Uzique wrote:
the courts can request that a company hold back a client's records/communications, but it must be warranted beforehand
we don't have a patriot act robbing us of our liberty here
that said, telecomms companies do employ shady 'grey area' officials and filters to 'monitor' for terrorism keywords. apparently, anyway.
i was arrested, part of the charge related to electronic communications that were incriminating, and the police kept all of my personal possessions (including an iphone with tons of texts to and from drug dealers) in their custody overnight whilst i was held. they didn't check the phone, no further charges were made other than the original incident. our freedom is kinda more... 'free' here.
In the UK the Police and security services can and do read or listen to whatever they like without warrants - for 'intelligence gathering' purposes.
The only time they need a warrant is if they want to use the information in a prosecution.