I think the opposite. If the Koreas start shooting, China is just as likely to move in and take out the regime in N. Korea to stabilize the region and to remove the nukes there. IMO N.Korea makes everyone nervious including China.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Is that opium haze in the background?Harmor wrote:
http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/1768/3 … beed7e.jpgDoubt it. The Chinese don't want WW3 any more than we do.Harmor wrote:
I'm not concerned about North Korea military, what I am concerned at is what China will do. I don't think they want a Unified Korea on their border and will aid the North Koreans. Whether they actually join the attack, well that'll be the start of WWIII.
And a unified Korea works in the China's favor, especially if China helps get rid of N.Korea because then China has an open neighbor that needs to be developed up and that's a whole new market for China. And if China helps then its not a threat and so that argues against a continuing US presence in the area. Plus like I waid N.Korea is an unstable neighbor with nukes... getting rid of the regime there is in everyones interest.