+5,233|6799|Global Command

13/f/taiwan wrote:

ATG wrote:

I hate Hispanics just as much as lowing hates Muslims
Stop beating around the bush and just say it already ATG.
I notice you didn't post a link to where I typed that.

Not saying I didn't. I am saying if you are going to make a charge like that that can't be linked to you should be perma banned.
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does


Because Mexican citizens legally traveling in AZ can be pulled over because....THEY LOOK LIKE THEY ARE MEXICAN.

I'm curious as to how an illegal looks any different than anyone else?  Scarlet letter time?
Legally they can't be pulled over because they look like they are Mexican. If an officer pulls them over for that reason alone the officer is breaking the law. If you are concerned about cops breaking the law then we should pass a law that cracks down on shitty cops instead of letting illegals roam the state as they please.

Last edited by west-phoenix-az (14 years, 9 months ago)
+5,233|6799|Global Command

eleven bravo wrote:

ATG wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

his wife is 1/16th mexican.  dont be ridiculous.
Dude, I know what you are trying to do. You want me to call you a bastard anchor baby. .
I see what you did there

I would take anything you say a little more serious if you just werent so proud of your 8th grade education

Im certainly not going to call a you a failure of a provider and coward
No, but you have. You can hardly post against me without racking personal shit into you posts.

That why I perma banned you. You are too personal without anything but emotion.

You will eventually ragequit or get permed again because you are incapable of debating a topic. Everybody knows it.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5529|foggy bottom

west-phoenix-az wrote:


Because Mexican citizens legally traveling in AZ can be pulled over because....THEY LOOK LIKE THEY ARE MEXICAN.

I'm curious as to how an illegal looks any different than anyone else?  Scarlet letter time?
Legally they can't be pulled over because they look like they are Mexican. If an officer pulls them over for that reason alone the officer is breaking the law. If you are concerned about cops breaking the law then we should pass a law that cracks down on shitty cops, not let illegals roam the state as they please.
again, thats pretty naive of you to think thats going to happen.  I mean, you said it yourself, you know cops personally.  Unless you happen to know the only law enforcement officers in the world that is not willing to bend the rules just a little bit for the pursuit of what they see as justice.
Tu Stultus Es
eleven bravo
+1,399|5529|foggy bottom

ATG wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

ATG wrote:

Dude, I know what you are trying to do. You want me to call you a bastard anchor baby. .
I see what you did there

I would take anything you say a little more serious if you just werent so proud of your 8th grade education

Im certainly not going to call a you a failure of a provider and coward
No, but you have. You can hardly post against me without racking personal shit into you posts.

That why I perma banned you. You are too personal without anything but emotion.

You will eventually ragequit or get permed again because you are incapable of debating a topic. Everybody knows it.
if everybody you mean lowing and yourself you got me. 

go delete another one of your melt down threads.
Tu Stultus Es
+5,233|6799|Global Command
If you notice I don't delete all my threads. Just the ones where everything beyond the op is a sad attempt at ee chat humor or hate filled rubish directed at me and not the topic.

Like the sort of fecal matter you prefer to post.

Threads posted here belong to jeff. Pm him if you want something opened that I deleted.

I'd actually like to debate you, I just don't think you have it in you.

Isn't there a cage fight thread?

Well, I'm calling you out.

Chickenshit. Face me on this topic in kcds single combat.   

Let's do it later tonight as posting on my blackberry is tedious and difficult.

On second thought, that might make it a more even match.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5529|foggy bottom
ive got class in an hour you fucking wierdo
after that Ive gotta write 16 legal briefs due by tomorrow.

Last edited by eleven bravo (14 years, 9 months ago)

Tu Stultus Es
+5,233|6799|Global Command

eleven bravo wrote:

west-phoenix-az wrote:


Because Mexican citizens legally traveling in AZ can be pulled over because....THEY LOOK LIKE THEY ARE MEXICAN.

I'm curious as to how an illegal looks any different than anyone else?  Scarlet letter time?
Legally they can't be pulled over because they look like they are Mexican. If an officer pulls them over for that reason alone the officer is breaking the law. If you are concerned about cops breaking the law then we should pass a law that cracks down on shitty cops, not let illegals roam the state as they please.
again, thats pretty naive of you to think thats going to happen.  I mean, you said it yourself, you know cops personally.  Unless you happen to know the only law enforcement officers in the world that is not willing to bend the rules just a little bit for the pursuit of what they see as justice.
Kens post is proof that the typical liberal doesn't bother to read the laws they are complaining about. All emotion and no facts.

Liberal politicians sign bills into law they don't bother reading.

Liberal voters vote for proposals they don't understand.

Liberal voters hate their fellow countrymen because they don't relate to a simple love for the country. 

A man protects what he loves.

They way these fools are being herded into hate and contempt for the Tea Party movement reminds me of how the nazis were able to manipulate average people into participating in a mass murder. 

I scare you?

The liberals scare me.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5972|College Park, MD

eleven bravo wrote:

ive got class in an hour you fucking wierdo
after that Ive gotta write 16 legal briefs due by tomorrow.
el nerd-o
+5,233|6799|Global Command

eleven bravo wrote:

ive got class in an hour you fucking wierdo
after that Ive gotta write 16 legal briefs due by tomorrow.
What a load of horse dung.

Would you like to shedule a date?

You know everything I post here is spot on.

Deep down inside.

The rage you feel is because the truth gets down inside you. It makes you mad because it makes you reconsider things you've held true your whole life.

Either that or you are gay on me. Is that it?

Because if not, please stop stalking me. I fucking ignored your new account for months. You can't debate, you can only take cheap meaningless personal shots. So ignore me, or actually debate me.

Stop being a useless antagonizing douche in dst, please?

Pretty please?

I very seldom report anybody. I want verbal combat and a clash of ideas.

Do you realize there is a reason I love and respect cameronpoe and you and I have issues?

It is because you equate a monkey flinging shit to discussing a topic in dst.
I am all that is MOD!

ATG wrote:

That why I perma banned you. You are too personal without anything but emotion.

ATG wrote:

Or is it that you like your boss hiring illegals to clean your office toilets for shit money?
Your parents likely have your lawn kept by illegal alien gardeners, who the fuck are you kidding?

I challenge you kenny. Go ask your parents gardeners for a drivers license. Post it.

If I am a racist, you sir are an ignorant fool.

You know what else I do?

You know it. Ask any of your spoiled south county associates.
FYI we never had gardeners growing up.  I have 4 brothers, we all did the yardwork like good little children-slaves.

My work has Korean janitors.  Not sure if they are legal or not.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5529|foggy bottom
one of us  looks like someone seems to be taking this way to personally.  it nots me by the way
Tu Stultus Es
+5,233|6799|Global Command
Look, you or ken, or anybody opposed to this law is free to meet me in kcd's cage match thread.

No bans, no awms.
you bring your facts and links and I'll bring mine and we let the forum vote.

No takers?

Girlie men?

Ill-equipt to debate?

Bring it. I defy you. I mock your positions on illegal immigration.
+5,233|6799|Global Command
I have my calaender out. What day is good for you?

Bock bock bock
I am all that is MOD!

ATG wrote:

Look, you or ken, or anybody opposed to this law is free to meet me in kcd's cage match thread.

No bans, no awms.
you bring your facts and links and I'll bring mine and we let the forum vote.

No takers?

Girlie men?

Ill-equipt to debate?
Bring it. I defy you. I mock your positions on illegal immigration.
ATG - I already showed you the problem I have with your logic - stat says x amount of hispanics commit y crime, you interpret 'hispanic' as illegal.  I quoted where you said it and the stat.  You then went into an incoherent diatribe about something completely different.  Yes I am sorry, I cannot 'debate' on your level.  I'll kindly ignore you know.
eleven bravo, good luck with the law exams. i did my three years, intending to go on to degree and pass the bar. studying for law is painful and mixes the worst parts of both 'styles' of learning: rote-memorization of case facts, dates, names and precedents, and theoretical/applied knowledge of the laws themselves and the wider judicial/philosophical system. i fucking loved law but it's damn tedious.

almost as tedious as arguing with a mormon over american immigration.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+5,233|6799|Global Command
Ken, I concede that my addition of the word illegal there was a factual and tactical error. Because you are correct sir, just because  88 some odd percent of homicides in Utah are committed by hispanics, not all of the murderous hispanics in Utah are illegal aliens.

Okay, you fucking got me there.

So, if according to the state senators numbers there are 2.7 million people in Utah and about 1-2% of those humans are illegal aliens specifically from Mexico what is that number, 27000? 52000?

Split the difference. There are around 40k illegal aliens in Utah.

Perhaps explain to us how those people benefit our society. Examine his article again and perhaps dispute the numbers he presents.

If he has pubically stated lies on his website that shouldn't be hard to debunk. It would seem that if a internet google search could prove a politician a liar it would make his re-election a challenge. So, I'm thinking there must be some there there.

The pew hispanic center publishes its own data. Perhaps you like to use their stats as a basis for a conversation about how tens of millions of illegal aliens, specifically from Mexico will benefit our nation as a whole.
US immigration laws should be the same as Mexicos laws on immigration.
"Illegal entry into the country is equivalent to a felony punishable by two years' imprisonment. Re-entry, after deportation is punishable by ten years' imprisonment. Law enforcement officials at all levels, by national mandate, must cooperate to enforce immigration laws, including illegal alien arrests and deportations. [7]. "In cases of flagrante delicto, any person may arrest the offender and his accomplices, turning them over without delay to the nearest authorities.", Article 16 of the constitution of Mexico, also known as a "citizens arrest"."

I as a citizen need to have a drivers license that i am required to carry when i drive a vehicle.
I need a Birth Certificate to get a drivers license also.
I as a citizen need to need identification when i go to a bar that requires you to be 21 and over.

If i got pulled over for speeding or breaking a traffic law... i have to give my id(drivers license) to the police
and if they find out i am illegal, they follow the law and deport me.

Something had to be done in Arizona... the Govt(republican and democrat) doesn't want to make any decisions unless it helps their election votes.
Love is the answer
O Canada
+1,596|6675|North Carolina

ATG wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

Personally, cops don't need any of this shit anyway. If they want to stop and ID someone they will find a way using existing laws in zero time. .
Actually, the local cops have been told to not do the feds job, prior to this. A cop would pull somebody over who was speeding, he would write a ticket to a person who was using a stolen i.d. who would never appear in court.

Driving without a license is a crime.
Driving without insurance is a crime.
Identity theft is a crime.

I agree, cops don't need a shit system like this. Arizona, Texas and soon Utah are simply pointing out that the epic failure of the feds is no longer acceptable.

The SLCPD’s own data shows that in 2008 44.25% of the crime in Salt Lake City was committed by Hispanics. To verify this, I contacted BCI which had the total crime in Salt Lake City as 46.78% with 81.82% of the murders and 75% of rapes being committed by Hispanics (see attached spreadsheet). … civil.html

What that means is that we now have a crisis that is ripping this country apart.

81.82% of the homicides in Utah, where I am moving, are committed by hispanic illegal aliens.

This is a fucking scourge and if the feds position is that all people on u.s. soil are citizens then, shit is going to explode and blood will run in the streets.

While I enjoy the discourse with my European brethren I'd suggest that if you don't like what is happening, mind your own business. Look away until it's over. You guys are good at that.
In short, we're pretty much fucked, but that's why having an exit plan not just from your state but from this country is a good thing to have.
+605|6819|San Diego, CA, USA

rawls2 wrote:

Would you be factoring the tax revenues that each person would be bringing in? Hell, charge them twice the tax as citizens for a probationary period.
The first generation of illegals are a net drain on the United States economy.  Its not until the 2nd or 3rd generation that they become a net positive.

BTW, is it true that Phoenix had 1 kidnapping/day last year from Mexican mafia types?

Last edited by Harmor (14 years, 9 months ago)

+5,233|6799|Global Command
MEXICO CITY – Amnesty International called the abuse of migrants in Mexico a major human rights crisis Wednesday, and accused some officials of turning a blind eye or even participating in the kidnapping, rape and murder of migrants.

At present, Article 67 of Mexico's Population Law says, "Authorities, whether federal, state or municipal ... are required to demand that foreigners prove their legal presence in the country, before attending to any issues."

Central American migrants are frequently pulled off trains, kidnapped en masse, held at gang hideouts and forced to call relatives in the U.S. to pay off the kidnappers. Such kidnappings affect thousands of migrants each year in Mexico, the report says.

Many are beaten, raped or killed in the process.

One of the main issues, Amnesty says, is that migrants fear they will be deported if they complain to Mexican authorities about abuses.
The Amnesty report said one female migrant told researchers that Mexican federal police had forced her group off a train and stolen their belongings.

The Arizona law — slated to take effect in late July or early August — makes it a state crime  to be in the U.S. illegally and allows police to question anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant. Mexico has complained that the law would lend itself to racial profiling  and discrimination.
It is clear that Mexican authorities facilitate and profit from immigrants from further South being herded towards the U.S. border.
This is one more example of human beings being raped, murdered, kidnapped and killed because of the failure of the federal government to do one of its fundamental jobs. 

Kind of ironic that democrats and liberal politicians seem to be okay with this.
Marlo Stanfield
online poker tax cheating
The stronger becomes master of the weaker, in so far as the latter cannot assert its degree of independence - here there is no mercy, no forbearance, even less a respect for "laws."
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Mekstizzle wrote:

Jumping into this cos something caught me eye

So the cops can't just go up to someone and say "Papuhz pleez".
It has alot of words saying this and that, but in reality they seem to be able to do just that.

"Where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien"

"When practicable"

"May not consider race"

It's all just words, in reality none of this applies. How would you enforce it? Unless you made police officers report and document every single person they stopped and asked them for papers, stating why they stopped them, what made them suspicious etc etc... that would probably cut down on the BS profiling and annoyance and such people are going to expect.

Also, I'm not even sure of if we have something similar here. I wouldn't be surprised if police officers in the UK would already be allowed to stop, search and ask for proof of legal residence whenever they feel like. Saying that, the problem of specifically "illegal" immigration here is much smaller than in the US. We don't have swathes of people who are staying here illegally. So it's a different situation for the cops. It's much smaller so you can have specialised units taking the responsibility instead of regular cops stopping random people.

Personally, cops don't need any of this shit anyway. If they want to stop and ID someone they will find a way using existing laws in zero time. I'm sure that already applies to the US too. Cops are cops. This law probably creates unnecessary controversy and also probably widens the gap between cops and community.
You missed the key phrase "for any lawful contact made". That means the law enforcement officer has to have a legal reason to be interacting with the person in question. That means they can't just go up to the person and ask for their "papers". That isn't legal, as it violates the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution. However, if they stopped them for a traffic violation or something similar, that IS a lawful contact that does not violate the 4th Amendment and they CAN legally ask for proof of immigration status at that point. Aliens are required (by law) to have that on them at all times. US citizens are not. That is the one point where it would get sticky.

Uzique wrote:

we looked away while the holocaust was happening? im not quite sure that's how the history went...
Someone needs to read Human Smoke. Far too many looked the other way.


Hurricane2k9 wrote:

i'm so confused as to why Mexico is pissed off about this law

why don't they take better care of their country so that their citizens don't consider living as clandestine, illegal residents in another country?
Because Mexican citizens legally traveling in AZ can be pulled over because....THEY LOOK LIKE THEY ARE MEXICAN.

I'm curious as to how an illegal looks any different than anyone else?  Scarlet letter time?
KJ. That is patently UNTRUE. The wording of the law is crystal clear regarding that.

Also, there are plenty of Mexican citizens who are blonde-haired, blue-eyed, euro-looking people. This law is just as applicable to them (and Canadians and Asians and...) as it is to anyone else.

Another point people seem to overlook: The Arizona electorate supports this measure more than two-to-one. That electorate includes a whole lot of people who would be negatively impacted if they thought racial profiling were to occur. And there's this other thing: Many of the Arizona cops are Hispanic, as well. I guess they'll be racially profiling their own "people", eh?

The bottomline is that the people who are screaming about this are the ones who aren't affected by it. Those who are (Hispanic population of Arizona) by and large don't have issue with it--in fact, quite the opposite. Yes, there are some protesters, but polling shows they are the minority.

Last edited by FEOS (14 years, 9 months ago)

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
+5,233|6799|Global Command

FEOS wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

Jumping into this cos something caught me eye

So the cops can't just go up to someone and say "Papuhz pleez".
It has alot of words saying this and that, but in reality they seem to be able to do just that.

"Where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien"

"When practicable"

"May not consider race"

It's all just words, in reality none of this applies. How would you enforce it? Unless you made police officers report and document every single person they stopped and asked them for papers, stating why they stopped them, what made them suspicious etc etc... that would probably cut down on the BS profiling and annoyance and such people are going to expect.

Also, I'm not even sure of if we have something similar here. I wouldn't be surprised if police officers in the UK would already be allowed to stop, search and ask for proof of legal residence whenever they feel like. Saying that, the problem of specifically "illegal" immigration here is much smaller than in the US. We don't have swathes of people who are staying here illegally. So it's a different situation for the cops. It's much smaller so you can have specialised units taking the responsibility instead of regular cops stopping random people.

Personally, cops don't need any of this shit anyway. If they want to stop and ID someone they will find a way using existing laws in zero time. I'm sure that already applies to the US too. Cops are cops. This law probably creates unnecessary controversy and also probably widens the gap between cops and community.
You missed the key phrase "for any lawful contact made". That means the law enforcement officer has to have a legal reason to be interacting with the person in question. That means they can't just go up to the person and ask for their "papers". That isn't legal, as it violates the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution. However, if they stopped them for a traffic violation or something similar, that IS a lawful contact that does not violate the 4th Amendment and they CAN legally ask for proof of immigration status at that point. Aliens are required (by law) to have that on them at all times. US citizens are not. That is the one point where it would get sticky.

Uzique wrote:

we looked away while the holocaust was happening? im not quite sure that's how the history went...
Someone needs to read Human Smoke. Far too many looked the other way.


Hurricane2k9 wrote:

i'm so confused as to why Mexico is pissed off about this law

why don't they take better care of their country so that their citizens don't consider living as clandestine, illegal residents in another country?
Because Mexican citizens legally traveling in AZ can be pulled over because....THEY LOOK LIKE THEY ARE MEXICAN.

I'm curious as to how an illegal looks any different than anyone else?  Scarlet letter time?
KJ. That is patently UNTRUE. The wording of the law is crystal clear regarding that.

Also, there are plenty of Mexican citizens who are blonde-haired, blue-eyed, euro-looking people. This law is just as applicable to them (and Canadians and Asians and...) as it is to anyone else.

Another point people seem to overlook: The Arizona electorate supports this measure more than two-to-one. That electorate includes a whole lot of people who would be negatively impacted if they thought racial profiling were to occur. And there's this other thing: Many of the Arizona cops are Hispanic, as well. I guess they'll be racially profiling their own "people", eh?

The bottomline is that the people who are screaming about this are the ones who aren't affected by it. Those who are (Hispanic population of Arizona) by and large don't have issue with it--in fact, quite the opposite. Yes, there are some protesters, but polling shows they are the minority.

Major Bloomburg, the billionaire is saying the Arizona law is akin to national suicide.

I swear, the hyperbole, ignorance and straight of lies is amazing.

Common sense says the feds not enforcing the law is what will lead to a national suicide.
I am all that is MOD!

FEOS wrote:


Hurricane2k9 wrote:

i'm so confused as to why Mexico is pissed off about this law

why don't they take better care of their country so that their citizens don't consider living as clandestine, illegal residents in another country?
Because Mexican citizens legally traveling in AZ can be pulled over because....THEY LOOK LIKE THEY ARE MEXICAN.

I'm curious as to how an illegal looks any different than anyone else?  Scarlet letter time?
KJ. That is patently UNTRUE. The wording of the law is crystal clear regarding that.

Also, there are plenty of Mexican citizens who are blonde-haired, blue-eyed, euro-looking people. This law is just as applicable to them (and Canadians and Asians and...) as it is to anyone else.

Another point people seem to overlook: The Arizona electorate supports this measure more than two-to-one. That electorate includes a whole lot of people who would be negatively impacted if they thought racial profiling were to occur. And there's this other thing: Many of the Arizona cops are Hispanic, as well. I guess they'll be racially profiling their own "people", eh?
I also know that the wording of probable cause laws are crystal clear and yet the cops still abuse those all the time.  I know that from personal experience.  FEOS you are wise and old enough to know that police are human and often twist the intent and letter of the law for their own and others' personal and political agendas.  There's been numerous studies of racial profiling by police and this is just an extension of that.  Don't be naive.

The south supported slavery for years.  People supported segregation.  People supported Jim Crow laws.  Doesn't make it just.

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