mcminty wrote:
245.CammRobb wrote:
hahaha I do now!mcminty wrote:
You don't want to know
Holy epic jesus.mcminty wrote:
245.CammRobb wrote:
hahaha I do now!mcminty wrote:
You don't want to know
Since you are off in a moment 27, I shall say night.. I'm gonna get some sleep sooon
again, how many do i have? i've been a good girl on here. ;Pmcminty wrote:
245.CammRobb wrote:
hahaha I do now!mcminty wrote:
You don't want to know
@ '27, no more headache, at least not even close to as bad as what it was before. still feeling kinda numb tho.
Last edited by Eifa (14 years, 9 months ago)
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
What, for the AWM count?Finray wrote:
minty you missed me
To be kind of expected ya only human eh? It'll go though. How long you got the house to yaself?Eifa wrote:
again, how many do i have? i've been a good girl on here. ;Pmcminty wrote:
245.CammRobb wrote:
hahaha I do now!
@ '27, no more headache, at least not even close to as bad as what it was before. still feeling kinda numb tho.
Welp, back to Chicago Midway again today......yay! not
well i'm off to practice in about an hour or so. and when i get back i still get to be by myself for about an hour.1927 wrote:
To be kind of expected ya only human eh? It'll go though. How long you got the house to yaself?Eifa wrote:
again, how many do i have? i've been a good girl on here. ;Pmcminty wrote:
@ '27, no more headache, at least not even close to as bad as what it was before. still feeling kinda numb tho.
and yeah, i'm only human too.
@minty, i win
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
Off our for a bit. None of you are as cool as me 'cause I've got the most AWMs
I imagine my AWM count must be 0. However I also imagine that my mod notes are simply something like "Bloody dull, twat".
Bravo, Im fucking lost. I thought you was banned as I seen an acc earlier named, 'Usmarine' and they were 'banned'.
Maybe the post/topic was an old freshly bumped one?
You ok or still a bit moody?
Maybe the post/topic was an old freshly bumped one?
You ok or still a bit moody?
Have fun Tig's, enjoy the practice. Hope it seems to drag while ya there and lasts forever eh?
Your brother kicks your arse.CammRobb wrote:
Off our for a bit. None of you are as cool as me 'cause I've got the most AWMs
I have to go bounch around the skies on my day off crammed inside the flight deck. Plus it supposed to be like 34C with gusty winds. Tad bit moody, mate.1927 wrote:
You ok or still a bit moody?
Oh my. That bad?mcminty wrote:
What, for the AWM count?Finray wrote:
minty you missed me
And when you include Funky_Finny...

almost flew into Midway back in April. Never flown into Midway before, always took Ohare but decided to drive to IL.11 Bravo wrote:
Welp, back to Chicago Midway again today......yay! not
i don't know actually, since errr.. well, you know already.1927 wrote:
Have fun Tig's, enjoy the practice. Hope it seems to drag while ya there and lasts forever eh?
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
Well, you can tell Cam that you have 411.. and funky had 162.. but there was a large period of time where AWMs hadn't been introduced.Finray wrote:
Oh my. That bad?mcminty wrote:
What, for the AWM count?Finray wrote:
minty you missed me
And when you include Funky_Finny...
Im not an expert and know little about you and Im more than likely wrong. You just seemed 'fed up' and 'bit' quite a lot last week when people tried to have a go at you.11 Bravo wrote:
I have to go bounch around the skies on my day off crammed inside the flight deck. Plus it supposed to be like 34C with gusty winds. Tad bit moody, mate.1927 wrote:
You ok or still a bit moody?
Hopefully its just the weather thats cunting you off and it'll lift soon.
Only good thing about that airport is when you take off back to Minneapolis you bank west towards the lake and the city is right in front of you, then turn north and follow the coast with the city just off to your left at low altitude. One hell of a view.loubot wrote:
almost flew into Midway back in April. Never flown into Midway before, always took Ohare but decided to drive to IL.11 Bravo wrote:
Welp, back to Chicago Midway again today......yay! not
Anyway, I'm off.. cyas
cyamcminty wrote:
Anyway, I'm off.. cyas
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
Dont matter which pitch Im on, time dont mean shit to me. Its like being off ya face down the disco at 4am. Ok, in yours that might be a little bit harder to escape the real world, but tunnel vison it, no distractions.Eifa wrote:
i don't know actually, since errr.. well, you know already.1927 wrote:
Have fun Tig's, enjoy the practice. Hope it seems to drag while ya there and lasts forever eh?
Laters Mintymcminty wrote:
Anyway, I'm off.. cyas