+156|6785|space command ur anus

JaMDuDe wrote:

God did do those things. But everyone who those things happened to were evil. He warned pharoah before all the first born were killed, and all the people who followed God got there firstborns saved. Your just showing us what God did without showing the reason or how it was done.
there are no written accounts of an exodus or every new born child being killed in Egypt. I'm curtain  that they wold have noticed that all these infants died, and a whole bunch of people leaving the country.
not to mention the loss of an army and a prince.

Last edited by herrr_smity (2006-05-01 15:09:06)

Yes, i have hit puberty.

There a thousands of people who saw him do miracles. Would His disciples really have dedicated their life to a magician? If you dont want to believe him you can always say it was just magic.

Ive seen the other religions and none of them compare to this one. Please show me one like Christianity. I know about Islam and Buddism.

Jesus was torchered to within an inch of his life, then he was NAILED to a cross, then after they thought he was dead they stuck a spear into his side to make sure. If you dont believe that kills someone then what would?

I said that the wrong way. It was more than what it sounds like.

The pharoah was warned, He was using Gods people as slaves. None of the people who followed God had there first born touched. Yeah i do. God wouldnt have destroyed everything if there were a lot of good people in the world.

Ive seen lots of evidence of creation and you havent shown me and good proof of evolution. You should read The Privileged Planet. Its made by scientists and shows it all. http://www.privilegedplanet.com/#

The best place in our solar system to veiw an eclipse is Earth. The suns the perfect size and the moons a perfect size and they are the perfect distance from the sun. Great coincidence eh? Our position in the galaxy is in between the arms so that we can tell where we are in this galaxy.

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-05-01 14:55:08)

One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6851|San Francisco
Jamdude, so you're telling me that you personally know some people that are over 2000 years old who lived to tell the tale?  Ever heard of the game Chinese Whispers?  Ever notice how the retelling of something can get greatly exaggerated the more it's passed on?

As for the disciples, what say you to the Kool-Aid Mass Suicide in 1978 from Jim Jones' Peoples Temple cult.  People will believe anything if they are sold on it in the right way, even down to killing or severely endangering themselves in the name of what they believe in.

If you'd like to see a religion exactly like christianity, I'll point you to The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.  It was been set up and created in the exact same way as the christian church, just without the 2000+ years of tenure and Roman Emperor approval, but is quickly gaining members.

JaMDuDe wrote:

Ive seen the other religions and none of them compare to this one. Please show me one like Christianity. I know about Islam and Buddism.
What about Judaism? Huh? The basis of Christianity!!!!!!
All the stuff in the bible was written down. The dead sea scrolls showed that it didnt get changed in the centuries after. You can believe the flying spaghetti monster if that is what you want. Judaism has prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus. But they dont believe it. I Dont think the flying spaghetti religion has prophecies that came true. Or someone who came to earth from a virgin and did lots of "magic" then died and came back for over 500 people to see 3 days later.
+255|6794|Westminster, California

kkolodsick wrote:

Flecco wrote:

I don't like fundamentalists. That said, I use the Bible (the New Testament that is...) as a moral compass and it guides me quite well. I believe in God, because the more I study science the harder it gets for me to believe that it was all a coincidence. I am certain that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution was correct and nothing in any religion has ever led me to believe otherwise. Sadly we have fundamentalists in this world causing crap (that guy in the U.S. of A. I keep hearing about along with all the extremist muslim clerics...).

Completely off topic but... Where did AIDS and the HIV virus come from? I would be interested to know but couldn't be bothered researching it (senior years schooling... To much bloody research already...).
Memory serves that HIV came from Africa and was orignally transmitted from a monkey?
Don't flame me if I'm way off.
My understanding is that Jerry Falwell asks Gawd to do something about dem sinning pole smokers
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6851|San Francisco
I have just as much proof that the Decline of Pirates contributes to the Rise in Global Warming due to the lack of faith in the Flying Spaghetti Monster as you do of Jesus' miracles.  One doesn't necessarily usurp the other, but they are both presented in the exact same way, through the writings of someone else.  Except mine has a well-made Excel chart.

Perhaps the Flying Spaghetti Monster (from here on out known as the FSM) came in and made it look like Jesus was performing miracles?  The FSM didn't feel it was the right time to start Touching people with His Noodly Appendages back then, so he started now.

The point is you can't use faith or "facts" based on faith to argue about science when faith itself is subjective and not prone to be based off of anything substantiative for debate.
The proof of christianity isnt based purely on faith. How do you explain the prophecies that were written hundreds of years before Jesus came? Or how do u explain animals that are too complex to have evolved?What about blood cells in a T-Rex fossil? Comets? There wouldnt be any comets if the earth were billions of years old. Is the faith based Oort cloud your proof of where comets come from? Nobody has ever seen it.

Heres another thing from answers in genisis "Galaxies wind themselves up too fast
The stars of our own galaxy, the Milky Way, rotate about the galactic center with different speeds, the inner ones rotating faster than the outer ones. The observed rotation speeds are so fast that if our galaxy were more than a few hundred million years old, it would be a featureless disc of stars instead of its present spiral shape.

Yet our galaxy is supposed to be at least 10 billion years old. Evolutionists call this ‘the winding-up dilemma’, which they have known about for fifty years. They have devised many theories to try to explain it, each one failing after a brief period of popularity. The same ‘winding-up’ dilemma also applies to other galaxies."

Theres a lot more stuff but its too much to show.

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-05-01 16:30:58)

One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6851|San Francisco
Calling anything "too complex" for anything just represents your lack of knowledge in that particular area.  Nothing is too complex unless you actually research and study it.  How do you explain the prophecies written about the FSM coming into existence millions of years ago?  Suspension of disbelief, as it's a story intending to sell you on the religion.

And...what...the...FUCK...does EARTH have to do with Comets?  Comets come from the Kuiper belt, which has been seen by Earth and space-based satellites.  Any of the comet trajectories that venture farther than the Kuiper Belt are attributed to existing in the Oort Cloud, which cannot be seen yet from the ground or space due to it being approximately 10,000 AU from the Sun.  Wait for the Voyager I to get there and we'll see.  There is a difference between faith in Oort cloud and your religious faith...it is faith based on facts, like so:
FACT - Comets exist.
FACT - They come from a band of ice and rock far out past Pluto called the Kuiper Belt
FACT - If the measured trajectory and velocity of a comet doesn't match up to the estimated viewed model of the Kuiper Belt, it comes from somewhere farther out there.
FACT - This area farther out from the Kuiper Belt is the Oort Cloud, named for Jan Hendrik Oort, who determined that the Galaxy rotates and determined the position and orbital period of our Sun within it.

This gathering of constantly measured and proven Facts allow me to believe that there is indeed an area where the comets swing by in aphelion that is farther out than the observed Kuiper Belt.

Your "answers in genesis" facts are biased towards proving that christianity is right in all accounts of science, rather than just presenting well thought-out facts and observations that have no agenda.  Once again, you are trying to just use god as an explanation for anything you do not comprehend, which is why it was created in the first place, and why it is the death of rational thought today.
Mod Incarnate

JaMDuDe wrote:

There a thousands of people who saw him do miracles. Would His disciples really have dedicated their life to a magician? If you dont want to believe him you can always say it was just magic.
As I have said several times before, people can and will believe some pretty stupid things. You yourself are sitting here telling us that 4 billion people, everyone who isn't a christian, is wrong and believes in a lie. Yet you steadfastly refuse to look at your own religion with anything but undying faith. Why is that? Can you honestly say that you would be a christian if your parents weren't christian? If you lived in Asia? If you'd never read the bible? If you say yes than you are either lying to us or lying to yourself. The point being christianity is a meme, passed down through the generations by people who believed and taught that belief to their friends and children.

Back to your point. Yes, his disciples really would dedicate their life to a 'magician' as you put it. Marconius' example was pretty good, and there are countless other instances where cultists have worshipped and died for human individuals. And we are talking about modern era, these people were more educated and better informed than the people in Jesus' time, yet they still fell prey to a false belief system. Now, is it such a leap of faith to look at Jesus' followers and say "maybe they didn't know the whole story?". That perhaps they may have embellished a bit when writing the bible? That 2000 years of unquestioning belief does not make your religion better than anyone elses?

JaMDuDe wrote:

Ive seen the other religions and none of them compare to this one. Please show me one like Christianity. I know about Islam and Buddism.
We've already shown you two. Islam and Buddhism. You dismissed them offhand, and I seriously doubt you understand nearly as much as you think you do about those two religions. I knew a Buddhist monk for over a year and I barely scratched the surface.

JaMDuDe wrote:

Jesus was torchered to within an inch of his life, then he was NAILED to a cross, then after they thought he was dead they stuck a spear into his side to make sure. If you dont believe that kills someone then what would?
There are amazing survival stories from all over the world. There are people that have survived for days in the wilderness with no protection. People who have been shot half a dozen times and walked away. Phineas Gage, a railworker in the last century, accidentally blew a large part of his frontal lobe (of his brain, that is) out with a metal rod and a blasting cap, and walked away from it. I'm not overly impressed by the resurrection story, again because it was written 2000 years ago and the only evidence we have of it is the Bible.

The word is 'tortured' by the way.

JaMDuDe wrote:

I said that the wrong way. It was more than what it sounds like.
Ah I see. And we're supposed to take your word for it I guess? You still have not provided evidence of miracles, other than some secondhand word of mouth tale about refugees and a homeless guy. Back your statements up.

JaMDuDe wrote:

The pharoah was warned, He was using Gods people as slaves. None of the people who followed God had there first born touched. Yeah i do. God wouldnt have destroyed everything if there were a lot of good people in the world.
Umm. Ok. The pharoah is a bad guy, and none of 'God's people' were hurt. I won't argue with that. That was not, however, what I was saying. My point was that God wiped out the children of everyone who didn't believe in him. Were those children evil? Did they deserve to die? And how do you know what God would or wouldn't have done? Were you there? Oh right, the Bible says so, it must be true.

I look forward to your completely irrelevant response, for the fourth time running.

JaMDuDe wrote:

Ive seen lots of evidence of creation and you havent shown me and good proof of evolution. You should read The Privileged Planet. Its made by scientists and shows it all. http://www.privilegedplanet.com/#
When I see statements like this I feel like banging my head against the wall. Why do you insist on taking the word of some creationist website over the research of the worldwide scientific community? People have been bombarding you with evidence for evolution for the duration of this thread, and every time you just link us to answersingenesis or christiananswers, like that disproves everything. How about doing some research of your own? When will you stop getting your information spoon fed to you by fundamentalist Christians?

And where is this evidence for creation? I'd like to see it. All I've seen so far is a lot of 'well science can't explain such and such, and the Bible says this right here, so obviously creationism is true'.

JaMDuDe wrote:

The best place in our solar system to veiw an eclipse is Earth. The suns the perfect size and the moons a perfect size and they are the perfect distance from the sun. Great coincidence eh? Our position in the galaxy is in between the arms so that we can tell where we are in this galaxy.
The best place to view an eclipse? The last time I checked, solar eclipses are caused by our own moon. It wouldn't matter where we are in the solar system as long as the moon was still around and passed directly between the earth and sun every once in a while. The moons the perfect size? Perfect size for what? I can only imagine if the moon was any other size we'd be sitting here now and you'd still be telling us it was the perfect size. And lastly, why does it matter where we are in the galaxy. Is it imperative that we know where in the galaxy that we are? Not really. Again, I have to speculate that if we were anywhere else in the galaxy, you would still be telling us how perfect and divinely intelligent it all is.

JaMDuDe wrote:

The proof of christianity isnt based purely on faith. How do you explain the prophecies that were written hundreds of years before Jesus came? Or how do u explain animals that are too complex to have evolved?What about blood cells in a T-Rex fossil? Comets? There wouldnt be any comets if the earth were billions of years old. Is the faith based Oort cloud your proof of where comets come from? Nobody has ever seen it.
The proof of christianity? There you go with those blanket statements again. I see you have fallen back to your original talking points, despite several pages worth of discussion as to their veracity. As for comets, what does the Oort cloud have to do with anything?
Looks like JaMDuDe hasn't stopped ripping arguments from other sources.
Google "over 500 people  Jesus" and see what comes up. Or maybe he started it?...
PS-Marconius- Nice post. I'm glad to see some people still care about the night sky and the universe...
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6847|Tampa Bay Florida

JaMDuDe wrote:

There is this dude called satan, he tries to mislead people away from God any way he can. When people are desperate for religion and this guy claims to have talked with and angel from God people will believe him. But dont forget that most muslims dont get to study any other religions and are pretty much forced to obey one religion for life.
Did the thought ever go through your head that maybe satan is just a completely fictional trick to scare people into being Christian? 

It's almost as if some guy 2,000 years ago was smoking some primitive form of crack and started writing all of his visions down.  *COUGH COUGH* bible? *COUGH COUGH*

-1 away

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-05-01 18:12:11)

+255|6794|Westminster, California

Flavius Aetius wrote:

so what is the meaning of life? why are we here?
Why, to post inane questions in these hallowed forums, of course!
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6851|San Francisco
Thanks Daysniper.  I studied it a lot in high school and on my own time when in college, and now it's an academic hobby of mine.
+255|6794|Westminster, California

Marconius wrote:

Calling anything "too complex" for anything just represents your lack of knowledge in that particular area.  Nothing is too complex unless you actually research and study it.  How do you explain the prophecies written about the FSM coming into existence millions of years ago?  Suspension of disbelief, as it's a story intending to sell you on the religion.

And...what...the...FUCK...does EARTH have to do with Comets?  Comets come from the Kuiper belt, which has been seen by Earth and space-based satellites.  Any of the comet trajectories that venture farther than the Kuiper Belt are attributed to existing in the Oort Cloud, which cannot be seen yet from the ground or space due to it being approximately 10,000 AU from the Sun.  Wait for the Voyager I to get there and we'll see.  There is a difference between faith in Oort cloud and your religious faith...it is faith based on facts, like so:
FACT - Comets exist.
FACT - They come from a band of ice and rock far out past Pluto called the Kuiper Belt
FACT - If the measured trajectory and velocity of a comet doesn't match up to the estimated viewed model of the Kuiper Belt, it comes from somewhere farther out there.
FACT - This area farther out from the Kuiper Belt is the Oort Cloud, named for Jan Hendrik Oort, who determined that the Galaxy rotates and determined the position and orbital period of our Sun within it.

This gathering of constantly measured and proven Facts allow me to believe that there is indeed an area where the comets swing by in aphelion that is farther out than the observed Kuiper Belt.

Your "answers in genesis" facts are biased towards proving that christianity is right in all accounts of science, rather than just presenting well thought-out facts and observations that have no agenda.  Once again, you are trying to just use god as an explanation for anything you do not comprehend, which is why it was created in the first place, and why it is the death of rational thought today.
Hey Marcy, I read recently that 2 in 5 guys in San Fransico are gay, is this true?
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6851|San Francisco
Why do you want to know?  You looking for a date?
Ok, heres some evidence.

Against evoulution

The horse, one of the best examples of evolution says wiki. http://christiananswers.net/q-aig/aig-c016.html


Finch go through a drought, all of them with small beaks die and the ones with big beaks live. So a bunch of these mutations could change the species right? No beaks go back to normal when the rain comes back. No evidence that they can change species.

We havent found ANY random mutations that give an animal an advantage. This is supposed to be how all of life formed! How come we cant find one?

Unfossilized dinosaur bones http://christiananswers.net/q-aig/aig-c026.html

Cambrian explosion. In china there is a PERFECT layer right under the cambrian to have fossilized anything
that might have evolved into the animals and theres nothing.

Complex organisms that need every part to work. http://www.icr.org/index.php?module=art … mp;ID=2594

Fruit flies http://www.icr.org/index.php?module=art … mp;ID=2602

Its impossible for life to form from lifeless matter IF there was this soup. http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs/4220.asp

Evolutionist Frederick B. Jueneman candidly summarizes the situation:

"The age of our globe is presently thought to be some 4.5 billion years, based on radio-decay rates of uranium and thorium. Such 'confirmation' may be shortlived, as nature is not to be discovered quite so easily. There has been in recent years the horrible realization that radio-decay rates are not as constant as previously thought, nor are they immune to environmental influences. And this could mean that the atomic clocks are reset during some global disaster, and events which brought the Mesozoic to a close may not be 65 million years ago, but rather, within the age and memory of man."

Evidence for creation

HISTORICAL FACT that the prophecies were written before Jesus was born. They were far too detailed to just have so many meaning they must have come true sometime.
http://christiananswers.net/dictionary/ … ecies.html

More prophecy http://christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-t003.html

Heres some evidence of a young earth http://www.icr.org/index.php?module=art … mp;ID=1842

possibly some more http://www.christiananswers.net/q-aig/aig-c009.html

Archaeology http://christiananswers.net/q-aiia/aiia-arch1.html
The bible was written on 3 continents by 35-40 different people over 1500 years.

Some questions for you guys to answer http://christiananswers.net/q-aiia/ques … ptics.html

Earth is perfect for scientific discovery and life. http://www.privilegedplanet.com/ Read the book if you want to know more.

2 billion people believe in this "false religion" when they are taught evolution in schools and its a proven "fact".

People from the bible knew as the universe expands space itself stretches. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_c … e_Big_Bang

heres some scientists, already posted it before  http://www.discovery.org/scripts/viewDB … amp;id=660
http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/ar … efault.asp

There is one picture the voyager took....
http://www.planetary.org/html/news/arti … rthpbd.jpg
the next big one will be when they find the imaginary oort cloud. This is earth by the way shining in a beam of light.

This is just some evidence. Im sure there is lots more. Feel free to say its all bias and not true. I did use a lot of christian answer links so that might work.

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-05-04 09:29:30)

One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6851|San Francisco
JamDude, all we are asking for is for you to back up your views using sources OTHER than christian biased websites.  What is so hard about that?
Mod Incarnate

JaMDuDe wrote:

I did use a lot of christian answer links so that might work.
A lot? The only link there that isnt a christian website is discovery.org, and possibly planetary.org. But good job on proving my point, you know, the one about you getting all your information from the same people.
+37|6812|Montréal, Canada
He cant, because its actually the only kind of websites providing him "proofs" to back up what hes saying. Dont ask him more
Want glazed or chocolate?
+2|6799|Puerto Rico

Spearhead wrote:

JaMDuDe wrote:

There is this dude called satan, he tries to mislead people away from God any way he can. When people are desperate for religion and this guy claims to have talked with and angel from God people will believe him. But dont forget that most muslims dont get to study any other religions and are pretty much forced to obey one religion for life.
Did the thought ever go through your head that maybe satan is just a completely fictional trick to scare people into being Christian? 

It's almost as if some guy 2,000 years ago was smoking some primitive form of crack and started writing all of his visions down.  *COUGH COUGH* bible? *COUGH COUGH*

-1 away
Possibly also it was done to make people follow laws even more than the laws themselves made them.

After all discused, the only thing proven was that we all think differently, but alike only in 3 thinks, one, those who belive... 2- the ones that dont.... 3 - the maybe.   

Really, this is something that possibly will never be proven. After all, how can u prove something that its omnicient (or whatever u spell it)
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6851|San Francisco
You can't prove it.  It comes down to whether you'll just blindly follow what someone says about it or whether or not you'll think for yourself about it.  Be bold enough to question and not lax enough to just give up and accept what some huge clandestine organizations decide is right for your life.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6832|Canberra, AUS

JaMDuDe wrote:

Ok, heres some evidence.

Against evoulution

The horse, one of the best examples of evolution says wiki. http://christiananswers.net/q-aig/aig-c016.html


Finch go through a drought, all of them with small beaks die and the ones with big beaks live. So a bunch of these mutations could change the species right? No beaks go back to normal when the rain comes back. No evidence that they can change species.

Unfossilized dinosaur bones http://christiananswers.net/q-aig/aig-c026.html

Cambrian explosion. In china there is a PERFECT layer right under the cambrian to have fossilized anything
that might have evolved into the animals and theres nothing.

Complex organisms that need every part to work. http://www.icr.org/index.php?module=art … mp;ID=2594

Fruit flies http://www.icr.org/index.php?module=art … mp;ID=2602

Its impossible for life to form from lifeless matter IF there was this soup. http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs/4220.asp

Evolutionist Frederick B. Jueneman candidly summarizes the situation:

"The age of our globe is presently thought to be some 4.5 billion years, based on radio-decay rates of uranium and thorium. Such 'confirmation' may be shortlived, as nature is not to be discovered quite so easily. There has been in recent years the horrible realization that radio-decay rates are not as constant as previously thought, nor are they immune to environmental influences. And this could mean that the atomic clocks are reset during some global disaster, and events which brought the Mesozoic to a close may not be 65 million years ago, but rather, within the age and memory of man."

Evidence for creation

HISTORICAL FACT that the prophecies were written before Jesus was born. They were far too detailed to just have so many meaning they must have come true sometime.
http://christiananswers.net/dictionary/ … ecies.html

More prophecy http://christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-t003.html

Heres some evidence of a young earth http://www.icr.org/index.php?module=art … mp;ID=1842

possibly some more http://www.christiananswers.net/q-aig/aig-c009.html

Archaeology http://christiananswers.net/q-aiia/aiia-arch1.html

Some questions for you guys to answer http://christiananswers.net/q-aiia/ques … ptics.html

Earth is perfect for scientific discovery and life. http://www.privilegedplanet.com/ Read the book if you want to know more.

2 billion people believe in this "false religion" when they are taught evolution in schools and its a proven "fact".

heres some scientists, already posted it before  http://www.discovery.org/scripts/viewDB … amp;id=660
http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/ar … efault.asp

There is one picture the voyager took....
http://www.planetary.org/html/news/arti … rthpbd.jpg
the next big one will be when they find the imaginary oort cloud. This is earth by the way shining in a beam of light.

This is just some evidence. Im sure there is lots more. Feel free to say its all bias and not true. I did use a lot of christian answer links so that might work.
FUCK! I just spent ages writing a response then accidentaly closed it. Oh well. Try again...

Horse - repost. Don't, please.

Second link - that seems to be merely the opinions of some misinformed creationist - no links to studies, no evidence to back up, little thought apparent.

Blood on dinosaurs - Repost. You do know that nobody had heard of dinosaurs until about 1800, right? And how would you fit every DINOSAUR on an ark? Not to mention all the other weird species - such as 1m long insects by the thousand, 20m crocidiles, birds big enough to rip off your head etc.

Tiny Machines, Eiffel Tower, and Gecko Feet - Wow. Never have I heard such an ignorance of evolutionary principles. How did complex cells evolve? Through 4.5 billion years of evolution, natural selection and INVASIONS. Learn about those - especially the mitochondial invasion. Yes it is unscientific to attribute to creation - the only evidence is that it 'is'. If it were different, you'd still say it was 'created' - that is stubborness.

Panspermia. Look it up. Also, we don't know much about 4.5 billion years ago - why are you already assuming we do?

What would natural selection do to the four-winged fly? It'd swat it. That's why you don't see too many four-winged flies - it is not a good 'design'.

Prophecies - Undisputed, not to do with science. Moving on...

'Evidence for a Young Earth' - In the very shady world of astrology, when figures are rarely accurate to 20% - I seriously doubt anyone knows how fast galaxies collapse OR how many supernovae there are.

The comet clouds answer themselves. Next!

Mud and salt - answered MANY times. MANY times.

Magnetic field failure - the field is created by 'eddies' in the core. It is not an extreme or stable system - so it fluctuates. We are in the middle of one of these fluctuations now.

Strata - I notice they use 'many' - not all. There are rocks in Australia and Greenland that HAVE been dated to several billion years - AND contain residues of life in them.

Radiohalos - already answered.
Same with the helium. Enough reposting, OK?

Oh, and can I say one thing about radioactie decay?


There aren't too many places where you can bury someone safely. Jungle? Nope. Mountain? Nope. Desert? Doubt it. Why would you want to go to a desert?

See this, it answers the last few points.


I never disputed the historical accuracy of the bible - just remember that large bits are missing from the real texts - and they are all open to interpretation (that's why we don't have one standard bible - we have about 15)

Next link - A lot to do with converting to Christianity. Not with evolution. Next!

Still haven't answered my argument about the privileged planet and the chances of us being here - so no, I won't look at that one. How about: It seems great for OUR life - not life in general.

The discovery link doen't work for me - not sure why. Can you post an overview?

And do you know just how hard it would be to find ANYTHING from the Oort cloud? From Pluto, the sun is no longer the brightest star in the sky. From the Oort cloud, it is invisible. So if there's no sun, there's no light to see the cloud WITH. So how do we detect it, anyway? The coments would be a million k's apart on average.

Last edited by Spark (2006-05-02 00:34:19)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Marconius wrote:

Thanks Daysniper.  I studied it a lot in high school and on my own time when in college, and now it's an academic hobby of mine.
Maybe I can follow in your footsteps then. I'm gonna be a Freshman next year (in High school); I have two telescopes. If you wanna chat, PM me for my e-mail. It's currently my favorite hobby now. (followed by model-making and numismatics)

Skruples wrote:

JaMDuDe wrote:

I did use a lot of christian answer links so that might work.
A lot? The only link there that isnt a christian website is discovery.org, and possibly planetary.org. But good job on proving my point, you know, the one about you getting all your information from the same people.
No, discovery.org is an Intelligent Design "workshop". (I'm 80% sure, at least)

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