CapnNismo wrote:
Turq, I can only agree with you, but do you really think a country is going to be very willing to giving up its sovereignty, even a piece of it? The member states of the EU already handed over a sizable portion just to be members.
Oh, I'm not suggesting that will happen. I just find it sad that these countries so quickly take the money of other nations without doing what is necessary to fix things in the long run.
Look at what happened with Ireland, for example. They were rather pathetic economically before the EU dumped billions into them, and then their economy fell flat when that money dried up as the world economy collapsed. Now, they don't want to pay back the EU what they've received.
The lesson learned here is... don't bailout countries. Let them fall. America learned this lesson as well. We bailed out our finance sector (and continue to do so) and our automakers and even AIG (a completely useless company rife with fraud).
If there's any hope for humanity in the near future, we'll let the next round of "too big to fail" companies collapse as they should, and the EU will just kick out any countries that don't pull their weight economically.
If I were a German citizen, I would be demanding the expulsion of Greece from the EU, because they are useless to the interests of the rest of Europe. They might as well expel all the PIIGS countries at this point. The U.K. is the exception to this with regard to debt, because their economy is large enough and diversified enough to recover from this current recession in a timely manner.
And most importantly, the U.S. will hopefully implement some sensible financial regulations soon.