+0|7077|Givataim, Israel
1)When you say:

Ground Defense Badge

Basic: IAR: 5 minutes in Ground Defense (Mounted MG or TOW).

What's TOW? And does MG mounted on vehicle (Tank, transport vehicle, internal APC MG) also counts? Or just mounted MG's on outsposts etc?

2)When you say:

Command Badge

Basic: IAR: 40 Command points.

You mean, how many points I've earned while being commander, or what?

3)When you say:

Armor Badge

Basic: IAR: 10 minutes in Armor.

Does Armor reffer only to Tanks? if not, please tell me what more (APC, etc. maybe?).

4)When you say:

Helicopter Badge
Basic: 15 minutes in a helicopter.

Do I necessary have to be the pilot, or I can also be a passenger?
Plus, does it reffer to Black Hawk and Apache or only Apache (USMC talking)?

Thank you very much, you'd resolve many of my problems!
1)  only outposts... not the tank mounted MGs...

2)gotta earn 40 points before the round ends... BEFORE the 2X score at the end of the round

3)tank/apc.... whichever...

4) u can be a passenger/pilot.. wutever..

Last edited by -(PK)-DarkIllusion (2005-10-21 15:08:43)


See, didn't even need an UBAR creator to handle that question.
+0|7077|Givataim, Israel
Yah but not fully...
I really thank you for the questions and would like you to sharp them...

1)First question's answer understood.
2)You don't new nothing for me... and you didn't answer really my question...
I'll ask it again! Do they mean to the points I receive while I'm commander in the specific round, or the points I receive for being the commander (Without kills, ammo giving\heal\revive\flag capture) points in the specific round?
3)Tank\APC only? And can I be a passanger (APC) or on the Tanks' MG?
4)On all the helicopters?

And above all: Why are you so sure of your answers?

2- You get command points from being commander, a lot of people say your command score is your team's average team I'll go with that.  They also say that you can get more points if you resupply squads with supplies, and kill people with artillery.  I don't know if it's true but it probably is, I don't command.  And you don't get points for killing people with vehicles/weapons while you are commander, so it doesn't matter.

3- Armor is considered an APC or a tank.  Not sure about the driver/gunner part.

4- Yes, on all the helicopters.  I got my basic helicopter in the back of a black hawk.

Last edited by divided (2005-10-21 15:33:34)

noob on tour

morbesso666 wrote:

2)You don't new nothing for me... and you didn't answer really my question...
I'll ask it again! Do they mean to the points I receive while I'm commander in the specific round, or the points I receive for being the commander (Without kills, ammo giving\heal\revive\flag capture) points in the specific round?
Only the commander points count and nothing else. About how to earn commander points you should try the search function.

Btw. You don´t get any points for capping a flag as commander (At least I didn´t get any while playing today.

morbesso666 wrote:

3)Tank\APC only? And can I be a passanger (APC) or on the Tanks' MG?
You have to be the driver.

morbesso666 wrote:

4)On all the helicopters?
Any chopper available counts

morbesso666 wrote:

And above all: Why are you so sure of your answers?
First of all the questions have been answered a lot of times seconds when n people say they got Badge x after doing this or that there must be some coinsidence ^^
+0|7077|Givataim, Israel

divided wrote:

2- You get command points from being commander, a lot of people say your command score is your team's average team I'll go with that.  They also say that you can get more points if you resupply squads with supplies, and kill people with artillery.  I don't know if it's true but it probably is, I don't command.  And you don't get points for killing people with vehicles/weapons while you are commander, so it doesn't matter.

3- Armor is considered an APC or a tank.  You can drive it, gun it, whatever, as long as you're in the vehicle the minutes will count.

4- Yes, on all the helicopters.  I got my basic helicopter in the back of a black hawk.
OK! first of all thanks alot, omg replies are received so quickly!!!

3+4 are understood aswell now.

About 1... So if I was commander from the beginning of the round, and in the table at the end it wrote I have 52 points, it means It's before the 2x??? i.e, is that what they mean when they say "IAR: 40 Command Points"? Is that what they mean when they say "IAR: 50 Command points (before 2x)"???

Thanks alot again, so kind of you
god you ppl dont have to number your answers here is the simplified version. for the gd badge go to fusha pass and sit on the TOW which is the single rocket stand on the ground or sit on the mg at the cp spawn point. simple. the commander badge requires 40  of the gold trophy points i believe which is a pain to me cause the server i go to the rounds like last 10 mins. your score basicly is up to your team. the armored badge is pretty simple as well. from what i've done its basicly the tank or apc just hop in the drivers seat and go camp somewhere for 10 mins. and the chopper one yes its all choppers but the blackhawk is easier cause you dont get alot of heat your way. you can be pilot but i prefer the gunner cause you get points along with the award.
FYI - IAR  means "In a Round",  meaning it must happen in one round.
+0|7077|Givataim, Israel

MattCicioni wrote:

FYI - IAR  means "In a Round",  meaning it must happen in one round.
I know man, it's not the point, thanks though!

ubersoldat, thanks I'll do what you said. But you really didn't understand what I asked about the commander thing... still waiting to the answer for this if you'll read all my tet about it you might get it!

thanks alot
40 points while being comm', not hard to understand tbh
+0|7077|Givataim, Israel

dan500 wrote:

40 points while being comm', not hard to understand tbh
In the table after the game, it shows after the x2 of before?

because if before, I made 52 points and I was commander from the first instance, and i didnt get the badge!
Armour Anyone?
To answer the Commander question:

Yor score at the end of the round is the average of your team. If your team wins the round the Commander of the winning team gets 2x. The scores displayed at the end of the round *include* the 2x for the Commander. Thie means before the round ends you need 40 command points to obtain the badge.
+12|7076|Gloucester - UK
Morb, when you are commander and are in the command screen (caps lock screen) you can see your score at the top in the middle. When that hits the "magic number" you will get your badge/ribbon whatever, providing of course any other criteria are also met (like the time as commander thing for the ribbon). The easiest way of getting the commander stuff is to find a server that plays 64 player (large) maps, but only has like 32 or less available player slots. this way the round lasts forever which makes it well easy to get 40+ command points.

Hope that answers your question
mista sinista
while talk about commander stuff, the score after the 2x doesnt count to your BR in the scores does it?

i scored 81 on wake island before the 2x and i look at the scores and the 81 is the BR.. but i did switch to commander late in the game.
Still not managed to get the basic command badge.

I have had rounds giving me 85, 88 and 90 (after x2) but still no basic ribbon.

Is it that I am getting points as my class whilst commanding? I mean repairing arty or vehicles or making AA/AT kills whilst commanding or taking out enemy SpecOps in my home base and pushing up my score with "normal" points.

Do I have to ONLY get points through command actions rather than class actions?

What am I doing wrong here? (and before you ask the round scores stated above were on ranked servers)

Last edited by Miggins (2005-10-21 18:29:52)

May I put it this way, hope that it could help.

Assuming you are a medic and are not a commander at the beginning of a round, you go out to kill, to heal, to revive, etc. and get 10 team points and killed 3 enemies.  So, you've got 16 points.  Obviously, these don't count as commander's point.

Then, you find that the commander post is vacant and apply for it and get it.  You then hide some where and give orders, fire artillery, drop support box, etc.  You will get some score (how?  There are lengthy discussions but I have reservations on the "conclusions".  And frankly, I don't know, sorry). 

On the top of the commander screen (i.e where you place UAV, etc.), you can see a score.  THAT IS THE COMMANDER'S SCORE.  It is different from the score shown on the scoresheet at the end of the round.  That score counts when you are talking about badges and ribbons about commander's score.

Got it now?

Miggins wrote:

Still not managed to get the basic command badge.

I have had rounds giving me 85, 88 and 90 (after x2) but still no basic ribbon.
Awarded to recognize superior achievement by unit commanders during sustained combat situations Criteria: Command Qualification: Good Command Rating: Satisfactory

    * IAR: 28 minutes as Commander
    * IAR: 50 Command points(before 2x)

lowyaukee wrote:

May I put it this way, hope that it could help.

Assuming you are a medic and are not a commander at the beginning of a round, you go out to kill, to heal, to revive, etc. and get 10 team points and killed 3 enemies.  So, you've got 16 points.  Obviously, these don't count as commander's point.

Then, you find that the commander post is vacant and apply for it and get it.  You then hide some where and give orders, fire artillery, drop support box, etc.  You will get some score (how?  There are lengthy discussions but I have reservations on the "conclusions".  And frankly, I don't know, sorry).
As long as you get the points while comm', you should get it, worked for me

lowyaukee wrote:

On the top of the commander screen (i.e where you place UAV, etc.), you can see a score.  THAT IS THE COMMANDER'S SCORE.  It is different from the score shown on the scoresheet at the end of the round.  That score counts when you are talking about badges and ribbons about commander's score.

Got it now?
that score is the same as the one on the scoreborad (as far as ive seen)

dan500 wrote:

that score is the same as the one on the scoreborad (as far as ive seen)
Is that true?  I've seen different score.... Well, may be due to a lag.....  If those score are the same, it's easier to manage if you are a commander at the very beginning of a round.

Sorry for the wrong information.

Command Badges Explained:

Basic Command Badge:

Earn 40 commander points in a round before said round ends. Commander points are indicated by the magic number on top of your COMMAND SCREEN (with all of the squad info and the detailed map stuff). At 40, you will get your badge. You need command points! Not team points, not kill points, not any other points...just command.

Veteran Command Badge:

When you have 1000 total commander points to your profile, command for 25 minutes in a round. There's your vet badge.

Expert Command Badge:

When you have 10000 total commander points to your profile, command for 30 minutes in a round. There's your expert badge.

Tanks and APC's

When you get a kill with a non-driver position in a tank or APC, it still counts as an armor kill, so I would assume that time spent in these positions counts towards time spent in armor.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2005-10-22 03:15:21)

omg ...

COMMANDER score is SAME on commander tab/score tab... you DO NOT get any other points for capturing/resuply etc. when you are commander

so commander who is in tank/apc/plane or plaing as troop is TOTALY useless ... i don't know WHY many people don't understand this simple thing!

when you are commander you getting points for helping your team, killing in UAV section, team score average etc.

to get ribon you have to have 40point BEFORE round ends.... what is so hard to understanding?
i dont know why this is so hard for ppl to understand but since you've posted last morbesso666 its pretty well explained to death CO score in the commander's screen is what matters, time requirement blah,blah blah.
+0|7077|Givataim, Israel
Thank ya'll lads, arranged with all, I'm going to try commander things... you had the answer to my doubt!
would read rest of the replies later.
Get your body beat.
with the vet ground defence are you sure its 12 kills? i have gotten up to 20 and no medal.

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