The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6715|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
I cant add anymore to what Jord n Ghetto have said.  I dont like you Dilbo,  its none of your bee's wax what weed smokers do, unless we are blowing it in your face, so fucking stay out of it.  Stop trying to stereotype us; its called Dope, but it dosen't mean we are.

I can only talk about myself Dilbo but if it helps to change ya mind:

Im a fucking top class Dad, a role model to you in that regards.  I dunno if you are a Dad but you could learn a shed load off me.

Im a successful company director, times are hard, for everyone, but we seem to be doing ok.

Im still playing sport a few times a week and still doing well at that too.  My lungs aint fucked and I somehow still remember what sport Im playing, where it is, and who against.  I should do though, Im our capt next season and I still coach kids at hockey.  Cricket, yeah thats going well too.

Im doing as well as if not better than a lot of my 'larger' guzzling mates.

So If you want a cool Dad, who fucks like a wild tiger, is a local sporting legend, a shit hot chef and will roll you an awsome smoke, Im ya man.  If you wanna job - you can fuck right off, I cant stand you.

Last edited by 1927 (2010-06-29 04:44:52)

+2,382|6720|The North, beyond the wall.
Could you give me a job 7? 
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6715|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Yeah I would I reckon you'd be good.  A fiesty lil bugger with good morals from what I can tell, honest and genuine aswell.  However, your a mate (in my eyes) and Im not employing one of them, sorry.  The next two people lined up for work are my Nephew (16) and Mollie (9).

Dilbert_X wrote:

Trolling just isn't a challenge any more....
It's not really trolling when you actually hold those views though, is it?
'27 should you employ me i have an excellent drug-history and have entrepreneurial and professional skills to back it up

dilbert i could consider your posts trolling if it wasnt for the previous-posts in bf2s history in which you basically admitted you were the hopelessly uncool kid that found socializing hard. therefore i just think your whole anti-pot thing is more of a senseless bitter tirade against the kids at college that seemed to scrape by a-okay by smoking pot, going to frat parties and generally having a good time... whilst you sat in the background working away, having no fun.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6715|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Id employ you front of house Uzi - You would pick me up some pretty impressive clients I reckon, but I have to be fair here, I see you as a friend and thus, no can do.
it's okay im too busy dribbling in a retarded stupor anyway, because ive done drugs in the past

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6715|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
I think maybe just my sec hasnt done drugs in the past, she's 63 now out of the people that work here.  You should never feel ashamed by the past for eg, your just about to get ya dick wet with ya new bird like and ya worried about telling her how you and ya buddy tagged this girl one night.  Taking it in turns to smash the bints pasty to bits.  Its ya fucking past innit?  Cant fucking change it.
my past is in egypt, with stone-carved pillars and indomitable pyramids; my heritage lies in byron, shelley, dostoevsky, and I, I, I, am not ashamed

the whole of life, it's masters, it's adventurers, lie as a vast heritage behind me; and i - the continuer, the inheritor, do not shy away from my role

may doomed women be my muse and potent opiates my catalyst! o' lord!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
The X stands for
+1,810|6148|eXtreme to the maX

Uzique wrote:

dilbert i could consider your posts trolling if it wasnt for the previous-posts in bf2s history in which you basically admitted you were the hopelessly uncool kid that found socializing hard. therefore i just think your whole anti-pot thing is more of a senseless bitter tirade against the kids at college that seemed to scrape by a-okay by smoking pot, going to frat parties and generally having a good time... whilst you sat in the background working away, having no fun.
I went to Imperial, being uncool was not exactly uncool - the science-fiction club had the largest membership of the social clubs, where did I complain about other students exactly?

What I have said is pot smokers tend to do less well than they could have - I wouldn't say being an unmarried father, working for your Dad's signwriting company and playing football in Wales is the pinnacle of achievement TBH.

I still think its pretty funny these numbskulls left a continuous trail of dope all the way from their house to the grow-house.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2010-06-29 06:55:29)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
i also wouldn't say that smoking pot had anything to do with it, at all

everyone has vices - who is to say that alcohol or gambling, or video games or television, doesn't retard one's development and 'progress'?

who is to say that people necessarily always find desired self-fulfillment in climbing a career ladder or augmenting their income? you are making some terribly flawed fundamental judgements here ('judgement' in the harshest way possible)- for we are not all driven by the same forces that drive you; we do not all conform to your criteria of 'success'. let people be with their harmless decisions and their choice of vice: what society condemns today it accepts tomorrow, and vice versa.

also i can quote you countless common-law case examples of perfectly sober-minded people that made utterly hilarious mistakes leading to their arrest. people caught in the process of burglarizing a house, for example, by trying to force and enter a property through a window far too small, hence getting stuck and needing the fire-service to cut them free. i guess you could extend that small trivial anecdotal piece of evidence to make the logical assumption, then, that all sober-minded people are numbskulls, prone to utterly stupid mistakes?

c'mon, you went to imperial. put down your petty personal grinds (and, my my are you one to hold them-- first literature, now weed) and get some objectivity. you just make yourself look stupid in threads like this; and the 'i was trolling neway, LOL' reversal is such an old forum manoeuvre, everybody can see what you're doing... and we're all wincing in pain simultaneously as it happens.

Last edited by Uzique (2010-06-29 06:59:04)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
The X stands for
+1,810|6148|eXtreme to the maX
Well, in my experience, that of my friends and numerous education professionals, psychiatrists who work in the correctional services, Police etc I've discussed it with, starting pot use is the one factor which seems to set people on a significantly different path - whereas tobacco doesn't for example and alcohol not so much.
Educational and social progress just seems to stop - pot is great, nothing else matters so much.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2010-06-29 07:03:03)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
This topic seems to have no actual posts

1927 wrote:

I cant add anymore to what Jord n Ghetto have said.  I dont like you Dilbo,  its none of your bee's wax what weed smokers do, unless we are blowing it in your face, so fucking stay out of it.  Stop trying to stereotype us; its called Dope, but it dosen't mean we are.

I can only talk about myself Dilbo but if it helps to change ya mind:

Im a fucking top class Dad, a role model to you in that regards.  I dunno if you are a Dad but you could learn a shed load off me.

Im a successful company director, times are hard, for everyone, but we seem to be doing ok.

Im still playing sport a few times a week and still doing well at that too.  My lungs aint fucked and I somehow still remember what sport Im playing, where it is, and who against.  I should do though, Im our capt next season and I still coach kids at hockey.  Cricket, yeah thats going well too.

Im doing as well as if not better than a lot of my 'larger' guzzling mates.

So If you want a cool Dad, who fucks like a wild tiger, is a local sporting legend, a shit hot chef and will roll you an awsome smoke, Im ya man.  If you wanna job - you can fuck right off, I cant stand you.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6715|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Equals Who?
The X stands for
+1,810|6148|eXtreme to the maX
'i was trolling neway, LOL' reversal is such an old forum manoeuvre, everybody can see what you're doing... and we're all wincing in pain simultaneously as it happens.
It was in EE, its a funny story, the only two options were dumb.
It did suck in all the 'but ah lurvs mah weed' characters.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2010-06-29 07:04:47)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
This topic seems to have no actual posts
heroin, smack, boy, brown

not weed

Dilbert_X wrote:

Well, in my experience, that of my friends and numerous education professionals, psychiatrists who work in the correctional services, Police etc I've discussed it with, starting pot use is the one factor which seems to set people on a significantly different path - whereas tobacco doesn't for example.
Educational and social progress just seems to stop - pot is great, nothing else matters so much.
well, for a start all of your 'professional' friends are part of an establishment where it is only professionally-acceptable to condemn pot-use

we have all seen from recent drug-thinktank and government commisions that professionals that don't go with the 'accepted line' get fired, quick. there is no ultimately conclusive evidence that pot smoking, as a result of specific chemical compounds or as a social-action, causes these 'retardations'. you can say in a psychological sense that any activity that counts as 'leisurely escapism' leads to a motivational decline. go play world of warcraft - get sucked in to a great game - you won't be quite as focussed on your work or on other constructive activities. is there a sinister drug-addiction or brain-reaction going on there? nothing out of the ordinary, really. you tickle your brain with certain chemical reactions and stimulations and it will naturally want more. pot is not the devil in this case; it's the way we're hard-wired. alcohol and tobacco may not lead on to further 'pleasure'-seeking stimulators/inhibitors, but they're a destructive end in themselves- mentally and physically. a frequent drinker's mentality and attitude will suck just as much as a frequent pot-smoker... if not worse because of the downer-effects of alcohol.

as i said, and relating to my first sentence again, a lot of it is to do with the codified, stigmatized views of what drugs are 'acceptable' and what drugs are not. 100 years ago, when scientific knowledge was perfectly adequate, the casual drinking of opium+alcohol (laudanum) was a fashionable and socially-accepted activity. people knew that it was destructive to 'ordinary' constructivity, too-- but the difference is that society embraced it, rather than condemning it. thus you had poets and scientists like samuel taylor coleridge, hopelessly addicted to a far more sinister drug family (opiates)- but still putting out stuff that was celebrated and considered 'positive' for an individual.

basically im just saying that you're surrounding yourself with petty-gripes and establishment opinions, and unsurprisingly you're recycling the status-quo.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
eleven bravo
+1,399|5301|foggy bottom
this one time my friend was toking a bowl in his car in a residential street and some old white guy came out of house and looked right at my friend and my friend thought he was going to call the cops but the old white guy was walking outside to toke his own weed himself.
Tu Stultus Es
loads of top intellectuals and people that are far more successfu - according to any criterion - than you, dilbert, toke by the way.

i personally myself don't enjoy weed but there are many public-figures and personal-companions that one can rally off as contradictions to your argument:

cf. carl sagan 'smoke weed every day' image.

Last edited by Uzique (2010-06-29 07:11:53)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
The X stands for
+1,810|6148|eXtreme to the maX
well, for a start all of your 'professional' friends are part of an establishment where it is only professionally-acceptable to condemn pot-use
They're all intelligent, educated people who can think for themselves, and do have personal lives and opinions outside 'the establishment'.
there is no ultimately conclusive evidence that pot smoking, as a result of specific chemical compounds or as a social-action, causes these 'retardations'
But most people know at least one or two people who've 'smoked themselves stupid'.
Its all anecdotal, but this is what I and many of my acquaintences have noticed.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
eleven bravo
+1,399|5301|foggy bottom

Dilbert_X wrote:

well, for a start all of your 'professional' friends are part of an establishment where it is only professionally-acceptable to condemn pot-use
They're all intelligent, educated people who can think for themselves, and do have personal lives and opinions outside 'the establishment'.
there is no ultimately conclusive evidence that pot smoking, as a result of specific chemical compounds or as a social-action, causes these 'retardations'
But most people know at least one or two people who've 'smoked themselves stupid'.
Its all anecdotal, but this is what I and many of my acquaintences have noticed.
perhaps these people didnt smoke themselves stupid and they were just retards in the first place
Tu Stultus Es
and how many people that have drinked themselves stupid?

how many people that pissed away opportunities on women?

how many people that got into other drugs?

how many people that stopped striving for further success because they became content?

how many people that were domesticized by marriage and family life?

how many people that just developed a hobby or a social life and stopped wanting to climb the professional ladder?

come on, you're a fucking graduate in a science. anecdotal whimsies are not empirical proof. get out with your bullshit.

the only criteria for real life success, at the end of the day, is happiness; or, to escape the misery one feels. let people be with their harmless solutions to their entirely personal and unique situations - who are you to judge or say what is right or wrong? your psychologist friends could diagnoze and point out a whole lot of non-chemical, non-drug based neurosis and problems that riddle every day life because of seemingly innocuous factors. stress, anxiety, paranoia, depression... the ills of our modern age. you think everyone with a history of retardation, mental illness or lack-of-success is resulting from drug use? life and human experience is too broad for your shitty embittered generalizations.

Last edited by Uzique (2010-06-29 07:20:01)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

Uzique wrote:

and how many people that have drinked themselves stupid?
*raises hand

oh, this isn't a poll?
The X stands for
+1,810|6148|eXtreme to the maX

Uzique wrote:

and how many people that have drinked themselves stupid?

how many people that pissed away opportunities on women?

how many people that got into other drugs?

how many people that stopped striving for further success because they became content?

how many people that were domesticized by marriage and family life?

how many people that just developed a hobby or a social life and stopped wanting to climb the professional ladder?

come on, you're a fucking graduate in a science. anecdotal whimsies are not empirical proof. get out with your bullshit.
Anecdotal evidence comes first though.
Its the change in psychology which is the thing.
your psychologist friends could diagnoze and point out a whole lot of non-chemical, non-drug based neurosis and problems that riddle every day life because of seemingly innocuous factors. stress, anxiety, paranoia, depression... the ills of our modern age. you think everyone with a history of retardation, mental illness or lack-of-success is resulting from drug use?
No, they do however consider pot use to be a key kicker when it comes to changing direction in life, or just stopping.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2010-06-29 07:23:27)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
in a technical sense all of those above-listed 'events' change personal psychology, drives, motivations and ambitions

the only drug that pharmacologically changes brain-receptor chemistry is opiates, hence why heroin is so addictive

THC... no. about as likely as caffeine to change your biological hard-wiring.

stop being so dumb on purpose, you claim to be an intelligent person at any other more convenient time.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

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