"WHETHER ANY ONE IS BEING RACIST ...........OR NOT "not sue how you read that, but the way I read it is, you can not talk about racism without being racist, I mean since he admits it, even if you are not making racist comments.ruisleipa wrote:
jesus can't you fuckin read? He never said it was RACIST he said it contains RACIAL COMMENTS which indicates your statement that you've 'never' written any 'racial comments' is clearly bollox.lowing wrote:
a conversation about racism is racist whether anyone is being racist or not???? hmmmmmmm, glad you are on eleven bravo's, and ruis's side of this. Because I certainly could not use your kind of logic in any conversation. Be sure to stay there. ALthough I agree that those other 2 agree with you.Here we see lowing's excellent tactic of taking what someone says and changing it to make it seem outrageous, without using the original point and ignoring the meaning of it. *slow handclap*Jaekus wrote:
A conversation about racism is full of racial comments whether anyone is being racist or not.
Actually eleven bravo has made similar comments
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 7#p3078897 a point, when challenged was never addressed by him.
just more of the same
Last edited by lowing (2010-05-05 03:15:57)