burnzz wrote:
KuSTaV wrote:
Okay. Its official.
I fucking hate clubbing.
congrats, KuSTaV! when did you get married?
Long story short, night with heaps of friends turned into a
morning alone in my fucking car.
Trying to sleep in a Hyundai Getz if you're over 4 foot tall is not recommended.
Fuck it. Pull up a chair. Its story time.
Okay, so the night began at a mates place for pre drinks, just chillin watching youtube vids etc. Someone decides that 'OMFG WE NEED THE NEXT BUS TO SURFERS!!!111', so we catch a bus to this place that basically just opened. Was busting for a piss the whole damn way, nearly exploded after going over every bump. So we got to this place that had (relatively) cheap drinks starting at $5 for basics. Got 3 drinks, which were alright.
Decided to hit the clubs with friends, so we go inside and some derro as wog bitch gets in my friends face about some shit. I think another friend was throwing people into her because he was half-high and drunk, so it may have been that. Anyway, my friend tries to back off, she swings, misses him and hits another friend in the face. Seccy comes along, takes my friend and the wog bitch out of the club. 2 of my friends follow the friend that got kicked out (One friend and the friend that got kicked out are basically married - you never see them apart and they always do shit together), meanwhile the rest continue hitting the DF.
We get sick of that club and leave, and go to another one, which was even worse. Full of retarded manchildren and whinging fucking bitches, it turns out shit. We then decide to go to another club, but decide the line is too long and try and cut in, but to no avail. Two friends manage to stay in the line, the rest of us say 'fuck that' to some half hour queue. One of my friends text some chick and decide to meet up, so a bunch of us stick with him. She fails to show, and one friend goes home. We then decide to (we being like 3 other friends, at the beginning the group was 12 strong but we have since all split) go home/wherever to sleep, and try and see if there are any buses coming.
We find the bus stop, but all buses at 1am are only going to one place where we dont want to be, so we call a friend who wasnt clubbing and ask for a lift. He obliges and we pay him $10 total for a lift back to pre-drinks friends house. One friend gets dropped at his place as its on the way, and the other two go to one of theirs, while I go to the pre-drinks friends house and decide to wait until the others get back (pre-drinks friend was still out, so I had to wait).
Its 130am or so, and I decide to sleep, and wake up at 3. Sit around and do nothing, take a leak, generally waste time in my car waiting. Fall back asleep for 30 minutes, and wake back up. I decide, fuck it. Time to text/call/check where the fuck everyone is. NO FUCKING REPLIES. THIS ANGERS ME SO MUCH. Time passes, and its 530am. Fuck this shit. Im going home. I consider the state that Im in (in terms of BAL), and decide that I have to be carefull in how I drive.
I drive home, and notice how much better I drive while fucking tired/knackered, lol. Staying at the speed limits for once instead of ~10km/h over. Get home and have a spew, I get in bed by 6am.
tl;dr, read it ya fuckin nob.