I was playing on a great server, It had a perfect map rotation for an aspiring pilot who still wants to score in Karkand. Unfortunately, in the last game on Wake, as I was flying about in my F-35B, I had TK'd several people because my missiles went awry (I'm sure you've all experienced this). Taking off, someone stands in front of my jet - boom, they get TK'd even though I tried to lift off with the Harrier jet instead of by going down the runway.
I get banned from the server for TKing...
Is there any way to access a server admin and get them to unban you? I don't remember the name of the server, just that IP. And I really liked the server, too.
- =US= Adan
I get banned from the server for TKing...
Is there any way to access a server admin and get them to unban you? I don't remember the name of the server, just that IP. And I really liked the server, too.
- =US= Adan