Zulu son, what!?!
+79|7098|Anaheim, CA

So a question to all you brave people who are/have been serving your countries . . . does your training help you in the game?
+0|7107|Radcliff, KY
There is no way I could possibly relate this game to real life military training.  The only thing training might have helped with is vehicle ID.

Last edited by 3stitches (2005-10-20 12:40:12)

+-2|7115|The Seventh Circle of Hell
US Air Force SSgt /w a line for TSgt. F-16 Crew Chief. Been in for 10 years, 1995-1997 Cannon AFB, NM/ 1998-1999 Kunsan AB, S. Korea/ 1999-2003 Edwards AFB, CA/ 2003-Present Cannon AFB, NM. In for the long haul as well....
Active Duty-2000-2003-11B(infantry)-Fort Hood
Reserves-2004-current-31B(military police)-Huntsville, Texas
+3|7094|Abilene, Texas
United States Air Force.  Electronic Warfare Systems, B-52 aircrew member, network administration, automated test stations.  Retired as a REAL Master Sergeant at 20.5 years.  Now am a avionics systems engineer for the B-1B bomber at Dyess Air Force Base, Texas.

Last edited by KillerAFET (2005-10-21 06:12:43)


GuliblGuy wrote:

So a question to all you brave people who are/have been serving your countries . . . does your training help you in the game?
No way only thing i think in accordance with real life is dont ever do that.... LOL
90% of the stuff people do in game would get killed within seconds in real life... ie bunny hopping jackasses.

Last edited by weigt (2005-10-20 12:56:22)

+10|7088| Going Feral

Teuf wrote:


eas '95

God how I miss it so.  If it wasn't for my kids, I'd be back in.

Semper Fidelis, carry on
USMC 89-93

I lost my edge after I got married.  Things I never worried about (like dying) suddenly took on more significance.
And i guess 20 guys arent lining up in que stabbing, shooting and blowing each other up to get to the plain first in real life war either God that pisses me off, especially when i play commander and see 3-4-5 guys whoring the damned plane\tank\apc\heli when they could help win the map instead.
18 Field Squadron - Combat Engineer (Royal Australian Engineers) May 88 - Jun 91 (ARMY)
486 Squadron  - Aircraft Life Support Fitter (Royal Australian Air Force) Jun 91 - Dec 92 (AIR FORCE)
161 Recconaisance Squadron - Aircraft Life Support Fitter (Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers - Dec 92 - Jun 94(ARMY)
11 Military Police Platoon - Military Policeman (Royal Australian Corps of Military Police) Jun 94 - Dec 98 (ARMY)

Now I'm a cop.

weigt wrote:

GuliblGuy wrote:

So a question to all you brave people who are/have been serving your countries . . . does your training help you in the game?
No way only thing i think in accordance with real life is dont ever do that.... LOL
90% of the stuff people do in game would get killed within seconds in real life... ie bunny hopping jackasses.
Totally agree.  Don't ever try any of the tactics you use in some game for real life combat.
+0|7105|Omaha, Nebraska

GuliblGuy wrote:

So a question to all you brave people who are/have been serving your countries . . . does your training help you in the game?
No.  There is little if no teamwork in this game.  If people would work together like a real military unit or squad, then yes.  Otherwise no it is just a FPS game with some similarities to mlilitary combat.  If they could add the smells of sulfer, gunpower and sweat, along with the sounds and visuals, that are good, then it may be a little too scarry.

Oh 21 years Master Sergeant.

Last edited by DakotaDoc64 (2005-10-20 17:15:39)

It helps me somewhat, like making yourself the smallest possible target, look around the corner before running around it, reducing your profile (infront of the hill, not on top), single fire and take your time aiming, hitting the enemy where they are the weakest, prioritizing targets, and using squads to your advantage (ie holding a base, advancing the front, etc.).

Not all of it will hold true, since we aren't really ever running short of anything, nor are we cut off from any help at any time.

I'd love to see the Army start teaching the Dolphin Maneuver (Jump, prone in air, land, repeat as necc.)
+0|7105|Omaha, Nebraska

Donnyboy wrote:

I'd love to see the Army start teaching the Dolphin Maneuver (Jump, prone in air, land, repeat as necc.)
Yes that would be funny.  Our enemy would die laughing. 

Donnyboy wrote:

It helps me somewhat, like making yourself the smallest possible target, look around the corner before running around it, reducing your profile (infront of the hill, not on top), single fire and take your time aiming, hitting the enemy where they are the weakest, prioritizing targets, and using squads to your advantage (ie holding a base, advancing the front, etc.).

Not all of it will hold true, since we aren't really ever running short of anything, nor are we cut off from any help at any time.
Yes true. Except squad interaction is rare.  I have only had one night were I ended up in a squad that worked well together.  We owned the match and you know what, our side won.  Most everyone in the squad had among the highest scores. It was great.  I have tried to get my buddies to work more as a squad like this, we always start off with the best of intentions. But we always end up scattered around the map.  Frustrating.  But hey, we are all still having fun.  Even more so when we are fighting each other.  You know what the major difference is, BF2 vs real life.  In BF2 dieing is temporary (15 seconds).  The only thing I worry about is getting a bad Kill to Death ratio.

Last edited by DakotaDoc64 (2005-10-20 18:02:06)

+0|7077|West Coast
SSgt with the 129th Rescue wing - 131st Rescue Squadron - Combat Search and Rescue - Air Force Special Operations Command.

There are a few other guys from my unit that play on a regular basis..I still suck at BF2 but I am having a great time...thank GOD real combat is NOTHING like this game.
+0|7080|Northern Illinois University
I am not surpised at seing fellow servicemen playing the game, you can at times tell by the lingo they use in the game, and that they are not some 15yr old poser acting like he knows what he is talking about.

As for myself.     Enlisted in Illinois Guard back in 2000, still in, and about to receive my commission in May from ROTC.  You can probablly now guess what "PFCilng" means - a SN I have been using since basic training at Ft. Sill back in the summer of 2000.
+0|7077|West Coast

dr4gonman wrote:

USAF 1981-1992  CE/Power Lineman  CA/AK/UT(Desert Shield/Storm)/Italy

Why is the F35 in the game and not the F22?  Didn't the F22 get the nod for production over that single engine VTOL?  Or did the USN pick it up?  If they are trying to keep to the USMC/Navy equipment the F15 shouldn't be in the game.

Two very different programs.. the Lockheed YF-22 beat out the Northrop YF-23 (one of the most beautiful fighters ever designed IMHO) in the US Air Force's ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter)program.

The Lockheed F35 was born out of the DOD's JSF (Joint Strike fighter) program. The X35 beat out the UGLY as sin X32 from boeing. The JSF is supposed to be the largest military procurement in history and includes the Royal Navy, the US Marines and about a dozen other NATO partners. The Aircraft is designed to come in 3 standard configurations

(1) The Smallish NON STOVL (Short Take Of Verticle Landing) Air Force Version. 
(2) The Larger NON STOVL folding winged Naval version with super rugged landing gear.
(3) The STOVL Version developed for the Royal Navy and US Marines to replace the Harrier.

About the F-15.. I just dont know why its there.. I am sure there is a good reason.. but it sure isnt a Department of the Navy Aircraft as far as I know.... and it is modeled after the F-15E model which is primarily a ground attack version..

but interestingly enough.. the US helicopters are not REALLY correct in the game.. The Navy has a few versions of the H-60.. they are the SEAHAWK family (the one represented in BF2 appears to be the MH-60S NightHawk.,3036, … 64,00.html

As far as I understand it (which is pretty good) they are not used as combat insertion A/C for the USMC troops (they have their own CH-46's, 53's and H-1 Hueys for that stuff). The Navy's H-60 versions are called Seahawks and are used for different missions including ASW operations, INFIL/EXFIL of Special Operations Forces, Search and Rescue, Cargo Hauling for some of the versions. I would seriously like to see the 53 and 46 make appearances, let the seahawks alone.

Also the Version of the Cobra that the USMC uses in the game exists only in a Pre-Production/Testing version.. but I will say that it is ready to go into full production whan the CORPS decides to buy them … lAH-1Z.cfm

and the new HUEY is going into full swing production starting now for the USMC.... … lUH-1Y.cfm

Last edited by Agwood69 (2005-10-20 18:55:11)

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra

B.Schuss wrote:

Krauser98 wrote:

I thought if you went to college you could get out of that.  I must be mistaken, because, well...  I've never been zu Deutschland.
nope, mandatory service ( be it community service or the army, doesn't matter ) is always after you finish high school here and before you start further education ( College, university, job training, whatever ). Of course, you might be lucky and not get a call from the governmant at all. How many people are actually drawn depends on the no. of possible recruits and the demand by army or communities. In most years, not everyone that is elligible is taken in the end.

There are other ways to get around mandatory service, though.

1. you are the main money earner in your family or contribute so much to the family business that you being away for months would mean risking banktruptcy ( happens when you work on your family's farm, for example, or if your parents are dead )
2. you have at least two more brothers who have already served.
3. you somehow convince the doctors during the medical check-up ( which will be done regardless of wether you will be selected in the end or not ) that you are mentally unstable or have some sort of body malfunction or permanent disease that would make it impossible for you to serve in the armed forces or in community service.
that fucking sux!!!!!!!!
whatever happened to freedom!!!!
Slimshady -- The Real Medic
+0|7078|Sumter, South Carolina

Deedubya wrote:

US Air Force SSgt /w a line for TSgt. F-16 Crew Chief. Been in for 10 years, 1995-1997 Cannon AFB, NM/ 1998-1999 Kunsan AB, S. Korea/ 1999-2003 Edwards AFB, CA/ 2003-Present Cannon AFB, NM. In for the long haul as well....
dont you just hate these damn pigs? :p
USAF AD 1997 - Present
Been overseas since 2000
I'm a 2A573A, Comm/Nav/Sensors/Mission Systems Tech for heavy aircraft
Stationed at Ramstein Air Base, Germany
+-2|7115|The Seventh Circle of Hell

SrA_Shady wrote:

Deedubya wrote:

US Air Force SSgt /w a line for TSgt. F-16 Crew Chief. Been in for 10 years, 1995-1997 Cannon AFB, NM/ 1998-1999 Kunsan AB, S. Korea/ 1999-2003 Edwards AFB, CA/ 2003-Present Cannon AFB, NM. In for the long haul as well....
dont you just hate these damn pigs? :p
Yes...yes I do. I think if they had put F-16s in the game instead of JSFs I would have spent the first 10 hours of playing the game blowing them up. Doing nothing but blowing them up...lots and lots of times...with C4...and missiles...and crashing them...
+3|7094|Abilene, Texas

Aus heart attack wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

Krauser98 wrote:

I thought if you went to college you could get out of that.  I must be mistaken, because, well...  I've never been zu Deutschland.
nope, mandatory service ( be it community service or the army, doesn't matter ) is always after you finish high school here and before you start further education ( College, university, job training, whatever ). Of course, you might be lucky and not get a call from the governmant at all. How many people are actually drawn depends on the no. of possible recruits and the demand by army or communities. In most years, not everyone that is elligible is taken in the end.

There are other ways to get around mandatory service, though.

1. you are the main money earner in your family or contribute so much to the family business that you being away for months would mean risking banktruptcy ( happens when you work on your family's farm, for example, or if your parents are dead )
2. you have at least two more brothers who have already served.
3. you somehow convince the doctors during the medical check-up ( which will be done regardless of wether you will be selected in the end or not ) that you are mentally unstable or have some sort of body malfunction or permanent disease that would make it impossible for you to serve in the armed forces or in community service.
that fucking sux!!!!!!!!
whatever happened to freedom!!!!
Maybe its the service of military members that defend that freedom, ever think of that?  Freedom is not free, it is paid for continuously through the blood and sweat of citizen soldiers.

KillerAFET wrote:

Aus heart attack wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

nope, mandatory service ( be it community service or the army, doesn't matter ) is always after you finish high school here and before you start further education ( College, university, job training, whatever ). Of course, you might be lucky and not get a call from the governmant at all. How many people are actually drawn depends on the no. of possible recruits and the demand by army or communities. In most years, not everyone that is elligible is taken in the end.

There are other ways to get around mandatory service, though.

1. you are the main money earner in your family or contribute so much to the family business that you being away for months would mean risking banktruptcy ( happens when you work on your family's farm, for example, or if your parents are dead )
2. you have at least two more brothers who have already served.
3. you somehow convince the doctors during the medical check-up ( which will be done regardless of wether you will be selected in the end or not ) that you are mentally unstable or have some sort of body malfunction or permanent disease that would make it impossible for you to serve in the armed forces or in community service.
that fucking sux!!!!!!!!
whatever happened to freedom!!!!
Maybe its the service of military members that defend that freedom, ever think of that?  Freedom is not free, it is paid for continuously through the blood and sweat of citizen soldiers.
I couldn't have put it better myself.

I'm not military by any stretch (eyes are too bad for it), but I've got an international relations degree, focus on terrorism, working on a Security studies degree, then CIA. 

To the military personnel, active duty, reserve, and retired:  Thank you.  It doesn't get said enough, so I suppose here's as good a place as any.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra
i just dont agree with having to do it.
i think your going to have a better army with people that all want to be there. it only takes one person not giving %100 to fuck things right up, dont get me wrong, if they had another situation like ww2 were you pretty much had to join here if you were born between two selected dates id do it in a heart beat, but the worlds not in that bad a spot compared to then and i dont think that sort of thing is totaly needed.
but in saying that, i live in a place very far away from you guys and dont really know what lifes like there, so im not meaning to offend anyone or any place i just cant see it beeing necsesary.

ps. i totaly respect armed forces personel, my next door neighbour and child hood baby siter was killed in the first gulf war so i know the toll war can take and appreciate what they do for us.

Last edited by Aus heart attack (2005-10-21 07:04:16)

AD USAF stationed at RAF Lakenheath, UK.  Sewed on SSgt (E-5) last July, and won't be making Tech for about 8 years thanks to my bitch supervisor that wrote me a 4 EPR.  Go me!

(I'm not bitter or anything.  )
Active duty A Co 3/187 INF Ft. Campbell-1994-1997
Active duty National Guard (AGR) Indiana 1/151 INF 1998-current

Operation Enduring Freedom 2004-2005
3rd Company 1/1/205 Corps Afghan National Army (ANA) Embedded Training Team (ETT)

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