City

I dunt now whit u mean.  Me publuc edumucation is just fin. 
+102|6875|New York

MooseRyder wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Thats why me and my wife have chosen to Home School. I feel as does she, that the Public school system here is nothing more than an assembly line. Pump them out as fast as they can so they can get even more kids in and collect that federal money. Now, if they would only make it easier on the Home schooling folks to get there kids into collage. I mean what would you rather have? An assembly line with underpaid uncareing teachers? Or One on one teaching that is productive to the child and the parent?

Ive had enough of the dictatership thats called public education. I think its time others have also. BTW my wife takes care of english and spelling LOL.
thats what im doing to, i stopped going to the public school and im finishing school at hime, i just have to go to the school to do my exams and if i want an apointment with a certain teacher to explain me some stuff i dont understand with the books.

I prefer this to going to school first, because i go to my pseed so i dont have to rush or wait because of the other students and idk the home environment is more calm to me then the school where u have 40 students around you. I got higher grades since im at home
Excellent. I think its about time people stood up against the Education system and Bring down the Foundations of the Standardized Ones size fits all Approach to education.!!

Spanish  a required class=BULLSHIT
English as a required class for english speaking americans=BULLSHIT, who uses the old world english in america? Noone i know. Its not english anymore anyways, Its classed as American,

Algibra=BULLSHIT  Where in Most jobs is it required?

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

MooseRyder wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Thats why me and my wife have chosen to Home School. I feel as does she, that the Public school system here is nothing more than an assembly line. Pump them out as fast as they can so they can get even more kids in and collect that federal money. Now, if they would only make it easier on the Home schooling folks to get there kids into collage. I mean what would you rather have? An assembly line with underpaid uncareing teachers? Or One on one teaching that is productive to the child and the parent?

Ive had enough of the dictatership thats called public education. I think its time others have also. BTW my wife takes care of english and spelling LOL.
thats what im doing to, i stopped going to the public school and im finishing school at hime, i just have to go to the school to do my exams and if i want an apointment with a certain teacher to explain me some stuff i dont understand with the books.

I prefer this to going to school first, because i go to my pseed so i dont have to rush or wait because of the other students and idk the home environment is more calm to me then the school where u have 40 students around you. I got higher grades since im at home
Excellent. I think its about time people stood up against the Education system and Bring down the Foundations of the Standardized Ones size fits all Approach to education.!!

Spanish  a required class=BULLSHIT
English as a required class for english speaking americans=BULLSHIT, who uses the old world english in america? Noone i know. Its not english anymore anyways, Its classed as American,

Algibra=BULLSHIT  Where in Most jobs is it required?
I agree the education system needs work, but English and Algebra should also be taught at home if a child is homeschooled. Get this, in VA a parent must have a bachellors in teaching to homeschool.  I think they need to teach (get this) economics in high school. How to fill out a check, how to budget for your bills....stuff you'll have to do to SURVIVE.....imagine that....
Junglist Massive

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Excellent. I think its about time people stood up against the Education system and Bring down the Foundations of the Standardized Ones size fits all Approach to education.!!

Spanish  a required class=BULLSHIT
English as a required class for english speaking americans=BULLSHIT, who uses the old world english in america? Noone i know. Its not english anymore anyways, Its classed as American,

Algibra=BULLSHIT  Where in Most jobs is it required?
Hmmm.  Interesting.  I didn't know American English wasn't English. … ifferences

I assume you are talking about the study of Shakespeare when you talk about "Old World" English.  Studying Shakespeare really helps comprehension, something I notice lacking from many posters on this forum.

Everyone should study algebra.  Which jobs isn't it required in then?
has joined the GOP
as far as i'm concerned the only redeeming factor of our school system is the colliegate system. our colleges might have a lot of ground to cover, but when you consider that although places like japan have tough primary schools, the colleges don't really do anything. well, its the opposite here, and we just barely catch up if you go to a good college and go with an intent to learn
I'm of the opinion that school is rarely more about education than it is about extra-curricular activities. There is too much emphasis on sports in schools, from the elementary/middle school level, all the way up to college. Entertainment is such a huge deal in the US, and as a result, money gets put into sports. That money trickles all the way down the chain, drawing more and more people into sports. So, what ends up happening is that schools transform from an education institution, to a sports star factory. Education is not the primary concern of a LOT of schools in the US.

Another thing is that the public school system is underfunded. I've personally moved around the city I live in a few times, transferring from one school zone to another. The more "higher class" area I move into, the more I notice that the school is better. My daughter is learning more, she's getting better grades, her standardized test scores are going up. Why? Money. Parents of students in these "higher class" areas of the city have more money to contribute, and are willing to contribute. Money = better education. If the public school system was properly funded, this wouldn't be an issue. The fact that the "lower class" areas of the city provide a lower level of education is all about how well they are funded, and what they can afford to spend money on.

Education is not a huge priority for the government in our country.  People are forced to make due on their own. If I want my children to have a good education, I need to pay for it. Not everyone has that option. Therein lies the problem.

Sports is a part of the problem, but if used well, can be a part of the solution. Since money is the issue, the problem with some schools is they spend too much money and give too much focus to sports, and not enough to actual education. But, schools can use the public emphasis on sports to filter money to education, so that the sports support the education. But, the modern trend is that it is more important to have a national champion football team, rather than the highest average GPA and graduation rate. Sad, but true.

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