Seeing as it concerns the most number posts in this thread I see no reason that it doesn't belong here ...11 Bravo wrote:
so what if he does? it has nothing to do with the OP anyway does it?Varegg wrote:
So run along and find it then smartass ...11 Bravo wrote:
i bet you did...or somewhat eluded to it. or lol'd/karma'd someone for saying it. or said it with some goofy emoticon.
However lolling a comment and to actually mean Bush is a facist is two different things ... to humorously call Obama a facist and like lowing actually believe he is are the same kind of idiom ...
and you shouldnt name call, mr mod.
Smartass was a remark concerning your type of posting, if I wanted to name call you I would have used a phrase like dumbass ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................