The command badge is so impossible for me to get with my battle strats i use to play with. i'm usually a sniper... there for i dont exactly see alot of action all the time. the 40 i need are rather hard for me to aquire when i'm a sniper. but when i'm spec ops for example i get a worse score than when i'm a sniper. i get 1 point for every two kills. its testing my patients and i'm just about to give up after having tried for this pointless badge for a 4 days straight. i got close once i got 41 points and was com but i never got the badge. i assumed it was because i became com half way into the round. i usually play mashtuur city map so i dont really see a problem getting 40 pts there but i'm having trouble. does anyone have a sort of strat i can use to get the a certain map, kit,vehicle or something?
+0|7162|Gensingen [GER]
From what I recall, if you play commander, you get only points based on the teamworkscore of your team. so you could just take a nap behind your UAV-trailer, if your team performs well.
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire
thats basically right, I read somewhere on here that commander score is based on the total score of each person in a  squad on your team, and you get like 1 point for every 10 they score or something along those, to get commander points, get everyone to be in squads and arty the hellout of people and if you can get your squad leaders to request stuff like supplies nad arty and uav, then that'll get you points too I believe, so there you go....

strombringer wrote:

From what I recall, if you play commander, you get only points based on the teamworkscore of your team. so you could just take a nap behind your UAV-trailer, if your team performs well.
I don't think you'll get many points if you just do nothing. You need to use the UAV and spot enemy positions and send orders to your squads. You get 0 points for your OWN kills and from my experience it looks like you get 0 points for artillery kills now. I got my advanced command badge just by using UAV and spotting enemies that were not within its range so my team could kill them. As commander you should be getting gold stars w/ win due to the fact that you'll always be 1 step ahead of your top player as long as your spotting fast enough. I recommend reading the FAQ on IGN about how to play commander.

Last edited by Mubbly (2005-10-19 22:59:00)

Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
hm, just spend more time as commander and do what commanders do I have the veteran one.
I hate to say this, but honestly.... you COULD take a nap behind your UAV and score well if your team is doing well. I'm pretty new to commanding but already have the vet badge. The other night just for kicks I experimented for a round. For the first 10 minutes I did NOTHING, the next ten I used UAV, supplies, arty, etc... no difference in the rate at which my command score went up.

From what I gather its an average of the scores your teammates have, so high command scores sure don't necessarily mean good commanding... and nothing you do as a player (kills, resupplies, etc) count towards your command points. I'm not even sure if you get these towards your global states when commanding!?! anyone know the answer to that?

Last edited by dshak (2005-10-19 23:32:28)

hes right. commander score is based on the score of your ENTIRE team not just squads I've seen rounds with not a single squad, and commander does get points. giving UAV supplies and artillery only is to thelp your team do better. If you do nothing your team might struggle if their commander is doing something.
Its easy to get on Oman and Wake. Arty their ship over and over.
alrighty i'll test out these new ideas
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra
and if you can see a squad going to get a control point order them to attack it as you know they are going to accept the order and you get points for that.
Im tellin you guys, ha, you do not get points for arty... not for having orders followed... not for spotting... not for supplies... not for ANYTHING. The commander score is an average of your teammates scores. No more. No less. All that stuff you do may help them score higher, but honestly you do not get any points for it. Heck you're better off in some instances not using arty and letting your teammates get the kills (and points for the kills) themselves.

Not making this up. I promise.

Last edited by dshak (2005-10-20 21:41:17)

One Shot, One Kill
+4|7112|Canberra, Australia
I tell you what, your team appreciates it if you actually do stuff.
as far as i know you get 1 point  for your team capping a flag and 1 point for an arty kill thats why its so slow getting poiunts most of the time and their has to be another or so way of getting points. but if yopu contest the idea of  getting a point for arty kills watch your score when you kill as CO with arty then send arty and resign you'll see you get 2 points instead of 2.Team averages are not true, getting a score for your team killing ppl within UAV or scanning and spotting is also does not effect your score.As well its only your COMMANDER SCORE that counts towards your badge (the things i have said).and it is before the 2X.

good luck

LOL well said iron geek

Last edited by The_Time (2005-10-20 22:01:03)

Slimshady -- The Real Medic
+0|7082|Sumter, South Carolina
Dshak is wrong,

I've tested it, and you do get points for doing stuff.  Seems like if I remember right, you got 1 point for every like 4 dudes you spot, 4 arty kills, and if you give an order, and you squad follows thru and is succesfull, you get points.  You also get points for filling requests. I've me do it! ;p

for sake of thinking maybe I was wrong... I paid attention tonight. Used the Sat scan to find and spot like 20 guys right away... zero points. killed 6 guys in one arty strike. zero points. I wish someone from EA would weigh in on this and end the debate.

Irongeek - I never suggested not doing anything at all, just making the point that the commander score is an average of the team players score.

If you still want to tell me I'm wrong fine, but I tested that theory about "one point for every four guys you spot" and at least that one I can tell you is bogus. Try it yourself.

Edit here - I just read the stupid game manual... EXACT QUOTE - "As a commander your score is calculated based on a formula using your team's score." Thats straight out of the manual. I think I chose to believe it.

Last edited by dshak (2005-10-20 23:16:40)


dshak wrote:

Im tellin you guys, ha, you do not get points for arty... not for having orders followed... not for spotting... not for supplies... not for ANYTHING. The commander score is an average of your teammates scores. No more. No less. All that stuff you do may help them score higher, but honestly you do not get any points for it. Heck you're better off in some instances not using arty and letting your teammates get the kills (and points for the kills) themselves.

Not making this up. I promise.
I hope your kidding.Wtf do you think gets you the points.
+66|7159|Missoula, MT
I think FLaXCarnage is right on this one...unfortunately.  It might be more beneficial to focus the arty on the enemies assets from now on instead of enemy troops/wheelbarrows.  Just my opinion. 
[Expert Smoke Grenade]
+44|7092|Hamburg, Germany
just play a "few players on 64player maps" server without a time limit (or gametime >40)
be a commander help your team win (but not too quick) and if your good at multitasking
fight between realoadtimes of your assets

maybe people SHOULD read the games instruction booklet before spouting off... as I've already pointed out... its SAYS RIGHT IN THERE THE COMMANDER SCORE IS CALCULATED USING A  FORMULA BASED ON YOUR TEAM'S SCORE.

Not for artillery, not for supply drops, not for spoting, etc etc etc... a good commander will do such things and this will help their team score higher, which indirectly raises your score. Perfect example, my highest score ever was in an unpopulated server, like 20 out of 64. We had no command when I joined so I figure what the heck. I did basically nothing, maybe had like 1 arty kill, and had a command score of 88... why? because people were just running around capping flags and so all the scores on my team were high.

ug. RTFM.
+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA
dshak is right people.

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