Werd lel... best solution is to merge mexico and US into one huge state lelz or at least a much stronger FTA.Doctor Strangelove wrote:
We spend all that money deporting them and then what's going to stop them from coming back?cpt.fass1 wrote:
Well if we busted Al Capone for tax evasion. Why don't we just set up stings by all the home depot and arrest the people and the illegals for the same thing?
Hey a bunch of guys standing around looking for work, then a truck pulls up, they hop in = Probably cause. Deport them, don't give them the rights that U.S. Citizens have, no jail, no tickets just deport them. We do this to prostitutes, why not take a harder stance on the illegals?
Also any child that is in school, that is not from a tax paying person, has to pay for the education. We shouldn't allow a free ride to anyone, I pay an arm and a leg for everyones children in Public School when do I get my break?
Money well fucking spent right there.
Oh yeah?FatherTed wrote:
you're mental.ATG wrote:
Actually, the local cops have been told to not do the feds job, prior to this. A cop would pull somebody over who was speeding, he would write a ticket to a person who was using a stolen i.d. who would never appear in court.Mekstizzle wrote:
Personally, cops don't need any of this shit anyway. If they want to stop and ID someone they will find a way using existing laws in zero time. .
Driving without a license is a crime.
Driving without insurance is a crime.
Identity theft is a crime.
I agree, cops don't need a shit system like this. Arizona, Texas and soon Utah are simply pointing out that the epic failure of the feds is no longer acceptable.
The SLCPD’s own data shows that in 2008 44.25% of the crime in Salt Lake City was committed by Hispanics. To verify this, I contacted BCI which had the total crime in Salt Lake City as 46.78% with 81.82% of the murders and 75% of rapes being committed by Hispanics (see attached spreadsheet).
http://steveu.com/blog/2009/07/illegal- … civil.html
What that means is that we now have a crisis that is ripping this country apart.
81.82% of the homicides in Utah, where I am moving, are committed by hispanic illegal aliens.
This is a fucking scourge and if the feds position is that all people on u.s. soil are citizens then, shit is going to explode and blood will run in the streets.
While I enjoy the discourse with my European brethren I'd suggest that if you don't like what is happening, mind your own business. Look away until it's over. You guys are good at that.
Are you saying those stats are a lie?
I see this as nothing less than a battle for the survival of The United States of America.
And frankly, the opinions of Europeans ( I tried saying it nicely ) mean exactly jackshit to me.
See, you guys looked away while millions were led to their deaths at the hands of the Nazis and their friends.
You have no credibility.
And all the American people want is law and order. It's that simple.
OK well then take away the special services they have, like the education. Make it more benefical to be a citizen then it isn't?Cybargs wrote:
Werd lel... best solution is to merge mexico and US into one huge state lelz or at least a much stronger FTA.Doctor Strangelove wrote:
We spend all that money deporting them and then what's going to stop them from coming back?cpt.fass1 wrote:
Well if we busted Al Capone for tax evasion. Why don't we just set up stings by all the home depot and arrest the people and the illegals for the same thing?
Hey a bunch of guys standing around looking for work, then a truck pulls up, they hop in = Probably cause. Deport them, don't give them the rights that U.S. Citizens have, no jail, no tickets just deport them. We do this to prostitutes, why not take a harder stance on the illegals?
Also any child that is in school, that is not from a tax paying person, has to pay for the education. We shouldn't allow a free ride to anyone, I pay an arm and a leg for everyones children in Public School when do I get my break?
Money well fucking spent right there.
Is that too much to ask?
Also on the what breads crime and crack dens IS poor economic situations, so why don't we build up our crime and crack den riddled areas?
If a friend of yours was jobless and homeless, how long would you put him/her up in your place before you kicked them out? Lets say they costed you money in electricity and food, but they fixed up the home.
They have the same problems with the muslims. Let us not remember the france riots.ATG wrote:
Oh yeah?FatherTed wrote:
you're mental.ATG wrote:
Actually, the local cops have been told to not do the feds job, prior to this. A cop would pull somebody over who was speeding, he would write a ticket to a person who was using a stolen i.d. who would never appear in court.
Driving without a license is a crime.
Driving without insurance is a crime.
Identity theft is a crime.
I agree, cops don't need a shit system like this. Arizona, Texas and soon Utah are simply pointing out that the epic failure of the feds is no longer acceptable.
The SLCPD’s own data shows that in 2008 44.25% of the crime in Salt Lake City was committed by Hispanics. To verify this, I contacted BCI which had the total crime in Salt Lake City as 46.78% with 81.82% of the murders and 75% of rapes being committed by Hispanics (see attached spreadsheet).
http://steveu.com/blog/2009/07/illegal- … civil.html
What that means is that we now have a crisis that is ripping this country apart.
81.82% of the homicides in Utah, where I am moving, are committed by hispanic illegal aliens.
This is a fucking scourge and if the feds position is that all people on u.s. soil are citizens then, shit is going to explode and blood will run in the streets.
While I enjoy the discourse with my European brethren I'd suggest that if you don't like what is happening, mind your own business. Look away until it's over. You guys are good at that.
Are you saying those stats are a lie?
I see this as nothing less than a battle for the survival of The United States of America.
And frankly, the opinions of Europeans ( I tried saying it nicely ) mean exactly jackshit to me.
See, you guys looked away while millions were led to their deaths at the hands of the Nazis and their friends.
You have no credibility.
And all the American people want is law and order. It's that simple.
They still kinda pay taxes (service and sales taxes)... so you can't exactly say they're not tax payers. Sure they don't pay as much but I doubt people on welfare checks pay a lot of taxes too. Best solution is keep the kids in school... It would be political and economic suicide not to. I know theres a huge problem in attitude amongst a lot of students of lower socioeconomic status.cpt.fass1 wrote:
OK well then take away the special services they have, like the education. Make it more benefical to be a citizen then it isn't?Cybargs wrote:
Werd lel... best solution is to merge mexico and US into one huge state lelz or at least a much stronger FTA.Doctor Strangelove wrote:
We spend all that money deporting them and then what's going to stop them from coming back?
Money well fucking spent right there.
Is that too much to ask?
Also on the what breads crime and crack dens IS poor economic situations, so why don't we build up our crime and crack den riddled areas?
If a friend of yours was jobless and homeless, how long would you put him/her up in your place before you kicked them out? Lets say they costed you money in electricity and food, but they fixed up the home.
reading posts
that are typed like this
are so very fucking irritating
that are typed like this
are so very fucking irritating
Last edited by eleven bravo (2010-04-28 09:14:44)
Tu Stultus Es
Why? Cause every child is special and our future... That's a bunch of bullshit, we're turning all the kids who want and do into children of why bother?Cybargs wrote:
They still kinda pay taxes (service and sales taxes)... so you can't exactly say they're not tax payers. Sure they don't pay as much but I doubt people on welfare checks pay a lot of taxes too. Best solution is keep the kids in school... It would be political and economic suicide not to. I know theres a huge problem in attitude amongst a lot of students of lower socioeconomic status.cpt.fass1 wrote:
OK well then take away the special services they have, like the education. Make it more benefical to be a citizen then it isn't?Cybargs wrote:
Werd lel... best solution is to merge mexico and US into one huge state lelz or at least a much stronger FTA.
Is that too much to ask?
Also on the what breads crime and crack dens IS poor economic situations, so why don't we build up our crime and crack den riddled areas?
If a friend of yours was jobless and homeless, how long would you put him/her up in your place before you kicked them out? Lets say they costed you money in electricity and food, but they fixed up the home.
Yeah they still kind of pay taxes, no they don't.. I"m not sure if you live in an heavy Illegal immigrant area, but if you don't let me explain it to you.
They don't go to super markets, they either have a buddy in the food industry that steal them food or they go to soup kitchens to get free food. They don't actually go to stores, I lived in Jersey City for a real long time and you never see "illegal Emigrants" in stores(now of course I'm profiling). Also they get they're clothing from salvation army's are charities and they live in the woods and under bill boards.
They contribute NOTHING, other then cheap labor which isn't even cheap. I would love the day where I pop in craigslist to find ads "Need someone to come over and pull out bushes will pay 10 dollars an hour" but bottom line is people pay that for these leeches. Just like leeches they use an anesthesia to keep our bodies numb while they suck our blood.
And again I'll say this. "If a friend of yours was jobless and homeless, how long would you put him/her up in your place before you kicked them out? Lets say they costed you money in electricity and food, but they fixed up the home. "
Last edited by cpt.fass1 (2010-04-28 09:20:34)
we looked away while the holocaust was happening? im not quite sure that's how the history went...ATG wrote:
Oh yeah?FatherTed wrote:
you're mental.ATG wrote:
Actually, the local cops have been told to not do the feds job, prior to this. A cop would pull somebody over who was speeding, he would write a ticket to a person who was using a stolen i.d. who would never appear in court.
Driving without a license is a crime.
Driving without insurance is a crime.
Identity theft is a crime.
I agree, cops don't need a shit system like this. Arizona, Texas and soon Utah are simply pointing out that the epic failure of the feds is no longer acceptable.
The SLCPD’s own data shows that in 2008 44.25% of the crime in Salt Lake City was committed by Hispanics. To verify this, I contacted BCI which had the total crime in Salt Lake City as 46.78% with 81.82% of the murders and 75% of rapes being committed by Hispanics (see attached spreadsheet).
http://steveu.com/blog/2009/07/illegal- … civil.html
What that means is that we now have a crisis that is ripping this country apart.
81.82% of the homicides in Utah, where I am moving, are committed by hispanic illegal aliens.
This is a fucking scourge and if the feds position is that all people on u.s. soil are citizens then, shit is going to explode and blood will run in the streets.
While I enjoy the discourse with my European brethren I'd suggest that if you don't like what is happening, mind your own business. Look away until it's over. You guys are good at that.
Are you saying those stats are a lie?
I see this as nothing less than a battle for the survival of The United States of America.
And frankly, the opinions of Europeans ( I tried saying it nicely ) mean exactly jackshit to me.
See, you guys looked away while millions were led to their deaths at the hands of the Nazis and their friends.
You have no credibility.
And all the American people want is law and order. It's that simple.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Yeah it's not as if we started a big war or nothing.ATG wrote:
See, you guys looked away while millions were led to their deaths at the hands of the Nazis and their friends.
You have no credibility.
As I said, it would be economic and POLITICAL suicide not to provide for education. You would get all sorts of shit from all sorts of places. The US is one of the most philanthropic nations on Earth, spending billions upon billions of dollars trying to reach UN MDG goals. It would be hypocritical to give 40 billion dollars to shit hole Africa for education and not even help people within their own borders. Sure some fuckers will get their buddy to steal shit for them, but that doesn't make it the majority. No shit I'd kick a friend out whos jobless after a long fucking time. It's not because "oh every child is oh so special." It's just a way to keep tab on how many illegals in your area as well. Deporting them won't help, because they'll just come right back. Allowing for easier immigration is the fucking solution, because in the end they will pay taxes. Mexicans don't wait for work visas you know why? Coz the US is just right at the fucking border. Might as well do something like what Aus and NZ did with PRs and immigration, solves a shit load of immigration problems and cuts a lot of costs as well.cpt.fass1 wrote:
Why? Cause every child is special and our future... That's a bunch of bullshit, we're turning all the kids who want and do into children of why bother?Cybargs wrote:
They still kinda pay taxes (service and sales taxes)... so you can't exactly say they're not tax payers. Sure they don't pay as much but I doubt people on welfare checks pay a lot of taxes too. Best solution is keep the kids in school... It would be political and economic suicide not to. I know theres a huge problem in attitude amongst a lot of students of lower socioeconomic status.cpt.fass1 wrote:
OK well then take away the special services they have, like the education. Make it more benefical to be a citizen then it isn't?
Is that too much to ask?
Also on the what breads crime and crack dens IS poor economic situations, so why don't we build up our crime and crack den riddled areas?
If a friend of yours was jobless and homeless, how long would you put him/her up in your place before you kicked them out? Lets say they costed you money in electricity and food, but they fixed up the home.
Yeah they still kind of pay taxes, no they don't.. I"m not sure if you live in an heavy Illegal immigrant area, but if you don't let me explain it to you.
They don't go to super markets, they either have a buddy in the food industry that steal them food or they go to soup kitchens to get free food. They don't actually go to stores, I lived in Jersey City for a real long time and you never see "illegal Emigrants" in stores(now of course I'm profiling). Also they get they're clothing from salvation army's are charities and they live in the woods and under bill boards.
They contribute NOTHING, other then cheap labor which isn't even cheap. I would love the day where I pop in craigslist to find ads "Need someone to come over and pull out bushes will pay 10 dollars an hour" but bottom line is people pay that for these leeches. Just like leeches they use an anesthesia to keep our bodies numb while they suck our blood.
And again I'll say this. "If a friend of yours was jobless and homeless, how long would you put him/her up in your place before you kicked them out? Lets say they costed you money in electricity and food, but they fixed up the home. "
Texas is looking to follow.... This is sooo a mistake. I would be very surprised now if the power trio (BO, Reid, Pelosi) didn't rahm through a sweeping amnesty policy. These guys don't handle criticism or opposing viewpoints well. It is coming.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
all it is is pandering to primary voters without regard to the general election. that would probably work in the bible belt but not so much texas or arizona.
Tu Stultus Es
I've also been on the stance that our methods of stopping illegals is a Giant waste of money. That's why what I"m stateing is instead of doing none effective ways of stopping them, you use effective ways. As in give U.S. Citizen better benifits then Illegals, make our labor afforable again. Cut public services to illegal immigrants and stop being giant pussies about this whole thing.
I'm sick of carring people on my back and want a future for my children(when I can finally afford to have some, yes that's responsibilty).
I'm sick of carring people on my back and want a future for my children(when I can finally afford to have some, yes that's responsibilty).
^^^^^^^Qtfeleven bravo wrote:
all it is is pandering to primary voters without regard to the general election. that would probably work in the bible belt but not so much texas or arizona.
These guys, on both sides, are preaching to the base. There will be no workable solution that comes out of this. It a garbage law designed to garner headlines and to rally voters in the up coming election and you can be guaranteed that that is how it is going to be used.
I posted earlier that a real solution would be for the states to pass a law forcing counties and law enfocement to bill the state for healthcare and incarceration costs. The state then pays the counties to aleviate the burden on local taxpayers and then the state can seek to recoup those funds from the federal government... That an approach that would have real result and might bring resolution to some of these issues.
But as it stands now... both sides would rather do nothing but finger point... I'll wait to hear about the first illegal stop in "Aryizona" of a citizen that result in a huge lawsuit, because you know that is where this is going to end up.
Whites won't really take the jobs that illegal immigrants do in the first place. Your arguments are the same for stopping Irish immigration during 1800s.cpt.fass1 wrote:
I've also been on the stance that our methods of stopping illegals is a Giant waste of money. That's why what I"m stateing is instead of doing none effective ways of stopping them, you use effective ways. As in give U.S. Citizen better benifits then Illegals, make our labor afforable again. Cut public services to illegal immigrants and stop being giant pussies about this whole thing.
I'm sick of carring people on my back and want a future for my children(when I can finally afford to have some, yes that's responsibilty).
I don't see the Federal Government paying the bill.Diesel_dyk wrote:
I posted earlier that a real solution would be for the states to pass a law forcing counties and law enfocement to bill the state for healthcare and incarceration costs. The state then pays the counties to aleviate the burden on local taxpayers and then the state can seek to recoup those funds from the federal government... That an approach that would have real result and might bring resolution to some of these issues.
Why would they?
Who's going to make them pay?

it was the usual 'there will be blood' shit i was calling you out on. lay off the grass.ATG wrote:
Oh yeah?FatherTed wrote:
you're mental.ATG wrote:
Actually, the local cops have been told to not do the feds job, prior to this. A cop would pull somebody over who was speeding, he would write a ticket to a person who was using a stolen i.d. who would never appear in court.
Driving without a license is a crime.
Driving without insurance is a crime.
Identity theft is a crime.
I agree, cops don't need a shit system like this. Arizona, Texas and soon Utah are simply pointing out that the epic failure of the feds is no longer acceptable.
The SLCPD’s own data shows that in 2008 44.25% of the crime in Salt Lake City was committed by Hispanics. To verify this, I contacted BCI which had the total crime in Salt Lake City as 46.78% with 81.82% of the murders and 75% of rapes being committed by Hispanics (see attached spreadsheet).
http://steveu.com/blog/2009/07/illegal- … civil.html
What that means is that we now have a crisis that is ripping this country apart.
81.82% of the homicides in Utah, where I am moving, are committed by hispanic illegal aliens.
This is a fucking scourge and if the feds position is that all people on u.s. soil are citizens then, shit is going to explode and blood will run in the streets.
While I enjoy the discourse with my European brethren I'd suggest that if you don't like what is happening, mind your own business. Look away until it's over. You guys are good at that.
Are you saying those stats are a lie?
I see this as nothing less than a battle for the survival of The United States of America.
And frankly, the opinions of Europeans ( I tried saying it nicely ) mean exactly jackshit to me.
See, you guys looked away while millions were led to their deaths at the hands of the Nazis and their friends.
You have no credibility.
And all the American people want is law and order. It's that simple.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Says who? That's such bullshit, I"m sure out of the 12% unemployeed in this country that their would be plenty of people to jump on jobs. Under the table job to offset their loss with unemployement so they can keep their home, their car and their future. Tell me who the fuck is this lazy american white person and I'll show you a welfare receipant.Cybargs wrote:
Whites won't really take the jobs that illegal immigrants do in the first place. Your arguments are the same for stopping Irish immigration during 1800s.cpt.fass1 wrote:
I've also been on the stance that our methods of stopping illegals is a Giant waste of money. That's why what I"m stateing is instead of doing none effective ways of stopping them, you use effective ways. As in give U.S. Citizen better benifits then Illegals, make our labor afforable again. Cut public services to illegal immigrants and stop being giant pussies about this whole thing.
I'm sick of carring people on my back and want a future for my children(when I can finally afford to have some, yes that's responsibilty).
Also why you bringing race into it?
Last edited by cpt.fass1 (2010-04-28 10:31:51)
YOU have to understand your stupid. No way in hell are the majority of illegal Mexicans criminals the way you describe them, just no way. Your just jumping on whatever FOX news has got on TV right now. And anyone even mentioning actually going out and shooting these people is really really sad and retarded. Put your balls where your mouths are and go use illegals as target practice, don't just talk about it.cpt.fass1 wrote:
Are you guys blind to the notion that we're not getting these hard working, educated people that are just looking for a fair shot in the U.S?
The people who are coming over are living in shanty towns up and down our land and equivalent to Gypsies. They work our food industry jobs with third world country ailments, they get weapons and rob or sell drugs. They are not these law abiding citizens who just want to work hard for low wages. Why can't you understand that?
Last edited by rawls2 (2010-04-28 10:52:01)
Ok I'm stupid? By the way I've never once said mexican or brought race into it. It's the illegal population as a whole from everywhere. I also don't watch fox news but anyway, when did I say "shot" them? Also it's you're not your.rawls2 wrote:
YOU have to understand your stupid. No way in hell are the majority of illegal Mexicans criminals the way you describe them, just no way. Your just jumping on whatever FOX news has got on TV right now. And anyone even mentioning actually going out and shooting these people is really really sad and retarded. Put your balls where your mouths are and go use illegals as target practice, don't just talk about it.cpt.fass1 wrote:
Are you guys blind to the notion that we're not getting these hard working, educated people that are just looking for a fair shot in the U.S?
The people who are coming over are living in shanty towns up and down our land and equivalent to Gypsies. They work our food industry jobs with third world country ailments, they get weapons and rob or sell drugs. They are not these law abiding citizens who just want to work hard for low wages. Why can't you understand that?
Our jails are over crowded with Illegals? I'm not a fox news jumper but I also see it first hand I lived in jersey city witch was a highly hispanic area. Many of whom are hard working citizen who are also sick of the illegals.
Maybe we should just give them a state, see how they make it on their own.
Where are you living that you don't deal with Illegal Aliens?
I would also like to hear what you think the benefits of Illegal aliens are?
Last edited by cpt.fass1 (2010-04-28 11:04:48)
Look, this doesn't, obviously apply to all European people or nations. Ireland, scottland and many other nations shed blood to stop it. Granted.Uzique wrote:
we looked away while the holocaust was happening? im not quite sure that's how the history went...ATG wrote:
Oh yeah?FatherTed wrote:
you're mental.
Are you saying those stats are a lie?
I see this as nothing less than a battle for the survival of The United States of America.
And frankly, the opinions of Europeans ( I tried saying it nicely ) mean exactly jackshit to me.
See, you guys looked away while millions were led to their deaths at the hands of the Nazis and their friends.
You have no credibility.
And all the American people want is law and order. It's that simple.
But, church leaders and politicians in europe facilitated the round up and slaughter of Jews and others.
The Jews were killed not just by the Nazis but by the civilians of many countries. There were eager bodies to dig graves to fill with Jews. Such a calamity would never have happened without some level of support and/or silence from the public.
I say most of Europe owns a collective guilt for the Holocaust.
I also say that what seeds are being sown now will yield a similar crop of death. I think the conflict is what the likes of obama want because it gives him an excuse to excercise dictorial powers. That, is all that mother fucker wants.
" It isn't God bless America, it's God damn America "
You don't stand there listening to that shit for 20 years unless you believe it.
I live in the heart of illegal-dom. Los Angeles baby!! I see illegals everyday, waiting on the corner hoping some asian or another mexican will come by in a van and give work for that day. I dont see them tagging, selling drugs, or anything other than looking for a job. Are there criminal elements mixed up in the bunch? Im sure there are but thats everywhere and done by all races, with citizenship or not. The comment about shooting them was meant for the others in this thread that have mentioned it.cpt.fass1 wrote:
Ok I'm stupid? By the way I've never once said mexican or brought race into it. It's the illegal population as a whole from everywhere. I also don't watch fox news but anyway, when did I say "shot" them? Also it's you're not your.rawls2 wrote:
YOU have to understand your stupid. No way in hell are the majority of illegal Mexicans criminals the way you describe them, just no way. Your just jumping on whatever FOX news has got on TV right now. And anyone even mentioning actually going out and shooting these people is really really sad and retarded. Put your balls where your mouths are and go use illegals as target practice, don't just talk about it.cpt.fass1 wrote:
Are you guys blind to the notion that we're not getting these hard working, educated people that are just looking for a fair shot in the U.S?
The people who are coming over are living in shanty towns up and down our land and equivalent to Gypsies. They work our food industry jobs with third world country ailments, they get weapons and rob or sell drugs. They are not these law abiding citizens who just want to work hard for low wages. Why can't you understand that?
Our jails are over crowded with Illegals? I'm not a fox news jumper but I also see it first hand I lived in jersey city witch was a highly hispanic area. Many of whom are hard working citizen who are also sick of the illegals.
Where are you living that you don't deal with Illegal Aliens?
It's obvious to me that those incapable of discussing the content.eleven bravo wrote:
reading posts
that are typed like this
are so very fucking irritating
Attack the style.
See? This is why this thread will be a waste of time place to ventrawls2 wrote:
YOU have to understand your stupid. No way in hell are the majority of illegal Mexicans criminals the way you describe them, just no way. Your just jumping on whatever FOX news has got on TV right now. And anyone even mentioning actually going out and shooting these people is really really sad and retarded. Put your balls where your mouths are and go use illegals as target practice, don't just talk about it.cpt.fass1 wrote:
Are you guys blind to the notion that we're not getting these hard working, educated people that are just looking for a fair shot in the U.S?
The people who are coming over are living in shanty towns up and down our land and equivalent to Gypsies. They work our food industry jobs with third world country ailments, they get weapons and rob or sell drugs. They are not these law abiding citizens who just want to work hard for low wages. Why can't you understand that?
Nobody fucking said shoot the illegals.
Illegals are shooting at us, kidnapping, robbing and sucking public services.
We are asking the federal government to do its fucking job as defined by the constitution.
Uphold the law. If anything, if they fail, then that will lead to more shooting.
Uphold the law.
So who commits most the crime in Los Angeles?rawls2 wrote:
I live in the heart of illegal-dom. Los Angeles baby!! I see illegals everyday, waiting on the corner hoping some asian or another mexican will come by in a van and give work for that day. I dont see them tagging, selling drugs, or anything other than looking for a job. Are there criminal elements mixed up in the bunch? Im sure there are but thats everywhere and done by all races, with citizenship or not. The comment about shooting them was meant for the others in this thread that have mentioned it.cpt.fass1 wrote:
Ok I'm stupid? By the way I've never once said mexican or brought race into it. It's the illegal population as a whole from everywhere. I also don't watch fox news but anyway, when did I say "shot" them? Also it's you're not your.rawls2 wrote:
YOU have to understand your stupid. No way in hell are the majority of illegal Mexicans criminals the way you describe them, just no way. Your just jumping on whatever FOX news has got on TV right now. And anyone even mentioning actually going out and shooting these people is really really sad and retarded. Put your balls where your mouths are and go use illegals as target practice, don't just talk about it.
Our jails are over crowded with Illegals? I'm not a fox news jumper but I also see it first hand I lived in jersey city witch was a highly hispanic area. Many of whom are hard working citizen who are also sick of the illegals.
Where are you living that you don't deal with Illegal Aliens?
P.S. when you go to the store do you see alot of "Illegal Immigrant" shopping. Just wondering because in Jersey City, one of the hearts of the illegals up here, you never see them in any kind of store..