Harmor wrote:
What this country needs is a good dose of Reaganomics right about now.
Insert facepalm gif.
Instead of increasing unemployment benifits how about making permanent the Bush Tax cuts?
Er, you know thats why the govt has a deficit right?
Instead of bailing out AIG how about removing the requirement that banks need to loan to people who are not qualified or able to pay for a home?
How about just make companies responsible for their mistakes?
Instead of Obamacare how about making health insurance portable across state lines?
Don't tell companies what to do.
Instead of blaming BP for the oil spill (lawyers will figure all that out later), how about lifting the Jones Act and giving Governors control over the cleanup?
Pretty sure BP would be glad to hand it over.
Instead of putting a 6-month moratorium on drilling (that'll put 100,000 people out of work), why not lift restrictions on domenstic production and exploration (especially some of the arcane EPA requirements Solar plants here in California - fucking turtles).
Because, as we've seen with BP, Transocean and Halliburton, they don't have a plan B if there is a leak > Big donfckn oil spill.
They need at least six months to figure one out.
If instead of spending $2 TRILLION dollars so far, I bet the economy would be doing alot better if we were to keep 15% more of our income right about now.
Govt spends $2trillion, people spend $2trillion, whats the difference? It all circulates in the economy.
Let people keep money and they spend it on imported goods, plasma tvs and graphics cards - ask lowing.
If you think this is bad, wait till 2011...
Why, is Obama planning to start another two unwinnable fronts in the war of terror?
Oh, and clean up the Minerals and Management agency that oversees oil companies...that thing is ripe with corruption.
Just make corruption a crime.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (14 years, 8 months ago)