OMGPOP is a casual online multiplayer gaming website built entirely in Flash. OMGPOP states on its homepage that it is "a place to hang out, play free online multiplayer games, chat and make friends."
Has classic Atari games like "Missile Command", board and card games like Uno ("Booya"), Connect Four ("Four Play"), Pictionary ("Draw My Thing"), a Mario Kart spin-off ("Hover Kart Racing/Battle"), and several others.
In all honesty, it's a typical cheesy game website for middle/high-schoolers (you can even use real money to buy 'coins' that will let you buy fake items or game powerups; you can also earn coins by doing well in games). However, it's a great time-killer and can still have a decent amount of fun (especially in the Pictionary game), and it's free to sign up and play so why not? Several us bf2s'ers already have
You can still play as a guest, but you won't earn any XP or coins, nor be able to use coins in-game to get powerups or help/hints; you'll also get a pop-up after a few games asking you to sign up so you'll have to go back to the invite link again (assuming you joined through a member).

BF2s Members
mtb0minime - MattyBoy714 (NOT 715 or 716, those are posers )
Miggle - TBiggs
Dauntless - Dauntless
burnzz - burnzz
Laika - LaikasRevenge
Uzique - Uzique
TheDonkey - TheDonkey
Metal-Eater-GR - metaleater
Bevo - Bevo4
FloppY_ - FloppY_
RTHKI - Rthki
Morpheus - Morpheus1229
baggs - audyssey
HaiBai - Chuuuy
haffeysucks - haffeysucks
west-phoenix-az - westphoenixaz
=NHB=Shadow - asianontherun
Tazz - tazz
Adams_BJ - Adams_BJ
War Man - War Man
AussieReaper - aussiereaper
RavyGravy - RavyGravy
Flecco - Flecco
Phatmatt - Lucky_Bunny
eleven bravo - mye deek
krazed - frankboudreau
Nappy - danielj_m
CammRobb - cam__my
Finray - Finray
globefish23 - globefish23
menzo - menzo
Sisco10 - Sisco10
ghettoperson - ghettoperson
Ryan - cRyan14
FatherTed - superteds
Jenspm - Jenspm
tuckergustav - tgustav
Jasp - Jasp84
Mekstizzle - Mekstizzle
jsnipy - jsnipy
If you'd like your name added, just post your OMGPOP user name or PM me and I'll update this post when I can
In the mean time, use this thread to add/make friends, find some games, and discuss all the shenanigans associated with the site. Like that one time in "Draw My Thing" I got the word/phrase "Isaac Newton" and I drew someone sitting under a tree with an apple falling on their head, then someone immediately guessed "Einstein".
Last edited by mtb0minime (2010-07-24 03:23:39)