The weekend is here finally and I thought about this topic for a while and finally got around to posting it. With the recent talk of red state blue state, Texas secession, rising up, states rights, true/real American versus unAmerican I thought it a current and interesting topic. lots of meat on the bone for DST. The reason for my interest in this is that we hear about people railing against the federal govt and holding onto states rights, but how engrained is that concept. After all its been 150 years since the civil war. And to me we stopped being a Repoublic with the end of the civil war and the passage of the civil war amendments.
The topic a simple idea, which do you identitfy with more your national citizenship or your state/local citizenship. I say identify with more because the simple answer is both, so I left that option off because everyone probably prefers one over the other.
Here are some ideas for discussion.
1. If push came to shove and it came to violence/war which side would you pick, your country or your state? I guess its kind of an in depth civil war question.
2. If you moved to another state have you changed your mind? would you perfer national citzenship or your citizenship in your new state.
3. And be honest about this one, would you identify more with one side or the other based on the party in power or the person in the Whitehouse?
For people oustide the US it might be a foreign concept that since the US was conceived as a Republic that US citizens are citizens of the country and citizens of the state simultaneously. But it would be interesting to hear from you guys too. EU versus an individual country. your country veresus your local govt or province or state. Do people outside the US identify more or less with their national governments.
So I'll start, I would identify more with national citizenship. My feeling is that I shouldn't be a US citizen plus some rights in one state and a citizen minus some rights in another state. The whole idea of a checkerboard of rights is the antithetical to the idea of living in a nation, having national citizenship and rights based on the idea of individual equality within a national identity. I really don't care for things like "community standards" that are used to water down individual rights and to excuse infringements of those national rights by local subcultures. For me I really don't need any recognition of state citizenship at all, as I consider that to be a relic of the past that probably dies with the conclusion of the civil war. and I would fight with the US govt against any state govt, including my own, regardless of who was in the whitehouse.
Hope you guys enjoy this topic
The topic a simple idea, which do you identitfy with more your national citizenship or your state/local citizenship. I say identify with more because the simple answer is both, so I left that option off because everyone probably prefers one over the other.
Here are some ideas for discussion.
1. If push came to shove and it came to violence/war which side would you pick, your country or your state? I guess its kind of an in depth civil war question.
2. If you moved to another state have you changed your mind? would you perfer national citzenship or your citizenship in your new state.
3. And be honest about this one, would you identify more with one side or the other based on the party in power or the person in the Whitehouse?
For people oustide the US it might be a foreign concept that since the US was conceived as a Republic that US citizens are citizens of the country and citizens of the state simultaneously. But it would be interesting to hear from you guys too. EU versus an individual country. your country veresus your local govt or province or state. Do people outside the US identify more or less with their national governments.
So I'll start, I would identify more with national citizenship. My feeling is that I shouldn't be a US citizen plus some rights in one state and a citizen minus some rights in another state. The whole idea of a checkerboard of rights is the antithetical to the idea of living in a nation, having national citizenship and rights based on the idea of individual equality within a national identity. I really don't care for things like "community standards" that are used to water down individual rights and to excuse infringements of those national rights by local subcultures. For me I really don't need any recognition of state citizenship at all, as I consider that to be a relic of the past that probably dies with the conclusion of the civil war. and I would fight with the US govt against any state govt, including my own, regardless of who was in the whitehouse.
Hope you guys enjoy this topic