We're talking about the predicted change obviously. So far I think it's been about 1 degree in about a century...lowing wrote:
I dunno has the change been 3 degrees in one century?Spark wrote:
Magnitude and speed matter, lowing. One degree in three centuries is not the same as three degrees in one century.
I mean, I just don't see the point of this whole business any more. There is nothing of value to be gained by debating people who refuse to study the science and actually try to find out for themselves rather than relying on tabloids, blogs, and documentaries which are generally, on both sides, pretty crap.
fucked if i know. do you see me defending them? you get bad egg scientists just like you get bad egg everyone. that does not, however, cast into doubt the rest of the unrelated theoretical predictions behind the theory, nor does it cast into doubt the chemistry, nor does it cast into doubt the models other people were working on. obviously whatever they were working on is trash but the east anglia CRU is not a leading centre in climate research.and if it is all true.
why this is this necessary?
http://hotair.com/archives/2009/11/20/d … ing-fraud/
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman