The X stands for
+1,813|6268|eXtreme to the maX

FEOS wrote:

The explanation I've seen for cement is that it is used to build rocket bodies and bunkers that are used by Hamas for military purposes.
Its also needed to rebuild the civilian building the Israelis destroyed.
http://www1.voanews.com/english/news/UN … 59057.html

We, United Nations and non-governmental humanitarian organisations, express deepening concern over Israel’s continued blockade of the Gaza Strip which has now been in force for two years.

These indiscriminate sanctions are affecting the entire 1.5 million population of Gaza and ordinary women, children and the elderly are the first victims.

The amount of goods allowed into Gaza under the blockade is one quarter of the pre- blockade flow.  Eight out of every ten truckloads contains food but even that is restricted to a mere 18 food items.  Seedlings and calves are not allowed so Gaza's farmers cannot make up the nutritional shortfall.  Even clothes and shoes, toys and school books are routinely prohibited.
Furthermore the suffocation of Gaza's economy has led to unprecedented unemployment and poverty rates and almost total aid dependency. While Gazans are being kept alive through humanitarian aid, ordinary civilians have lost all quality of life as they fight to survive.

The consequences of Israel's recent military operation remain widespread as early recovery materials have been prevented from entering Gaza. Thousands of people are living with holes in their walls, broken windows and no running water.

We call for free and uninhibited access for all humanitarian assistance in accordance with the international agreements and in accordance with universally recognised international human rights and humanitarian law standards. We also call for a return to normalized trade to enable the poverty and unemployment rates to decrease.

The blockade of the Gaza Strip is creating an atmosphere of deprivation in Gaza that can only deepen the sense of hopelessness and despair among people. The people of Gaza need to be shown an alternative of hope and dignity. Allowing human development and prosperity to take hold is an essential first step towards the establishment of lasting peace.

Signed By:

Action Against Hunger
Acsur-Las Segovias
American Friends of UNRWA
American Near East Refugee Aid
Asamblea de Cooperacion Por la Paz
CARE International West Bank and Gaza.
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions
Defense for Children International
Enfants du Monde-Droits de l’Homme
International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy - Canada
Japan International Volunteer Centre
Life Source
Medecins du Monde France
Medecins du Monde Spain
Medecins du Monde Switzerland
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Movement for Peace
Mujeres por la Paz y Acción Solidaria de Palestina
Norwegian People’s Aid
Norwegian Refugee Council
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Oxfam International
Paz Ahora
Peace and Solidarity Haydée Santamaría, Cultural Asociation
Premiere Urgence
Relief International
Spanish Committee of UNHCR
Spanish Committee of UNRWA
Swedish Organization for Individual Relief
Terre des Hommes Italy
United Nations Development Fund for Women
United Nations Relief and Works Agency
War Child Holland
World Vision International
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The X stands for
+1,813|6268|eXtreme to the maX

MOAB wrote:

This wasn't soley a humanitarian mission, it was a political one.
Illegal blockades, the intention of which is collective punishment, should be broken don't you think?

I bet the Warsaw ghetto would have welcomed some blockade breakers.

Besides that, the Israelis trucked up the supplies and Hamas turned them away as a protest. What's the point of that? It makes Hamas look all defiant, but at the same time they're rejecting the very thing they complain about not having enough of.

BBC wrote:

The Hamas government in control of Gaza has refused to accept the aid until the Israeli-Arab activists still in detention are released, and it also accused Israel of failing to deliver the full 10,000 tonnes of aid.

Israel says it is prepared to allow all the aid into Gaza, apart from cement and metal products - a sizeable proportion of the total shipment.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/middle … 226151.stm

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2010-06-03 06:27:17)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
'Light 'em up!'

Dilbert_X wrote:

MOAB wrote:

This wasn't soley a humanitarian mission, it was a political one.
Illegal blockades, the intention of which is collective punishment, should be broken don't you think?

I bet the Warsaw ghetto would have welcomed some blockade breakers.

Besides that, the Israelis trucked up the supplies and Hamas turned them away as a protest. What's the point of that? It makes Hamas look all defiant, but at the same time they're rejecting the very thing they complain about not having enough of.

BBC wrote:

The Hamas government in control of Gaza has refused to accept the aid until the Israeli-Arab activists still in detention are released, and it also accused Israel of failing to deliver the full 10,000 tonnes of aid.

Israel says it is prepared to allow all the aid into Gaza, apart from cement and metal products - a sizeable proportion of the total shipment.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/middle … 226151.stm
Should have put more food and medical in than concrete and steel.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6836|Canberra, AUS
Well they kinda need concrete and steel as well...
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
'Light 'em up!'

Spark wrote:

Well they kinda need concrete and steel as well...
Far as I'm aware they were recycling rubble and debris to make new building materials. They knew those materials weren't going to get there, so they should have substituted the tonnage taken up by cement and steel for food and medical aid, which would have been delivered and would've been put to use.

Dilbert_X wrote:

MOAB wrote:

This wasn't soley a humanitarian mission, it was a political one.
Illegal blockades, the intention of which is collective punishment, should be broken don't you think?

I bet the Warsaw ghetto would have welcomed some blockade breakers.

Besides that, the Israelis trucked up the supplies and Hamas turned them away as a protest. What's the point of that? It makes Hamas look all defiant, but at the same time they're rejecting the very thing they complain about not having enough of.

BBC wrote:

The Hamas government in control of Gaza has refused to accept the aid until the Israeli-Arab activists still in detention are released, and it also accused Israel of failing to deliver the full 10,000 tonnes of aid.

Israel says it is prepared to allow all the aid into Gaza, apart from cement and metal products - a sizeable proportion of the total shipment.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/middle … 226151.stm
Sounds like they're fucking idiots tbh.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5520|London, England

CameronPoe wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Remind me to shoot someone the next time I end up being accosted outside a nightclub... Apologist much? They chose to kill when there were other options. Period.
Its a different situation and you know it. You've got people with knives and steel bars going full out on you. They weren't holding back that much is clear. You have a paintball gun and a pistol. A paintball hurts for a few seconds, then goes away. Its a mild deterrent. If somebody started driving a knife into me and my only chance of survival was to shoot them, I would, and so would you.
It was not their only chance of survival. And better planning could have made for an entirely different situation. Not that I think they were right to engage in piracy in the first place.
Piracy? Really? Are you a member of Sinn Fein now?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+354|6161|Vortex Ring State

JohnG@lt wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

Its a different situation and you know it. You've got people with knives and steel bars going full out on you. They weren't holding back that much is clear. You have a paintball gun and a pistol. A paintball hurts for a few seconds, then goes away. Its a mild deterrent. If somebody started driving a knife into me and my only chance of survival was to shoot them, I would, and so would you.
It was not their only chance of survival. And better planning could have made for an entirely different situation. Not that I think they were right to engage in piracy in the first place.
Piracy? Really? Are you a member of Sinn Fein now?
technically is it piracy.

Also, like Cameron said, the situation could be very different with different planning. I agree with you on the point that the soldiers were justified on firing, but I fail to see why they had to be there in the first place, on the deck, with weapons
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5520|London, England

Trotskygrad wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

It was not their only chance of survival. And better planning could have made for an entirely different situation. Not that I think they were right to engage in piracy in the first place.
Piracy? Really? Are you a member of Sinn Fein now?
technically is it piracy.

Also, like Cameron said, the situation could be very different with different planning. I agree with you on the point that the soldiers were justified on firing, but I fail to see why they had to be there in the first place, on the deck, with weapons
How on earth is it piracy?

And how else would you inspect a ship and force it to change course? Should they have fired a shot over the bow instead? What happens if they ignore the shot? Do you sink the ship then? Sinking the ship would cause far more loss of life than the six people who died, no?

People are acting absolutely retarded about this whole thing. The anti-semites are coming out of the fucking woodwork and hiding behind the 'Palestinian Rights' cause. It's alluded to constantly on this forum: "Jews own the banks" "Jews got the bailouts" "Jews own our politicians". Christ sakes, these are the same fucking arguments that Hitler made! I really don't understand it at all. I had a lot of Jewish friends growing up and even dated a Jewish girl in high school for three years. Sure, they're clannish and have customs different from 'normal' people but who cares? Italians are weird too. So are the Irish and Mexicans and everyone else. Fuck, lets all gang up on the super minority because they do well for themselves in life and because they have a different religion from ours.

Shit. If anything, people should aspire to mimicing Jewish culture if anything. It's a culture that inspires hard work, doing well in school, and... get this... humility. Instead, people have embraced black culture which is the exact opposite. No wonder this country has gone to shit.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

JohnG@lt wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

Its a different situation and you know it. You've got people with knives and steel bars going full out on you. They weren't holding back that much is clear. You have a paintball gun and a pistol. A paintball hurts for a few seconds, then goes away. Its a mild deterrent. If somebody started driving a knife into me and my only chance of survival was to shoot them, I would, and so would you.
It was not their only chance of survival. And better planning could have made for an entirely different situation. Not that I think they were right to engage in piracy in the first place.
Piracy? Really? Are you a member of Sinn Fein now?
Not a big fan of marxism. Israel invoked a particular element of international maritime law to enforce their internationally condemned and illegal inhumane almost total blockade on the Gaza strip. Quite a contradiction. Either they're pirates or they're selective law-abiders that in being such, should be punished.

M.O.A.B wrote:

What else could they have done then? You've got what, fifteen people mobbing you with weapons, striking and stabbing you wherever they can. Bailing over the side for a thirty-to-fifty foot fall into cold water, on top of the injuries you already have, is not something I would try.

Regardless of what the Israeli response to this was, whether you think it right or wrong, the flotilla is just as much for blame for taking what is a blantantly provactive approach. This wasn't soley a humanitarian mission, it was a political one. They went in there with everything short of firearms like the anarchists you see at protest rallies, the ones who turn up to face off with the police, and responded exactly like they say the Israelis do, with unprovoked violence. Hypocritical much?

Besides that, the Israelis trucked up the supplies and Hamas turned them away as a protest. What's the point of that? It makes Hamas look all defiant, but at the same time they're rejecting the very thing they complain about not having enough of.

Here's a little food for thought as well.

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/w … 142977.ece

Sounds less and less like a peacefully delivery the more you hear about it.

Times wrote:

The activists tied the rope used by the soldiers to a railing on the ship, in the hope of bringing down the helicopter, officials said — forcing the commander to cut the rope and leave four commandos on the deck below.
Damage the propellers on the underside of the boat? They could have come up with a plan that never involved boarding the boat. They're one of the most militarily technologically advanced nations on earth (thanks in no small part to Uncle Sam's blank cheque book).

On the 'political' charge: Of course it was and rightly so. The flotilla had to be done. The international community slaps sanction upon sanction on the likes of North Korea and Iran while turning a blind eye to Israel's flagrant abuse of international law and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. This flotilla had to attempt to get to Gaza on principle, despite how doomed to failure the organisers surely knew it would be. Collective punishment is illegal under international law. Not allowing a completely unfettered flow of foodstuffs into Gaza is deplorable. Not allowing building materials in is just plain cruel, Israel having mown down thousands of civilian houses in their recent foray into the strip. The purpose of the flotilla was to rightly highlight the injustice in Gaza and to score a propaganda and PR victory over Israel. At the heavy cost of 9 lives it achieved that goal one hundredfold. It thankfully has ruined Israel's relationship with Turkey and there will now no longer be any possibility of an oil and water pipeline from Turkey to Israel to prop up a nation that should be sanctioned along with the likes of North Korea and Iran. The diplomatic damage has been massive. So on those counts the flotilla scored an impressive victory. There was no hope in actually discharging the cargo as planned - the goal was to win a PR victory to have pressure heaped on Israel to act less like those who dreamed up the Warsaw ghetto.

On the 'peaceful flotilla' charge: the people on board the boat resisted an invader force on their vessel in international waters. If I was on the boat I would have been like:  "Who the fuck do these guys think they are attempting to jump onto my boat with guns and tazers?". The fact they took on commandos with little more than knives and sticks is a mark of bravery, if not stupidity. You neglect to recognise that the Israelis, in attempting to board, provoked a very understandable response. The fact of the matter is there were no firearms on any of the boats.
© 2009 Jeff Minard

JohnG@lt wrote:

Trotskygrad wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

Piracy? Really? Are you a member of Sinn Fein now?
technically is it piracy.

Also, like Cameron said, the situation could be very different with different planning. I agree with you on the point that the soldiers were justified on firing, but I fail to see why they had to be there in the first place, on the deck, with weapons
How on earth is it piracy?

And how else would you inspect a ship and force it to change course? Should they have fired a shot over the bow instead? What happens if they ignore the shot? Do you sink the ship then? Sinking the ship would cause far more loss of life than the six people who died, no?

People are acting absolutely retarded about this whole thing. The anti-semites are coming out of the fucking woodwork and hiding behind the 'Palestinian Rights' cause. It's alluded to constantly on this forum: "Jews own the banks" "Jews got the bailouts" "Jews own our politicians". Christ sakes, these are the same fucking arguments that Hitler made! I really don't understand it at all. I had a lot of Jewish friends growing up and even dated a Jewish girl in high school for three years. Sure, they're clannish and have customs different from 'normal' people but who cares? Italians are weird too. So are the Irish and Mexicans and everyone else. Fuck, lets all gang up on the super minority because they do well for themselves in life and because they have a different religion from ours.

Shit. If anything, people should aspire to mimicing Jewish culture if anything. It's a culture that inspires hard work, doing well in school, and... get this... humility. Instead, people have embraced black culture which is the exact opposite. No wonder this country has gone to shit.

JohnG@lt wrote:

Trotskygrad wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

Piracy? Really? Are you a member of Sinn Fein now?
technically is it piracy.

Also, like Cameron said, the situation could be very different with different planning. I agree with you on the point that the soldiers were justified on firing, but I fail to see why they had to be there in the first place, on the deck, with weapons
How on earth is it piracy?

And how else would you inspect a ship and force it to change course? Should they have fired a shot over the bow instead? What happens if they ignore the shot? Do you sink the ship then? Sinking the ship would cause far more loss of life than the six people who died, no?

People are acting absolutely retarded about this whole thing. The anti-semites are coming out of the fucking woodwork and hiding behind the 'Palestinian Rights' cause. It's alluded to constantly on this forum: "Jews own the banks" "Jews got the bailouts" "Jews own our politicians". Christ sakes, these are the same fucking arguments that Hitler made! I really don't understand it at all. I had a lot of Jewish friends growing up and even dated a Jewish girl in high school for three years. Sure, they're clannish and have customs different from 'normal' people but who cares? Italians are weird too. So are the Irish and Mexicans and everyone else. Fuck, lets all gang up on the super minority because they do well for themselves in life and because they have a different religion from ours.

Shit. If anything, people should aspire to mimicing Jewish culture if anything. It's a culture that inspires hard work, doing well in school, and... get this... humility. Instead, people have embraced black culture which is the exact opposite. No wonder this country has gone to shit.
And once more Godwins Law is proven. Since you can't win the argument with logic, you may as well just call everyone Hitler loving anti-semites. Honestly Galt, for someone who comes off as being smart you can be unbelievably stupid sometimes.

And FYI, no matter who it is who seizes it, capturing a boat without the proper authority is piracy.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5520|London, England

ghettoperson wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

Trotskygrad wrote:

technically is it piracy.

Also, like Cameron said, the situation could be very different with different planning. I agree with you on the point that the soldiers were justified on firing, but I fail to see why they had to be there in the first place, on the deck, with weapons
How on earth is it piracy?

And how else would you inspect a ship and force it to change course? Should they have fired a shot over the bow instead? What happens if they ignore the shot? Do you sink the ship then? Sinking the ship would cause far more loss of life than the six people who died, no?

People are acting absolutely retarded about this whole thing. The anti-semites are coming out of the fucking woodwork and hiding behind the 'Palestinian Rights' cause. It's alluded to constantly on this forum: "Jews own the banks" "Jews got the bailouts" "Jews own our politicians". Christ sakes, these are the same fucking arguments that Hitler made! I really don't understand it at all. I had a lot of Jewish friends growing up and even dated a Jewish girl in high school for three years. Sure, they're clannish and have customs different from 'normal' people but who cares? Italians are weird too. So are the Irish and Mexicans and everyone else. Fuck, lets all gang up on the super minority because they do well for themselves in life and because they have a different religion from ours.

Shit. If anything, people should aspire to mimicing Jewish culture if anything. It's a culture that inspires hard work, doing well in school, and... get this... humility. Instead, people have embraced black culture which is the exact opposite. No wonder this country has gone to shit.
And once more Godwins Law is proven. Since you can't win the argument with logic, you may as well just call everyone Hitler loving anti-semites. Honestly Galt, for someone who comes off as being smart you can be unbelievably stupid sometimes.

And FYI, no matter who it is who seizes it, capturing a boat without the proper authority is piracy.
And since when does 'international law' usurp a countries right to defend itself?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Being anti-semitic is just plain irrational. I've climbed Masada, touched the wailing wall, been blessed by a Rabbi and paid my respects at Auschwitz-Birkenau and Dachau. Criticising Israeli policy is not anti-semitic - it's a duty to anyone with principles and morality.
'Light 'em up!'

CameronPoe wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

What else could they have done then? You've got what, fifteen people mobbing you with weapons, striking and stabbing you wherever they can. Bailing over the side for a thirty-to-fifty foot fall into cold water, on top of the injuries you already have, is not something I would try.

Regardless of what the Israeli response to this was, whether you think it right or wrong, the flotilla is just as much for blame for taking what is a blantantly provactive approach. This wasn't soley a humanitarian mission, it was a political one. They went in there with everything short of firearms like the anarchists you see at protest rallies, the ones who turn up to face off with the police, and responded exactly like they say the Israelis do, with unprovoked violence. Hypocritical much?

Besides that, the Israelis trucked up the supplies and Hamas turned them away as a protest. What's the point of that? It makes Hamas look all defiant, but at the same time they're rejecting the very thing they complain about not having enough of.

Here's a little food for thought as well.

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/w … 142977.ece

Sounds less and less like a peacefully delivery the more you hear about it.

Times wrote:

The activists tied the rope used by the soldiers to a railing on the ship, in the hope of bringing down the helicopter, officials said — forcing the commander to cut the rope and leave four commandos on the deck below.
Damage the propellers on the underside of the boat? They could have come up with a plan that never involved boarding the boat. They're one of the most militarily technologically advanced nations on earth (thanks in no small part to Uncle Sam's blank cheque book).

On the 'political' charge: Of course it was and rightly so. The flotilla had to be done. The international community slaps sanction upon sanction on the likes of North Korea and Iran while turning a blind eye to Israel's flagrant abuse of international law and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. This flotilla had to attempt to get to Gaza on principle, despite how doomed to failure the organisers surely knew it would be. Collective punishment is illegal under international law. Not allowing a completely unfettered flow of foodstuffs into Gaza is deplorable. Not allowing building materials in is just plain cruel, Israel having mown down thousands of civilian houses in their recent foray into the strip. The purpose of the flotilla was to rightly highlight the injustice in Gaza and to score a propaganda and PR victory over Israel. At the heavy cost of 9 lives it achieved that goal one hundredfold. It thankfully has ruined Israel's relationship with Turkey and there will now no longer be any possibility of an oil and water pipeline from Turkey to Israel to prop up a nation that should be sanctioned along with the likes of North Korea and Iran. The diplomatic damage has been massive. So on those counts the flotilla scored an impressive victory. There was no hope in actually discharging the cargo as planned - the goal was to win a PR victory to have pressure heaped on Israel to act less like those who dreamed up the Warsaw ghetto.

On the 'peaceful flotilla' charge: the people on board the boat resisted an invader force on their vessel in international waters. If I was on the boat I would have been like:  "Who the fuck do these guys think they are attempting to jump onto my boat with guns and tazers?". The fact they took on commandos with little more than knives and sticks is a mark of bravery, if not stupidity. You neglect to recognise that the Israelis, in attempting to board, provoked a very understandable response. The fact of the matter is there were no firearms on any of the boats.
Sounds more like a dick move tbh.

Essentially putting people into a dangerous situation with lives at stake just to show up Israel.

JohnG@lt wrote:

And since when does 'international law' usurp a countries right to defend itself?
From a cargo of wheelchairs? "Watch out, he's got a cinder block!".

M.O.A.B wrote:

Sounds more like a dick move tbh.

Essentially putting people into a dangerous situation with lives at stake just to show up Israel.
They elected to put themselves in that situation and at heavy cost won an impressive and badly needed PR victory over Israel. Personally with respect to the last boat, the Irish vessel the MV Rachel Corrie, I hope that the diplomatic pressure brought to bear on Israel by our prime minister will mean that they actually get to fully discharge their cargo as planned.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2010-06-03 10:57:14)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5520|London, England

CameronPoe wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

And since when does 'international law' usurp a countries right to defend itself?
From a cargo of wheelchairs? "Watch out, he's got a cinder block!".
So why exactly wouldn't the ships divert to an Israeli port and then move their goods over a land route after they were inspected?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
'Light 'em up!'

CameronPoe wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

Sounds more like a dick move tbh.

Essentially putting people into a dangerous situation with lives at stake just to show up Israel.
They elected to put themselves in that situation and at heavy cost won an impressive and badly needed PR victory over Israel.
Israel knows just about everybody hates them regardless of what they do and it hasn't changed them in the past. And its not going to drop the blockade either. So lives lost for nothing really. The aid could have gone through and nine people would still be alive, but no, a point had to be made.
On another note - it isn't just Israel that are in need of reproach. Egypt's behaviour has also been deplorable.

M.O.A.B wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

Sounds more like a dick move tbh.

Essentially putting people into a dangerous situation with lives at stake just to show up Israel.
They elected to put themselves in that situation and at heavy cost won an impressive and badly needed PR victory over Israel.
Israel knows just about everybody hates them regardless of what they do and it hasn't changed them in the past. And its not going to drop the blockade either. So lives lost for nothing really. The aid could have gone through and nine people would still be alive, but no, a point had to be made.
You really think? The aid included Israeli-prohibited cargo such as cement, so no, it wouldn't have gone through. Israel did have cordial relations with Turkey - so you can add one more country to the hate list as a result. This is more damaging than you imagine. Israel is isolated in the middle east in a fairly barren country with limited resources. They had been negotiating an oil and water pipeline from Turkey. They can now kiss that goodbye.

JohnG@lt wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

And since when does 'international law' usurp a countries right to defend itself?
From a cargo of wheelchairs? "Watch out, he's got a cinder block!".
So why exactly wouldn't the ships divert to an Israeli port and then move their goods over a land route after they were inspected?
Because the Israelis would not have allowed in items that they have proscribed, most importantly cement.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5520|London, England

CameronPoe wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

From a cargo of wheelchairs? "Watch out, he's got a cinder block!".
So why exactly wouldn't the ships divert to an Israeli port and then move their goods over a land route after they were inspected?
Because the Israelis would not have allowed in items that they have proscribed, most importantly cement.
So? Most of the buildings in the region are made from mud brick anyway.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

JohnG@lt wrote:

So? Most of the buildings in the region are made from mud brick anyway.
Are you deliberately being facetious? I did have some measure of respect for your debating thus far.

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