She looked 18 to me officer
I am not one for "Yea he cheats" but come on....

A majority of his badges, he got vet, then expert a week later.

Ummmmmmm yea.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6890|Malaga, España
well...fuck'em let him be by now

just was pissed because i got kicked for no good reason!
i just wanna tank whore around and this situation with massive medics i felt great to shoot down  6 off them

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

well...fuck'em let him be by now

just was pissed because i got kicked for no good reason!
i just wanna tank whore around and this situation with massive medics i felt great to shoot down  6 off them
it was a kife & pistol server with no tanks and u tankwhore? so he has a reason to kick u fool

anyway hes a stat padder and any fool can see that.
I happend to played with him on the same server last night.  In all the 3 rounds while he was in, 0 score.  Seems he was idleing. Just don't know why he does that, he already got all the vet badges and medals.

But he was in the Sharqi MEC side, it does increase his win/loss ratio.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6890|Malaga, España
@n00btyler : no it doesnt

the ROE sais that an admin may not prohibit an vehicule
so i took a tank and blasted away
+5|6921|Laguna Beach, CA
Ha ha ha ha.

"doodde" sounds like Doody. Ha ha ha!

Dutch people are freakin' awesome!
its not hard to earn those things same day - just have time req's done and go on a killing spree with all the weapons!
Capt. Foley
+155|6734|Allentown, PA, USA
u guys realy care way to much
btw he had already recivede global reqs before and didnt go for the IAR reqs until he wanted to
and i have 40 kills to someone in a round
i was spawn killing with a tank on karkand(yes i kno i was being a noob)
+86|6921|New Zealand

[n00b]Tyler wrote:

it was a kife & pistol server with no tanks and u tankwhore? so he has a reason to kick u fool
nobody fools noobtyler

majorassult wrote:

Or the 78 kills streak...but man hes got a lot of gold badges
I have 100 kills streak, and Ive got 1296 god star
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

eagles1106 wrote:

Dude your kinda stupid, its not hard if you equalize your time with each kit, maybe he played each kit the exact same amount of time until he had enough then 1 round he got enough kills for 1 expert and the next round another kit...doesnt matter if you get all you awards on the same day, he prolly had a lot of time coming into october
Yeah you tell him lol. I pretty much try to equaliaze the time with my kits most are 5-10 hours difference.
Excuse me everyone, i thought sgt_maxpower got he stats reset sometime last year,
about the time when the 1.12 patch was out. I also recall looking in the top ten that day (he used to be 7th) and he was no-where.

AND i remember a thread here that lists the name of banned players.
You like that, biatch!?
why do u guys spend so much time watching other peoples stats... just play the game... your doing EAs job ... why do u think there so lazy they rely on you to tell them!
just play the fuckin game!!!!!!!!

majorassult wrote:

Or the 78 kills streak...but man hes got a lot of gold badges
My kill streak is 62 (Got it yesterday )and it was legit... If I hadn't died, I might have made an even higher streak than 78 maybe.

It was on a karkand round, MEC, tank whoreing... the reason I stayed alive so long is it was THEIR tank, so they had nothing to counter me with except APCs. My death was because of 3 AT + 2 AT at once and no one near enough to help or repair =C
+22|6726|haderslev, denmark
I was just wondering - if he statspads so much, that some people are claiming, then why don't you screenshot him during his statspadding??? he must spends hours statspadding if it's true, so it shouldn't be hard, to catch him with the fingers in the cookiejar...

and if you take that picture, share it with EA and forum - but until that happens, let's pretend he is innocent until proven guilty...
Metal Godz
it's my understanding, accourding to EA rules, that you cant have a RANKED knife/pistol server. This would be statpadding, and I agree.

It doesnt matter if he has the badge already or not, its statpadding server,

Did u see the rules in that server? It said "Dont cap flags"


To me, this is the WORST type of stat padding, theres no battle going on, its a bunch of guys stabbing and reviving, just fuckin point whoring by the buckets.

While Im on everyday fuckin shootin u bastards and getting my ass blown away, while some other guy tries to vote kick everyone out. Its hard work for points, and u all know it,

the bottom line is this. EA rules say no deal to knife/pistol. I think every guy on that listed server should have his stats reset. Other people have, so should they, whats fair is fair.

To the guy who posted this   -Good Job-  Now lets hope there is some justice!
Capt. Foley
+155|6734|Allentown, PA, USA
seriously i wish EA had never put the stats system in the game even though it makes it more fun it dosent matter because people start to notice how much they suck and people bitch CONSTANLY
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6875|Honolulu, HI

"TOS Violation Server"?  Check that server name on and you'll find this as their server graphic:

As you can tell from the first screenie he was on this server VERY recently (after being promoted to General).  But even if you don't believe he's violating the ROE, everyone can appreciate this screenshot:

He had, believe it or not, the M11-87 pump shotty.  I had the PP-19.  Uh...pwned?

Last edited by [QXJZ]Capt_Kefra (2006-04-29 19:34:35)

Knife and pistol servers are a slap in the face to me, who got both those damn expert badges the hard way. It felt, however, that I earned them and that helps. Dishonest people upset me.

As for Maxpower: I've getten several awards in a day before. All you have to do is meet all the global equirements for each one, then when your ready, meet the IAR requirements for each one (in the same day). I think hes earned most of his awards the fair way, even if thats sitting in a server idling in a vehicle. Those requirements are terrible enough that there aren't a lot of other ways to do it.
Get off his back, let him play the fucking game. Knife/Pistol servers are fun!, try it, i dont do it on my real account, i have a seperate account for that. But it is still fun to play with knifes pistols only.
god grow up people. You're just jealous that hes a freaking 3* general and you arent. He got his stuff legit, his stats look in no way suspicious (minus a lot of probable idling).
oh yeah i got my knife badge legit. twas hard stuff. but I got it when lunging was still doable. I don't really care how he got it since he has every other dang badge imaginable.
buttered noodle
you are a mother fucking moron, he had the time for all of the badges, jsut not the wins or the kills in a round, he had no reason to really bother before the general ranks were created, you should have ur stats wiped for making such a noobish accusation. -1 for the noob
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Empathy wrote:

oh yeah i got my knife badge legit. twas hard stuff. but I got it when lunging was still doable. I don't really care how he got it since he has every other dang badge imaginable.
Maybe its because he WANTS ot have every damn badge imaginable thats why he'll pad for it
The Original

Last edited by wingman358 (2006-04-29 20:46:37)

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