China has 10,000 years of culture, history, invention, writing, practicality, etc etc etc.
Afghanistan has 10,000 years of being a speedbump for world superpowers.
Afghanistan isn't going to change anytime soon.
We may be able to do some good here and there with the tribal Pashtun, but any money spent on the government or urban infrastructure is a waste.
Spend the time and energy with the Pastun tribals,
not the Dari speaking urban centers.
The Dari speaking areas are too too much of a complex mangled web for Western hands to untangle, and the people are unpredictable.
A good deal of the tribal Pashtun can be dealt with, if you deal straight with them.
Dilbert_X wrote:
AQ are in Pakistan, the Taliban don't fight 'real' wars and therefore can't be beaten at them.
Mostly true. The few times they've tried a relatively stand-up fight, they've had the snot beat out of them.
They are like a virus: You don't eradicate every last one. You kill off as many as possible, and eliminate the conditions that favor the virus.