+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
So here I am, bored as always having played tons of games...

I though why not put up a list of recent games for the not-so-intense gamers who haven't played through anything worth playing?!

So, here's the list (Games are not sorted in any particular order)

Worth a buy - Must haves or you should atleast try them out before moving on!

- Mass Effect 1 & 2
Help commander Shepard save the world from the reapers the way you want, be that stealing candy from babies or giving it to them. A very immersive experience.

- The orange box (TF2, HL2+EP1+EP2 & Portal)
This is still the best value-for-money offer ever released on PC, Two full games, Two "expansions" and a good puzzleFPS, if you still haven't done so, log onto steam and buy it! Team fortress 2 is getting tons upon tons of free DLC from valve.

Worth a try - Some love them others loathe them

- Dead Space
Pretty good horror-shooter imo, brings innovative combat along with directors from horror movies having their influence on the development. lights out, volume up, play. Sequel coming up this year!

- Resident Evil 5
Shit hit's the fan again thanks to Umbrella Corp, complete quick-time events and shoot zombies to figure out why things got fubar'd

- Fallout 3
Huge, expansive, open post-apocalypse wasteland ready for you and your pip-boy to discover, with a ton of subtle humor inside aswell. DLC packs add tons of new stuff aswell, included in GOTY edition.

- The Sims 3
The latest of Maxis' create-your-own series, build a house, create a family, manage it or watch it fall apart. you are in control.

- Borderlands
Funny, solid & phat lewt. Find a gun, find a better one, kill monsters, kill bandits, rinse repeat. I reckon it's worth a try.

- Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Good fun, take out a building or two, earn some platinum and run some people down with the UAV. Doesn't age well though.

- Battlefield 2 (and 2142)
Obligatory I guess, it is old and it shows, but gameplay is solid and DICE have patched their patches along with adding the DLC for free since 1.5

- Left 4 Dead 2
Where Left 4 Dead 1 had very little content yet cost the same as other full games, the second has quite abit more to offer, and the price is now down to a reasonable level.

- Metro 2033
Post apocalyptic Russia, humans live in the subways since mutants have taken over the surface, feels like an indie game, but in a good way

- S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (Any)
The Chernobyl NPP meltdown wasn't the end for the area now known as "The Zone". Bring a geiger-counter!

- World of Warcraft
Pay a monthly fee to play the worlds biggest and most popular MMO, grind, play some PVP or comlete instances with the Alliance or the Horde (Don't forget to ask Uzique for help)

- Company of Heroes

- The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Swords, bows & magic, complete those quests and avoid beeing caught as the criminal scum you may be.

- Supreme Commander
RTS on a huge scale, artillery is artillery here, not just a tank that moves slower. Be sure to get Forged Alliance though, the UI in the vanilla version blocked half your screen

Unworthy - Cannot be justified to spend money on

- Modern Warfare 2
Activision & IW pretty much borked this game from the start by porting everything directly from console resulting in no dedicated servers or mod support while at the same time porting the price directly from console aswell, greedy bastards.

- Any Need For Speed game after Most Wanted
Racing only got worse from there, you are better of playing Hot Persuit 2 / Underground 2 / Most Wanted

- Red Alert 3, Command&Conquer 4 & Supreme Commander 2
All three succeeded in removing everything their series had going for them, leaving them standing as sub-standard games

Oldies but goldies - Games that are not recent but still worth a try!

- Half-Life, Blue Shift & Opposing Force
Oldies but goldies, Half-Life has without a doubt helped shape FPS gaming. And who doesn't like beating aliens with a crowbar?

- Deus Ex
According to many this is one of the best games ever created, certainly a top3 contender for best FPSRPG ever

- Pokemon Red & Blue / Pokemon Leaf Green & Fire Red (GameBoy)
Throw pokeballs and show us your pokemanz, noone really knows why but damn these games are addictive

- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
According to many this is the peak of the series, huge area with everything from forests to downtown streets. Tons of vehicles and quite a few missions aswell

- Diablo II
Not exactly new anymore, but Blizzard patched it to near perfection, multiplayer Battlenet is recommended, but if you fancy singleplayer or lan, download the MultiResolution patch to improve visuals

- Command & Conquer Series
Above mentioned ones excluded though

- Max Payne
Original and great storytelling, Matrix style slow-mo combat, thugs screaming "PAAAAYNE" every time they see you.

- Call of Duty + United Offensive & Call of Duty 2
WWII at it's best, multiplayer is awesome too

- Starcraft
Widely regarded as one of the greatest RTS games ever, be carefull about playing multiplayer if you are a rookie though

- Thief II
Yatzee's favorite game gets an honorable mention alright!

- Sim City series (mainly the earlier games e.g. Sim City 4000 or older)
Can you make your city grow? Or will it be stomped by Godzilla first?

Feel free to post your opinions, if I've forgotten something it will be added...

Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-05-13 08:00:42)

­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6465|Vancouver | Canada
Exchange Fallout3 with BF2.
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

DefCon-17 wrote:

Exchange Fallout3 with BF2.
I think people who have never played BF2 would prefer a newer experience,,
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
plundering yee booty
+510|5782|Ventura, California
You forgot ArmA 2.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

-Sh1fty- wrote:

You forgot ArmA 2.
Never tried it...

Unless it's the millitary simulator where your crosshair moves around on your screen instead of turning with your view...

I cba playing Mil-Sims tbh

Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-05-09 11:21:20)

­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+1,411|7050|FUCK UBISOFT

lol at BF2 being the only game not <2 years old.

Fallout 3 may have a big map, but it barely has any substance. Definitely worth a try, but absolutely not a must have.

Left 4 Dead 2 can be fun, but it hardly lasts. Definitely a try, not a must have.

BFBC2 is miserably unworthy.
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Miggle wrote:

lol at BF2 being the only game not <2 years old.

Fallout 3 may have a big map, but it barely has any substance. Definitely worth a try, but absolutely not a must have.

Left 4 Dead 2 can be fun, but it hardly lasts. Definitely a try, not a must have.

BFBC2 is miserably unworthy.
oh god here comes the circlejerk argument over personal opinion..

I'll move L4D2 but Bad Comany 2 is not a terrible game and BF2 had to be added or people would start yelling at me

And Fallout 3 was one of the best games I've played in a long time tbh

=NHB=Shadow wrote:

I'd prefer not going that far back tbh

Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-05-09 11:23:01)

­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+1,411|7050|FUCK UBISOFT

FloppY_ wrote:

Miggle wrote:

lol at BF2 being the only game not <2 years old.

Fallout 3 may have a big map, but it barely has any substance. Definitely worth a try, but absolutely not a must have.

Left 4 Dead 2 can be fun, but it hardly lasts. Definitely a try, not a must have.

BFBC2 is miserably unworthy.
oh god here comes the circlejerk argument over personal opinion..

I'll move L4D2 but Bad Comany 2 is not a terrible game and BF2 had to be added or people would start yelling at me

And Fallout 3 was one of the best games I've played in a long time tbh

=NHB=Shadow wrote:

I'd prefer not going that far back tbh
My point isn't that it's a bad thing that you had BF2 on the list. My point is that the only games you think are worth buying are <2 years old.

The reason you have such low standards is because you've probably only played 10 games in your life.
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Miggle wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

Miggle wrote:

lol at BF2 being the only game not <2 years old.

Fallout 3 may have a big map, but it barely has any substance. Definitely worth a try, but absolutely not a must have.

Left 4 Dead 2 can be fun, but it hardly lasts. Definitely a try, not a must have.

BFBC2 is miserably unworthy.
oh god here comes the circlejerk argument over personal opinion..

I'll move L4D2 but Bad Comany 2 is not a terrible game and BF2 had to be added or people would start yelling at me

And Fallout 3 was one of the best games I've played in a long time tbh

=NHB=Shadow wrote:

I'd prefer not going that far back tbh
My point isn't that it's a bad thing that you had BF2 on the list. My point is that the only games you think are worth buying are <2 years old.

The reason you have such low standards is because you've probably only played 10 games in your life.
Oh dear no... I've played tons,, I only wanted to add recent games.. But I knew I'd get flamed if I didn't add BF2 on BF2s.com
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+194|5482|Markham, Ontario
eleven bravo
+1,399|5568|foggy bottom
tf2 is unworthy
Tu Stultus Es

Oblivion, worth buying
+1,411|7050|FUCK UBISOFT

FloppY_ wrote:

Miggle wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

Miggle wrote:

lol at BF2 being the only game not <2 years old.

Fallout 3 may have a big map, but it barely has any substance. Definitely worth a try, but absolutely not a must have.

Left 4 Dead 2 can be fun, but it hardly lasts. Definitely a try, not a must have.

BFBC2 is miserably unworthy.
oh god here comes the circlejerk argument over personal opinion..

I'll move L4D2 but Bad Comany 2 is not a terrible game and BF2 had to be added or people would start yelling at me

And Fallout 3 was one of the best games I've played in a long time tbh

I'd prefer not going that far back tbh
My point isn't that it's a bad thing that you had BF2 on the list. My point is that the only games you think are worth buying are <2 years old.

The reason you have such low standards is because you've probably only played 10 games in your life.
Oh dear no... I've played tons,, I only wanted to add recent games.. But I knew I'd get flamed if I didn't add BF2 on BF2s.com
Have you ever played an FPSRPG other than Fallout 3? Have you ever played a Bethesda game other than Fallout 3? Have you ever played a Fallout game other than Fallout 3?

Because it sucks in comparison to everything else.

Huge empty space. Obnoxious bullet deviaton. 10 different guns. VATS. 15 hour plotline, with 15 hours of sidequests. ETC. It was shovelware.
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

jsnipy wrote:

Oblivion, worth buying
Never played it, Medieval games don't appeal to me....

But afaik it's very similar to a game already on the list, also made by Bethesda

Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-05-09 11:33:25)

­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+1,411|7050|FUCK UBISOFT

FloppY_ wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

Oblivion, worth buying
Never played it, Medievil games don't appeal to me....

But afaik it's very similar to a game already on the list, also made by Bethesda
Oblivion is fantasy. And it's got shitloads more depth than Fallout.

If you liked Fallout, you almost have to give Oblivion a chance. It's a far better game.
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Miggle wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

Miggle wrote:

My point isn't that it's a bad thing that you had BF2 on the list. My point is that the only games you think are worth buying are <2 years old.

The reason you have such low standards is because you've probably only played 10 games in your life.
Oh dear no... I've played tons,, I only wanted to add recent games.. But I knew I'd get flamed if I didn't add BF2 on BF2s.com
Have you ever played an FPSRPG other than Fallout 3? Have you ever played a Bethesda game other than Fallout 3? Have you ever played a Fallout game other than Fallout 3?

Because it sucks in comparison to everything else.

Huge empty space. Obnoxious bullet deviaton. 10 different guns. VATS. 15 hour plotline, with 15 hours of sidequests. ETC. It was shovelware.
I liked it x|

Fallout 1 is too borked for me to play for long
Elder Scrolls = Medieval and those games don't appeal to me
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+1,510|6439|Carnoustie MASSIF
Where the hell is CS:S? Original Half Life (+Blue Shift, Opfor)?
+1,411|7050|FUCK UBISOFT

CammRobb wrote:

Where the hell is CS:S? Original Half Life (+Blue Shift, Opfor)?
too old bro. old games suck.
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Miggle wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

Oblivion, worth buying
Never played it, Medievil games don't appeal to me....

But afaik it's very similar to a game already on the list, also made by Bethesda
Oblivion is fantasy. And it's got shitloads more depth than Fallout.

If you liked Fallout, you almost have to give Oblivion a chance. It's a far better game.
Swords, Archers & Magic spells Medieval to me

I know it's fantasy, but tech wise, it's at a medieval state...
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Miggle wrote:

CammRobb wrote:

Where the hell is CS:S? Original Half Life (+Blue Shift, Opfor)?
too old bro. old games suck.
I never said that,... CS:S is good but gets old quick unless you shuffle mods...

Half-Life 1 series is a must have / buy but if I start adding all games in the history of time we will have a list too long to scroll through
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+1,510|6439|Carnoustie MASSIF

FloppY_ wrote:

Miggle wrote:

CammRobb wrote:

Where the hell is CS:S? Original Half Life (+Blue Shift, Opfor)?
too old bro. old games suck.
I never said that,... CS:S is good but gets old quick unless you shuffle mods...

Half-Life 1 series is a must have / buy but if I start adding all games in the history of time we will have a list too long to scroll through
Yeha, but then it will be definitive.
+1,010|6594|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

CammRobb wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

Miggle wrote:

too old bro. old games suck.
I never said that,... CS:S is good but gets old quick unless you shuffle mods...

Half-Life 1 series is a must have / buy but if I start adding all games in the history of time we will have a list too long to scroll through
Yeha, but then it will be definitive.
Added HL1 series since it is epic enough to make it to the list : |
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+1,510|6439|Carnoustie MASSIF

FloppY_ wrote:

CammRobb wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

I never said that,... CS:S is good but gets old quick unless you shuffle mods...

Half-Life 1 series is a must have / buy but if I start adding all games in the history of time we will have a list too long to scroll through
Yeha, but then it will be definitive.
Added HL1 series since it is epic enough to make it to the list : |
Don't you : | Me young man.

Trying to think of other games to put on there.
AoE I, II, and III + Expansions?

+1,411|7050|FUCK UBISOFT

Ignorance = Bliss.

I've only listened to the last 3 years of music, but i have to say, Rihanna is probably the best musician ever.

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