I am all that is MOD!

ATG wrote:

Actually, the local cops have been told to not do the feds job, prior to this. A cop would pull somebody over who was speeding, he would write a ticket to a person who was using a stolen i.d. who would never appear in court.

Driving without a license is a crime.
Driving without insurance is a crime.
Identity theft is a crime.

I agree, cops don't need a shit system like this. Arizona, Texas and soon Utah are simply pointing out that the epic failure of the feds is no longer acceptable.

The SLCPD’s own data shows that in 2008 44.25% of the crime in Salt Lake City was committed by Hispanics. To verify this, I contacted BCI which had the total crime in Salt Lake City as 46.78% with 81.82% of the murders and 75% of rapes being committed by Hispanics (see attached spreadsheet). … civil.html

What that means is that we now have a crisis that is ripping this country apart.

81.82% of the homicides in Utah, where I am moving, are committed by hispanic illegal aliens.
My main gripe with you has always been that you equate hispanic to illegal.  You read 44.25% of crime was committed by hispanics, you equate it to illegals. That's what I gather when you say the cops aren't doing the federal governments job.  Or is it the federal govt's responsibility to make sure hispanics don't commit crimes?

Then you take a stat that shows 81.82% of murders were committed by hispanics and you say:

ATG wrote:

81.82% of the homicides in Utah, where I am moving, are committed by hispanic illegal aliens
I don't give a fuck if your wife is Mexican, you are a bigot.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
you cant move to utah fast enough
Tu Stultus Es

ATG wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Are you guys blind to the notion that we're not getting these hard working, educated people that are just looking for a fair shot in the U.S?

The people who are coming over are living in shanty towns up and down our land and equivalent to Gypsies. They work our food industry jobs with third world country ailments, they get weapons and rob or sell drugs. They are not these law abiding citizens who just want to work hard for low wages. Why can't you understand that?
YOU have to understand your stupid. No way in hell are the majority of illegal Mexicans criminals the way you describe them, just no way. Your just jumping on whatever FOX news has got on TV right now. And anyone even mentioning actually going out and shooting these people is really really sad and retarded. Put your balls where your mouths are and go use illegals as target practice, don't just talk about it.
See? This is why this thread will be a waste of time place to vent

Nobody fucking said shoot the illegals.

Illegals are shooting at us, kidnapping, robbing and sucking public services.

We are asking the federal government to do its fucking job as defined by the constitution.

Uphold the law. If anything, if they fail, then that will lead to more shooting.

Uphold the law.
Sure being an illegal immigrant isn't exactly the same as murdering someone. A crime is still a fucking crime. I don't think anyone on BF2s is calling for a witch hunt for illegal immigrants, just that either A) More secure borders, and make them follow the rules like every single other immigrant in the states (and legal mexican immigrants get a terrible rep) or B) Make an immigration and trade agreement with Mexico (such as AUS-NZ agreements).
Mr. Bigglesworth

cpt.fass1 wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Ok I'm stupid? By the way I've never once said mexican or brought race into it. It's the illegal population as a whole from everywhere. I also don't watch fox news but anyway, when did I say "shot" them? Also it's you're not your.

Our jails are over crowded with Illegals? I'm not a fox news jumper but I also see it first hand I lived in jersey city witch was a highly hispanic area. Many of whom are hard working citizen who are also sick of the illegals.

Where are you living that you don't deal with Illegal Aliens?
I live in the heart of illegal-dom. Los Angeles baby!! I see illegals everyday, waiting on the corner hoping some asian or another mexican will come by in a van and give work for that day. I don't see them tagging, selling drugs, or anything other than looking for a job. Are there criminal elements mixed up in the bunch? I'm sure there are but that's everywhere and done by all races, with citizenship or not. The comment about shooting them was meant for the others in this thread that have mentioned it.
So who commits most the crime in Los Angeles?

P.S. when  you go to the store do you see allot of "Illegal Immigrant" shopping. Just wondering because in Jersey City, one of the hearts of the illegals up here, you never see them in any kind of store..
They have there own stores. That's how much they are part of our economy. They have THEIR own fucking stores. They are latino markets. Just like Stater Bros, Albertsons, Ralph's, etc. They are chained stores so you'll find them in any LA suburb. Sell the same shit but with more of an ethnic food selection.

Last edited by rawls2 (2010-04-28 11:21:58)

+1,411|7055|FUCK UBISOFT


ATG wrote:

Actually, the local cops have been told to not do the feds job, prior to this. A cop would pull somebody over who was speeding, he would write a ticket to a person who was using a stolen i.d. who would never appear in court.

Driving without a license is a crime.
Driving without insurance is a crime.
Identity theft is a crime.

I agree, cops don't need a shit system like this. Arizona, Texas and soon Utah are simply pointing out that the epic failure of the feds is no longer acceptable.

The SLCPD’s own data shows that in 2008 44.25% of the crime in Salt Lake City was committed by Hispanics. To verify this, I contacted BCI which had the total crime in Salt Lake City as 46.78% with 81.82% of the murders and 75% of rapes being committed by Hispanics (see attached spreadsheet). … civil.html

What that means is that we now have a crisis that is ripping this country apart.

81.82% of the homicides in Utah, where I am moving, are committed by hispanic illegal aliens.
My main gripe with you has always been that you equate hispanic to illegal.  You read 44.25% of crime was committed by hispanics, you equate it to illegals. That's what I gather when you say the cops aren't doing the federal governments job.  Or is it the federal govt's responsibility to make sure hispanics don't commit crimes?

Then you take a stat that shows 81.82% of murders were committed by hispanics and you say:

ATG wrote:

81.82% of the homicides in Utah, where I am moving, are committed by hispanic illegal aliens
I don't give a fuck if your wife is Mexican, you are a bigot.
but ken, all mexicans are illegal immigrants. Just like all blacks are african americans.
Object in mirror will feel larger than it appears

west-phoenix-az wrote:

Diesel_dyk wrote:

I posted earlier that a real solution would be for the states to pass a law forcing counties and law enfocement to bill the state for healthcare and incarceration costs. The state then pays the counties to aleviate the burden on local taxpayers and then the state can seek to recoup those funds from the federal government... That an approach that would have real result and might bring resolution to some of these issues.
I don't see the Federal Government paying the bill.
Why would they?
Who's going to make them pay?
If every border state tool this action and asked their senators to write legislation to make the federal govt pay for the problems of illegal immigration which is a federal problem, then you would have a legitimate fiscal conservative argument that would transcend party lines.

It would create political pressure on the white house that could not be easily dismissed.

Its true that there is nothing that can force the federal govt to pay for services for illegals... but there should be, states should be able to pass those costs along. The costs should not be borne by the border towns and counties when for what ever reason it appears the illegal immigration has been considered to be "good" for the country. And if its "good" for the country then the country should bear the costs. Right now those costs are essentially hidden, and if the states took on that debt and then billed the federal govt then we would have a better idea of the true costs of doing nothing about illegal immigration.

In a nutshell.... it would embarrass the federal govt and the approach couldn't be dismissed as being racist.

Anyway, that's a fiscal conservative argument, in stead, demanding documentation is going to be labelled as racist AND in practice, the law is only going to increase the costs to the taxpayers in the border communities because if you catch more people, then you are going to incur more costs, its as simple as that. Isn't nice how the parties fire up their base while taxpayers have to pay for their propaganda.

Like I said it does nothing but fire up the base on both sides... leaving the taxpayer in the middle to foot the bill.

Its time to "Bill Washington"
+5,233|6842|Global Command


ATG wrote:

Actually, the local cops have been told to not do the feds job, prior to this. A cop would pull somebody over who was speeding, he would write a ticket to a person who was using a stolen i.d. who would never appear in court.

Driving without a license is a crime.
Driving without insurance is a crime.
Identity theft is a crime.

I agree, cops don't need a shit system like this. Arizona, Texas and soon Utah are simply pointing out that the epic failure of the feds is no longer acceptable.

The SLCPD’s own data shows that in 2008 44.25% of the crime in Salt Lake City was committed by Hispanics. To verify this, I contacted BCI which had the total crime in Salt Lake City as 46.78% with 81.82% of the murders and 75% of rapes being committed by Hispanics (see attached spreadsheet). … civil.html

What that means is that we now have a crisis that is ripping this country apart.

81.82% of the homicides in Utah, where I am moving, are committed by hispanic illegal aliens.
My main gripe with you has always been that you equate hispanic to illegal.  You read 44.25% of crime was committed by hispanics, you equate it to illegals. That's what I gather when you say the cops aren't doing the federal governments job.  Or is it the federal govt's responsibility to make sure hispanics don't commit crimes?

Then you take a stat that shows 81.82% of murders were committed by hispanics and you say:

ATG wrote:

81.82% of the homicides in Utah, where I am moving, are committed by hispanic illegal aliens
I don't give a fuck if your wife is Mexican, you are a bigot.
Guess you did read the state senators article. Those are not by stats bud.

Even if the number of hispanics that are illegal is 25% it is a number in the millions of people.

You are okay with a system that exploits illegals aliens. You are okay with double standards in law enforcment and business law. Or, you are okay with anarchy and lawlessness.

Or is it that you like your boss hiring illegals to clean your office toilets for shit money?

Your parents likely have your lawn kept by illegal alien gardeners, who the fuck are you kidding?

I challenge you kenny. Go ask your parents gardeners for a drivers license. Post it.

If I am a racist, you sir are an ignorant fool.

It aint just my wife. It my kids you idiot. They are part hispanic.

Here's another challenge; go to any random home depot and give me a rough count on the numbers of asains, slavs, jews, middle eastern or eskimos standing around.

You know what else I do?

I use e verify to make sure the documents my workers provide aren't phony. If they are, fuck them. I would rather close my business than be part of the exploitation and rape of this country.

Btw, I fly out next month on the 11th. California is a lost cause, ruined by brain dead politicians, capitalist exploiters, sissy white douches who don't want to work and illegal aliens.

Say goodbye to another business bud. I did over one million in 2006 and I am out. I aint talking shit, I have started the process and invested the money.

Havig fun watching this paradise implode. People like you ruined it.

Weighing all odds, there is no reason to run a business here, besides the weather. You know it. Ask any of your spoiled south county associates.

You can't eat the weather or use it for gas in your vehicle.

RIP California. Died of apathy and stupidity.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
reads just like a highschool drop out wrote it

another raingutter business set up in the middle of drought land out the door.  just arent enough of em around to begin with!

Last edited by eleven bravo (2010-04-28 12:03:02)

Tu Stultus Es
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Lol okay. Those gutters on the buildings everywhere you look are just for dressing.

I am slammed with work. I will do 12k this week in sales.

Iam am leaving anyway.

Will fax 11 the work orders and copies of deposit slips as proof upon request.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
his wife is 1/16th mexican.  dont be ridiculous.
Tu Stultus Es
He employs Spanish people so he can make money. Maybe I am being ridiculous.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

eleven bravo wrote:

his wife is 1/16th mexican.  dont be ridiculous.
My Girlfriend is 50% cuban and 50% puerto rican, what's the point?
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
a and b conversation
Tu Stultus Es
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Who here has been to Mexico? Mexico has been making foreigners carry papers for as long as I can remember. Their immigration laws are harsher than ours, and they enforce them.

Mexico is issuing a travel alert over Arizona's new immigration law. If I lived in Arizona I wouldn't be the least bit phased.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

Who here has been to Mexico? Mexico has been making foreigners carry papers for as long as I can remember. Their immigration laws are harsher than ours, and they enforce them.

Mexico is issuing a travel alert over Arizona's new immigration law. If I lived in Arizona I wouldn't be the least bit phased.
I would be perfectly fine with adopting the exact same laws Mexico uses towards its 'foreigners'.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|6015|College Park, MD
i'm so confused as to why Mexico is pissed off about this law

why don't they take better care of their country so that their citizens don't consider living as clandestine, illegal residents in another country?
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

i'm so confused as to why Mexico is pissed off about this law

why don't they take better care of their country so that their citizens don't consider living as clandestine, illegal residents in another country?
Because illegal immigration is a fantastic source of income for Mexico. Between the coyotes hired by those wanting to cross the border, and those that work in America with the intention of sending or bringing the money that they make home with them, it means billions of dollars for their otherwise third world economy.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does
Because almost all of the money the illegals make in America is sent back to their family in Mexico. The check cashing/money transfer places are on every corner in certain parts of town. It's big business cashing those checks and wiring the money home.
I am all that is MOD!

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

i'm so confused as to why Mexico is pissed off about this law

why don't they take better care of their country so that their citizens don't consider living as clandestine, illegal residents in another country?
Because Mexican citizens legally traveling in AZ can be pulled over because....THEY LOOK LIKE THEY ARE MEXICAN.

I'm curious as to how an illegal looks any different than anyone else?  Scarlet letter time?
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
arm bands work better
Tu Stultus Es
I am all that is MOD!

JohnG@lt wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

i'm so confused as to why Mexico is pissed off about this law

why don't they take better care of their country so that their citizens don't consider living as clandestine, illegal residents in another country?
Because illegal immigration is a fantastic source of income for Mexico. Between the coyotes hired by those wanting to cross the border, and those that work in America with the intention of sending or bringing the money that they make home with them, it means billions of dollars for their otherwise third world economy.
Yep, because only illegals send money back.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England


Hurricane2k9 wrote:

i'm so confused as to why Mexico is pissed off about this law

why don't they take better care of their country so that their citizens don't consider living as clandestine, illegal residents in another country?
Because Mexican citizens legally traveling in AZ can be pulled over because....THEY LOOK LIKE THEY ARE MEXICAN.

I'm curious as to how an illegal looks any different than anyone else?  Scarlet letter time?
Who should they pull over instead? People that look white or black or asian? What do illegal aliens look like in that area?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England


JohnG@lt wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

i'm so confused as to why Mexico is pissed off about this law

why don't they take better care of their country so that their citizens don't consider living as clandestine, illegal residents in another country?
Because illegal immigration is a fantastic source of income for Mexico. Between the coyotes hired by those wanting to cross the border, and those that work in America with the intention of sending or bringing the money that they make home with them, it means billions of dollars for their otherwise third world economy.
Yep, because only illegals send money back.
They're generally the ones that plan on returning home. Those that seek citizenship in the US plan on staying.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+5,233|6842|Global Command

eleven bravo wrote:

his wife is 1/16th mexican.  dont be ridiculous.
Dude, I know what you are trying to do. You want me to call you a bastard anchor baby.

No thanks. You don't know me. You have never seen my wife and your pathetic cheap shots about her are all you got.

As I stated before. I started using an e-verify payroll system. That flags phony I'd's and informs me that they are unemployable. Prior to that you had to be a document expert. I ran my business like all the others around here.

Until I started thinking. There are a million reason why using illegals is bad business. No drivers license means your expensive insurance will not cover them, etc.

And for the twenty or so mexicans I hired over the years not one ever filled out an immigration application to become legal. They straight up don't give a fuck about law and order, like you and ken.

I changed, okay? Being guilty of hiring illegals at one point does not negate anything for a lifetime. Did I mention the help wanted add in the inland empire craigslist that no one has responded to?

Right now I have two employees, not counting office girl and accountant. One is a slacker stoner white guy who talks a good game but is content with 20 hours a week and the other is a handsome legal hispanic from Columbia.

Guess which of those two hates illegal alien mexicans and which one sees them as their lounge ticket?

Heffe Garcia from Columbia will talk more venom on mexicans and how they are lying, littering and neighborhood trashing shitheads than you will ever hear from me.

See, those who actually go through legal channels to come here are the ones who are getting screwed the hardest.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom

ATG wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

his wife is 1/16th mexican.  dont be ridiculous.
Dude, I know what you are trying to do. You want me to call you a bastard anchor baby. .
I see what you did there

I would take anything you say a little more serious if you just werent so proud of your 8th grade education

Im certainly not going to call a you a failure of a provider and coward

Last edited by eleven bravo (2010-04-28 15:19:52)

Tu Stultus Es

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