+149|6264|teh FIN-land

jsnipy wrote:

ruisleipa wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

White people in Finland are probably many times richer than blacks
there're hardly any black people in Finland.
Actually, that is my point. Go look for for more trolling articles
sorry, I didn't notice any point there. Would you mind kindly explaining what your point really is, beyond stating a simple fact?

2 parent family > 1 parent family (deadbeat dad).
eleven bravo
+1,399|5300|foggy bottom

Ilocano wrote:

2 parent family > 1 parent family (deadbeat dad).
ofcourse not in all cases
Tu Stultus Es

eleven bravo wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

2 parent family > 1 parent family (deadbeat dad).
ofcourse not in all cases
Yup, I know quite a few 2 parent families where the privileged kids turn out crap.  That's a whole different issue.

But in general, it's much harder for the next generation to succeed coming from a single parent family.  And you can guess which racial groups tend to have more single parent families.  It takes someone like you who is driven to succeed against overwhelming odds.

And that other WTF moment.  Every year, you read stories of an aspiring black kid, star athlete and smart, who ends up getting shot before he could get out of the ghetto.  I don't recall any other racial group (in the US) that would kill because a "brother" is doing better than him.

Last edited by Ilocano (2010-05-18 10:55:19)

I am all that is MOD!

Cybargs wrote:

FEOS wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

It's actually easier for black kids and native americans to get scholarships compared to white and asians.
And this, as well.

If a black kid has the grades, they'll get money for college, assuming they are lower middle class or lower.
They get a lot of blacks only merit based scholarships. It's also not that hard to apply for need base... My friend who got into UC Irvine recieved over 20k USD in scholarships from the State lol... It was both merit and need base but he's pretty well off =/ So yeah scholarships aren't taht hard to get...
I'd like to amend that statement by FEOS -
If a kid has the grades, they'll get money for college.
You know there's white-only scholarships too?  It goes both ways.  There are scholarships and grants put out by any and every different faction you could possibly imagine.

I don't think the state gives scholarships.  You can get grants from state organizations but I don't think you can get a scholarship from the state of California.  I could be wrong though.

The "it's easier for them to get scholarships" argument is based on the idea that there are more private organizations giving out scholarships to a smaller pool of candidates.  I remember applying for no less than 20 different scholarships, including one strictly for Italian Americans, one for families of veterans, etc.

Ruis - are you trying to make a point?
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6583|Texas - Bigger than France
I've read the original article.  Albeit nothing is wrong with the findings, I'd like to see the research in a little more detail.

The article mentions two major factors:
1) Lack of the ability to acquire credit, so as to start a business, pay for school etc
2) Deregulation of debt instruments making it easier to get credit

Spark wrote:

Look at you, flailing around with quotes like a panicked octopus. Insult people some more, sparky.
Well, not you of course.

Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate


Cybargs wrote:

FEOS wrote:

And this, as well.

If a black kid has the grades, they'll get money for college, assuming they are lower middle class or lower.
They get a lot of blacks only merit based scholarships. It's also not that hard to apply for need base... My friend who got into UC Irvine recieved over 20k USD in scholarships from the State lol... It was both merit and need base but he's pretty well off =/ So yeah scholarships aren't taht hard to get...
I'd like to amend that statement by FEOS -
If a kid has the grades, they'll get money for college.
You know there's white-only scholarships too?  It goes both ways.  There are scholarships and grants put out by any and every different faction you could possibly imagine.
Where did I mention color with regard to scholarships? I was referring to grants and such. Minorities get preference (affirmative action laws) and low-income families get preference.

I was simply referring to the topic and the posts about black people getting out of the cycle of "poor". Opportunities are there, but as G@lt said, there are cultural issues that often prevent those kids from taking advantage of them.

KJ wrote:

I don't think the state gives scholarships.  You can get grants from state organizations but I don't think you can get a scholarship from the state of California.  I could be wrong though.
Many states do give scholarships, and standards vary based on minority status and income levels.

KJ wrote:

The "it's easier for them to get scholarships" argument is based on the idea that there are more private organizations giving out scholarships to a smaller pool of candidates.  I remember applying for no less than 20 different scholarships, including one strictly for Italian Americans, one for families of veterans, etc.
As did I (not for Italian Americans).
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular


Cybargs wrote:

FEOS wrote:

And this, as well.

If a black kid has the grades, they'll get money for college, assuming they are lower middle class or lower.
They get a lot of blacks only merit based scholarships. It's also not that hard to apply for need base... My friend who got into UC Irvine recieved over 20k USD in scholarships from the State lol... It was both merit and need base but he's pretty well off =/ So yeah scholarships aren't taht hard to get...
I'd like to amend that statement by FEOS -
If a kid has the grades, they'll get money for college.
You know there's white-only scholarships too?  It goes both ways.  There are scholarships and grants put out by any and every different faction you could possibly imagine.

I don't think the state gives scholarships.  You can get grants from state organizations but I don't think you can get a scholarship from the state of California.  I could be wrong though.

The "it's easier for them to get scholarships" argument is based on the idea that there are more private organizations giving out scholarships to a smaller pool of candidates.  I remember applying for no less than 20 different scholarships, including one strictly for Italian Americans, one for families of veterans, etc.

Ruis - are you trying to make a point?
Eh for my buddy I think it was a grant =/ Even on the SAT itself you get to tick a box saying if you're black, you get a black only scholarship. Sure I know there are loads of scholarships for specific racial groups, but black kids have the most. Black kids get a grade "boost" from the SAT as well.

Forgot where I read it goes something like this in regards to "additional" points in the eyes of colleges.

Blacks: 200+
Natives: 150+
Mexicans: 100+
Whites: 0
Asians: -50

But yeah if you have the grade (merit), or really poor, you can get a lot of federal and school aid as well.
+149|6264|teh FIN-land


Ruis - are you trying to make a point?
with what mate?
11 Bravo
+965|5279|Cleveland, Ohio

ruisleipa wrote:


Ruis - are you trying to make a point?
with what mate?
he is, ken.  he is a troll.  look at all his topics.  one common theme.

ruisleipa wrote:

A $95,000 question: why are whites five times richer than blacks in the US?

A huge wealth gap has opened up between black and white people in the US over the past quarter of a century – a difference sufficient to put two children through university – because of racial discrimination and economic policies that favour the affluent.

A typical white family is now five times richer than its African-American counterpart of the same class, according to a report released today by Brandeis University in Massachusetts.

White families typically have assets worth $100,000 (£69,000), up from $22,000 in the mid-1980s. African-American families' assets stand at just $5,000, up from around $2,000.

A quarter of black families have no assets at all. The study monitored more than 2,000 families since 1984.

"We walk that through essentially a generation and what we see is that the racial wealth gap has galloped, it's escalated to $95,000," said Tom Shapiro, one of the authors of the report by the university's Institute on Assets and Social Policy.

"That's primarily because the whites in the sample were able to accumulate financial assets from their $22,000 all the way to $100,000 and the African-Americans' wealth essentially flatlined."

The survey does not include housing equity, because it is not readily accessible and is rarely realised as cash. But if property were included it would further widen the wealth divide.

Shapiro says the gap remains wide even between blacks and whites of similar classes and with similar jobs and incomes.

"How do we explain the wealth gap among equally-achieving African-American and white families? The same ratio holds up even among low income groups. Finding ways to accumulate financial resources for all low and moderate income families in the United States has been a huge challenge and that challenge keeps getting steeper and steeper.

"But there are greater opportunities and less challenges for low and moderate income families if they're white in comparison to if they're African-American or Hispanic," he said.

America has long lived with vast inequality, although 40 years ago the disparity was lower than in Britain.

Today, the richest 1% of the US population owns close to 40% of its wealth. The top 25% of US households own 87%.

The rest is divided up among middle and low income Americans. In that competition white people come out far ahead.

Only one in 10 African-Americans owns any shares. A third do not have a pension plan, and among those who do the value is on average a fifth of plans held by whites.

Shapiro says one of the most disturbing aspects of the study is that wealth among the highest-income African-Americans has actually fallen in recent years, dropping from a peak of $25,000 to about $18,000, while among white counterparts of similar class and income it has surged to around $240,000.

In 1984, high-income black Americans had more assets than middle-income whites. That is no longer true.

"I'm a pretty jaded and cynical researcher in some way, but this was shocking, quite frankly, a really important dynamic," said Shapiro. "This represents a broken chain of achievement. In the United States context, when we are thinking about racial equality and the economy we have focused for a long time on equal opportunity.

"Equal opportunity assumes that some people who have that opportunity are going to have pretty high achievements in terms of their jobs, their work, their income, their home ownership.

"The assumption in a democracy is that merit and achievement are going to be rewarded and the rewards here are financial assets. We should see some rough parity and we don't."

The report attributes part of the cause to the "powerful role of persistent discrimination in housing, credit and labour markets. African-Americans and Hispanics were at least twice as likely to receive high-cost home mortgages as whites with similar incomes," the report says.

Although many black families have moved up to better-paying jobs, they begin with fewer assets, such as inheritance, on which to build wealth. They are also more likely to have gone into debt to pay for university loans.

"African-Americans, before the 1960s, first by law and then by custom, were not really allowed to own businesses. They had very little access to credit. There was a very low artificial ceiling on the wealth that could be accumulated. Hence there was very little, if anything, that could be passed along to help their children get to college, to help their children buy their first homes, or as an inheritance when they die," said Shapiro.

Since the 1980s, US administrations have also geared the tax system to the advantage of the better off. Taxes on unearned income, such as shares and inheritance, fell sharply and are much lower than taxes on pay.

"The more income and wealth people had, the less it was taxable," said Shapiro.

There were also social factors, the study found. "In African-American families there is a much larger extended network of kin as well as other obligations. From other work we've done we know that there's more call on the resources of relatively well-off African-American families; that they lend money that's not given back; they help cousins go to school. They help brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, with all kinds of legal and family problems," said Shapiro.
yup, you reap what you sow... Black people that get educated, have motivation and ambition will succeed, just like everyone else.
11 Bravo
+965|5279|Cleveland, Ohio
im gonna be a basketball playa or a rap star yo.  pass that weed, hommie.  its 420.  fucking hydro.

Last edited by 11 Bravo (2010-05-19 03:16:44)

+3,611|6662|London, England

11 Bravo wrote:

im gonna be a basketball playa or a rap star yo.  pass that weed, hommie.  its 420.  fucking hydro.
that sentence went from inner city black guy to suburban white kid so fast i didn't even see it coming
11 Bravo
+965|5279|Cleveland, Ohio

Mekstizzle wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

im gonna be a basketball playa or a rap star yo.  pass that weed, hommie.  its 420.  fucking hydro.
that sentence went from inner city black guy to suburban white kid so fast i didn't even see it coming
one in the same.  one wants to be ther other for some reason.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
+194|5215|Markham, Ontario
Firstly, whites are both the majority and werehere first. Secondly, there is no racism involved, its capitalism. Half luck, half pursuit of happiness. And since the whites were there first, they already had established businesses.

Last edited by pace51 (2010-05-19 05:30:04)

The X stands for
+1,810|6147|eXtreme to the maX
Given how many rich rappers and black sportsmen there are the rest must suck really badly to bring the average so far down.

Or they have a lot of empathy and give it all away.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
+2,187|6610|Mountains of NC


how many times richer are blacks than mexicans
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6583|Texas - Bigger than France
now what about 1/2 white, 1/2 black

1/3 white, 1/3 black, 1/3 mexican

This is how I feel about the study BTW.  The researchers found the obvious: water in the ocean...but I question the method.  Based on their findings a mulatto would be 50% better off or 50% worse off than someone with a non-mixed race.



how many times richer are blacks than mexicans
The richest man in the world is Mexican.

And if you don't count the illegals, I'd say the average Mexican (in the US) is wealthier than the average African-American.  Many successful business owners, TBH.

If only Philippines were a border away, I'd be filthy rich...

Last edited by Ilocano (2010-05-19 11:46:19)

+2,187|6610|Mountains of NC

Ilocano wrote:



how many times richer are blacks than mexicans
The richest man in the world is Mexican.

And if you don't count the illegals, I'd say the average Mexican is wealthier than the average African-American.  Many successful business owners, TBH.
hmmmmmmmmmmm so there are better oppurtunitys in mexico

side note : I meant mexicans in USA ...... not mexican mexicans


Ilocano wrote:



how many times richer are blacks than mexicans
The richest man in the world is Mexican.

And if you don't count the illegals, I'd say the average Mexican is wealthier than the average African-American.  Many successful business owners, TBH.
hmmmmmmmmmmm so there are better oppurtunitys in mexico

side note : I meant mexicans in USA ...... not mexican mexicans
Yeah, I forgot to add the (in the US).
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5399|London, England


Ilocano wrote:



how many times richer are blacks than mexicans
The richest man in the world is Mexican.

And if you don't count the illegals, I'd say the average Mexican is wealthier than the average African-American.  Many successful business owners, TBH.
hmmmmmmmmmmm so there are better oppurtunitys in mexico

side note : I meant mexicans in USA ...... not mexican mexicans
One group of people works hard doing jobs no one else wants to do. The other group of people feels too good to do those jobs and prefers sitting on welfare and blaming everyone else for their situation. Both groups are barely educated but one of them has the full backing of the United States school system while the other either never had the opportunity or was forced to drop out of school to help feed his or her family.

'White People' need to stop thinking they'll be the one that will come up with some ridiculous legislation that will finally pull them out of their mire. It has to come from within their own community and culture.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Marlo Stanfield
online poker tax cheating
I think one of the overlooked aspects of Mexican success vs African in the U.S. May have been their religion. More research should be put into whether Mexican worship to a centralized Catholic church had a positive effect or if the African worship to decentralized Protstant churches had a negative effect. Sorry for typos, fucking BBs.

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