
Flaming_Maniac wrote:

How did the oil spill inordinately affect black people?
anyone covered in oil will be black
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom
I never though you considered kanye west such an important source of social critique
Tu Stultus Es

eleven bravo wrote:

dont care
you don't have to care, I am content with you just being aware of it.

eleven bravo wrote:

I never though you considered kanye west such an important source of social critique
I don't, I think he is a piece of shit. I am merely pointing out that he along with his celebrity, in regards to his double standards, like most of his like minded followers, are not consistent in their bullshit and in fact are the ones spewing racism.

jsnipy wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

How did the oil spill inordinately affect black people?
anyone covered in oil will be black
The shit looks orange and rusty to me. am i wrong? Anyone actually been there to see it yet?
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom

lowing wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

I never though you considered kanye west such an important source of social critique
I don't, I think he is a piece of shit. I am merely pointing out that he along with his celebrity, in regards to his double standards, like most of his like minded followers, are not consistent in their bullshit and in fact are the ones spewing racism.
maybe you should go and tell him that then.  i dont think he posts in this forum
Tu Stultus Es
+149|6375|teh FIN-land

lowing wrote:

So with the lack of response to the 1.5 month old oil disaster in the gulf, the question now must be asked. Where is the accusations of racism by the Obama administration. I mean surely if a natural disaster could be blamed on Bush as a conspiracy to kill black people and a charge of racism  levied, why couldn't a man made disaster such as this oil spill?

Indeed, if this were McCain, or especially Jeb Bush in the white house, these accusations would be flourishing.

So what is the difference, and where are the racially charged accusations that this is another attempt by the US govt. to kill all the black people?

and most noticeably missing,  Kanye West claiming, Obama "does not care about black people"?

Again what is the difference?
how are black people more affected than white people?

dumb thread. totally ridiculous.

eleven bravo wrote:

lowing wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

I never though you considered kanye west such an important source of social critique
I don't, I think he is a piece of shit. I am merely pointing out that he along with his celebrity, in regards to his double standards, like most of his like minded followers, are not consistent in their bullshit and in fact are the ones spewing racism.
maybe you should go and tell him that then.  i dont think he posts in this forum
Nothing I say would matter to him, anymore than what he says matters to me, this does not negate my opinion and my observations of him, or anyone like minded.

ruisleipa wrote:

lowing wrote:

So with the lack of response to the 1.5 month old oil disaster in the gulf, the question now must be asked. Where is the accusations of racism by the Obama administration. I mean surely if a natural disaster could be blamed on Bush as a conspiracy to kill black people and a charge of racism  levied, why couldn't a man made disaster such as this oil spill?

Indeed, if this were McCain, or especially Jeb Bush in the white house, these accusations would be flourishing.

So what is the difference, and where are the racially charged accusations that this is another attempt by the US govt. to kill all the black people?

and most noticeably missing,  Kanye West claiming, Obama "does not care about black people"?

Again what is the difference?
how are black people more affected than white people?

dumb thread. totally ridiculous.
lol, they aren't........that is the point.

Perhaps you have claims that a fuckin hurricane targeted only black people then, hence the claims of racism?

lowing wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

How did the oil spill inordinately affect black people?
anyone covered in oil will be black
The shit looks orange and rusty to me. am i wrong? Anyone actually been there to see it yet?
come to think of it you are correct. Not at all like you see in bugs bunny.
+149|6375|teh FIN-land

lowing wrote:

lol, they aren't........that is the point.

Perhaps you have claims that a fuckin hurricane targeted only black people then, hence the claims of racism?
you've completely fucking lost it this time man..fucking bonkers..a joke.

ruisleipa wrote:

lowing wrote:

lol, they aren't........that is the point.

Perhaps you have claims that a fuckin hurricane targeted only black people then, hence the claims of racism?
you've completely fucking lost it this time man..fucking bonkers..a joke.
then why don't you go troll JohnGalt again, and stay out of this, if you don't not feel this thread is worthy of your superior intellect.

eleven bravo wrote:

lowing wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

lowing is admitting bush didnt give a fuck about new orleans?  wow.
Nope I don't speak for Bush, but I will tell ya I don't give a fuck about New Orleans.
show me where i asked what you gave a fuck about, please?
Somewhere in between where you two are being smartasses to each other.

lowing wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

How did the oil spill inordinately affect black people?
anyone covered in oil will be black
The shit looks orange and rusty to me. am i wrong? Anyone actually been there to see it yet?
brb going get oil samples
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6828|Canberra, AUS

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

While there is certainly hypocrisy on the part of people like Kanye, you have to remember that this spill was not a natural disaster.

It's generally assumed that the government is supposed to aid the public during a natural disaster.  When a company is behind a disaster, the burden for cleaning things up should primarily be on that company.

Granted, in the case of Katrina, FEMA was less at fault than Ray Nagin and the Louisiana state government.
the fact that it is a man made disaster, that is obviously beyond the abilites of the private company to deal with, the govt., should take over responsibility for stopping it, then worry about charging the private company later. Or do you suggest it continues until BP pulls their head out?
This is very different. The specialised equipment needed to prepare/mitigate Katrina was all government owned. All the special equipment needed to fix this is owned by BP.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Spark wrote:

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

While there is certainly hypocrisy on the part of people like Kanye, you have to remember that this spill was not a natural disaster.

It's generally assumed that the government is supposed to aid the public during a natural disaster.  When a company is behind a disaster, the burden for cleaning things up should primarily be on that company.

Granted, in the case of Katrina, FEMA was less at fault than Ray Nagin and the Louisiana state government.
the fact that it is a man made disaster, that is obviously beyond the abilites of the private company to deal with, the govt., should take over responsibility for stopping it, then worry about charging the private company later. Or do you suggest it continues until BP pulls their head out?
This is very different. The specialised equipment needed to prepare/mitigate Katrina was all government owned. All the special equipment needed to fix this is owned by BP.
As I said, I don't think the people affected give a fuck. They want results now, just like they did back in 2004, only difference is, back then when results were not forth-coming 3 days later They started with their racist accusations. Here 1.5 months later, where are the accusations in light of no action?

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

lowing wrote:

Nope I don't speak for Bush, but I will tell ya I don't give a fuck about New Orleans.
show me where i asked what you gave a fuck about, please?
Somewhere in between where you two are being smartasses to each other.
Actually I wasn't being a smart ass, I really, honestly, truly, don't give a fuck about New Orleans.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6828|Canberra, AUS

lowing wrote:

Spark wrote:

lowing wrote:

the fact that it is a man made disaster, that is obviously beyond the abilites of the private company to deal with, the govt., should take over responsibility for stopping it, then worry about charging the private company later. Or do you suggest it continues until BP pulls their head out?
This is very different. The specialised equipment needed to prepare/mitigate Katrina was all government owned. All the special equipment needed to fix this is owned by BP.
As I said, I don't think the people affected give a fuck. They want results now, just like they did back in 2004, only difference is, back then when results were not forth-coming 3 days later They started with their racist accusations. Here 1.5 months later, where are the accusations in light of no action?
Except that in 2004, it was primarily the government's fault for not doing anything given they had the capability. This time, they're not doing anything... because they can't.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Spark wrote:

lowing wrote:

Spark wrote:

This is very different. The specialised equipment needed to prepare/mitigate Katrina was all government owned. All the special equipment needed to fix this is owned by BP.
As I said, I don't think the people affected give a fuck. They want results now, just like they did back in 2004, only difference is, back then when results were not forth-coming 3 days later They started with their racist accusations. Here 1.5 months later, where are the accusations in light of no action?
Except that in 2004, it was primarily the government's fault for not doing anything given they had the capability. This time, they're not doing anything... because they can't.
What was Bush supposed to do, part the waters through New Orleans? That was natural disaster, and you expect an instand man made fix?

While a man made disaster goes 1.5 months and all anyone has done is watch?  You rationalize the accusations of Bush wanting to kill all of the black people? and excuse Obama, as not being able to do anything anyway and it is someone elses problem? Are you for real?
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom

lowing wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

show me where i asked what you gave a fuck about, please?
Somewhere in between where you two are being smartasses to each other.
Actually I wasn't being a smart ass, I really, honestly, truly, don't give a fuck about New Orleans.
and thats the sad/funny part
Tu Stultus Es
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

lowing wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

show me where i asked what you gave a fuck about, please?
Somewhere in between where you two are being smartasses to each other.
Actually I wasn't being a smart ass, I really, honestly, truly, don't give a fuck about New Orleans.
And yet you make a thread about New Orleans.
I think others can be the judge of that.

eleven bravo wrote:

lowing wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Somewhere in between where you two are being smartasses to each other.
Actually I wasn't being a smart ass, I really, honestly, truly, don't give a fuck about New Orleans.
and thats the sad/funny part
as you said, you don't give a fuck....................so don't
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom

lowing wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

lowing wrote:

Actually I wasn't being a smart ass, I really, honestly, truly, don't give a fuck about New Orleans.
and thats the sad/funny part
as you said, you don't give a fuck....................so don't
how am i showing that i give a fuck?  oh i get it, this is the usual way you tell someone to get out of your thread
Tu Stultus Es

eleven bravo wrote:

lowing wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

and thats the sad/funny part
as you said, you don't give a fuck....................so don't
how am i showing that i give a fuck?  oh i get it, this is the usual way you tell someone to get out of your thread
If you want to take it as that, go with that feeling. Or you can just post against the OP. either one will suit me just fine.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom
i did.  im surprised you believe bush doesnt care about black people after all that nonsense defending him over the years about katrina.  i guess you flip sides on an argument when it suits your purpose.

Last edited by eleven bravo (2010-05-29 11:04:56)

Tu Stultus Es

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