" A rising star in the Democratic party "
" The future of politics "
These things have been said about Obama, who has been getting the adoration of a rock star lately, and specifically on this thread http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=51217&p=2
Q: Okay, what gives? He has no reputation, other than a cute speech at the convention last go around, albeit a good education. In his short stint as Senator, he has not authored one bill or chaired one committee.
A: he's a Democrat without a scandal, and the Howard Deans are counting on the " see were not racist, we'll vote a brotha in as president segment of the republicans to turn the tide in their favor for the next presidential election.
I'm not saying anything negative about him, but I'd like to see some good reason other than " he's a Democrat without a scandal, and the Howard Deans are counting on the " see were not racist, we'll vote a brotha in as president" segment of the republicans to turn the tide in their favor for the next presidential election.
From his official website,
here he is advocating tax cuts ( lol for a Democrat! ).
" by creating programs like the state Earned Income Tax Credit, which in three years provided over $100 million in tax cuts to families across the state."
Here is his with (typically for their side ) no plan for Iraq;
"In other words, No Exit. What's his plan, then?"
Vote not one incumbent back into office.
Last edited by ATG (2006-10-31 19:46:39)