Diesel_dyk wrote:
Turquoise wrote:
Diesel_dyk wrote:
Point is that this law will further marginalize the GOP everywhere. Perry is in preservation mode. Everyone knows that Latinos are taking over and any party not willing to change with the times is a dinosaur. You don't tick off (brown) voters to get at the illegal problem.
Oh, I'm well aware of the prevailing trends. Granted, I'm not so sure if any rational person would
want to run things in about 20 years. If things don't change for the better in Phoenix, it's gonna be a real hellhole very soon.
There are areas of Southern California and Southern Texas that are basically becoming Mexico -- in terms of crime and poverty.
I'm not sure if losing these areas politically is such a bad thing, because honestly, I don't see why people would want to continue living there much longer. Illegals might flood these places, but a lot of actual citizens are gonna move away.
And AZ is a border state and you just made the case for why this law is reactionary and irrational. The border areas are being taken over and latino peple who live there are nevertheless citizens even though it may look like Mexico. So who is that will bear the burden on the enforcement of this law?
The law isn't irrational itself, although the responses to it seem to mostly be that way.
On the one hand, you have angry white people that supported the bill, and on the other hand, you have Latinos already protesting the law before it's being implemented.
There's plenty of irrationality to go around with this situation, but the law itself, as Kmarion pointed out, only reinforces federal laws.
Granted, I would argue irrationality created this situation to begin with, when companies began hiring illegals. If that had never happened to begin with, we wouldn't be in this mess.
We also wouldn't be in this mess if the federal government had taken the rational approach of actually doing something about border security.
Since we're now dealing with an irrational public on both sides of the issue, it's hard to say what the rational course of action actually is other than getting the hell out of the area.
I can't really say that profiling is irrational given the circumstances. It's not technically legal, but it could work, if it was allowed.